Great pod tonight and thank god Cathyโ€™s back.

Hope everyone is ok

Much love to you Lisa, we are all supporting you and sending love ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–

Have a great weekend everyone ๐Ÿ˜Š

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Loved Cathy Crunt I am still laughing. To the lady with the C word I am thinking of you. I had breast cancer in 2012, I had to compartmentalise it into stages because it blows your mind. Do one thing and tick it off. Then move to the next thing. I had a superb lady surgeon at the Marsden called Fiona McNeill she made it feel normal. (I do know not everyone likes the Marsden Iโ€™ve heard good and bad). I refused radiotherapy and the tamoxifen went in the bin I just went back to basics with food, and vitamin D every day without fail. I am still here, touch wood for a while yet, 11 years later and didnโ€™t do the conventional medicine, other than an op to remove it . Just felt it was right for me but obviously it wouldnโ€™t suit everyone. It plays horrible games with your mind and I send my love and prayers to you. I must say Iโ€™ve felt very uplifted having Abi back with these podcasts this week. Have a great bank holiday weekend Iโ€™m off to stay with the kids in London x. ๐Ÿค

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Thanks Suzanne,yes i agree about taking it in stages its just everything else thats happened that caused ptsd it has taken time to work thru it all.I have had about 4 different treatments now only 1 worked for about a year. Unfortunately they cannot operate and now its starting to affect the use in my left arm. I know the ct scan is not going to be good news because i havenโ€™t had any treatment for a few months as there is only chemo and radiotherapy left on the table for me.I need to see what this scan shows really before i make a decision because its really starting to affect my quality of life. I really appreciate you sharing your experience as i feel like its just me that refuses the treatments.

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Sadly, the reality is we all just need to have a good laugh at it all right now.

Because, the laughs are going to dry up very soon.

What's needed to deal with what we're facing is not going to happen.

So suck up the giggles while they're available.

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Sorry to say this, but laughs and giggles aren't enough.

They just aren't.

Unless people are prepared to do more, we're f*cked.

And that's just a dose of reality.

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Jean Lately is better than Jean Later. Just loved those eyebrows. Good to see Cathy back.

I hoped that Toby Young would have ditched the ill thought out show after the Emmanuel Centre ditched him. Iโ€™m glad that Laurence Fox has abandoned ship.

I donโ€™t see the term pureblood in the way that you do. Well, we cannot agree on everything Abi! To me it just represents a person who didnโ€™t take the experimental mRNA and so hasnโ€™t got the poison in their body.

Have a wonderful Bank Holiday my lovely xx๐Ÿค—๐ŸŒž๐Ÿธ๐Ÿธ๐Ÿธ๐Ÿธ๐Ÿธ๐Ÿธ

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Praying for a good result for you Lisa xxx

Cathy Crunt is absolute GOLD Abi. We really do need to mock and laugh at them now.

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Fabulous pod tonight. Thoughts and prayers are with you Lisa, sending love x

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Good luck with your CT scan Lisa! I hope all goes well. x

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Talking T-shirts, I was starting to worry that I'd be sporting old news with my BGBBTVNEWS garment ๐Ÿ˜ฑ. Not so, back in fashion ๐Ÿฅณ, coming back up our airwaves ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

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That is taking the piss. Anyone who has had a โ€œbad backโ€ knows that was rubbish. I am surprised by your tolerance. I wouldnโ€™t trust that guy ever again

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Sending big hugs to Lisa ๐Ÿฅฐ.

Great to have Abi and Cathy back on the airwaves xx

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Can you imagine if an Mp handed over their WhatsApp messages over to you, Iโ€™d have been a right nosey bastards trolling through them never mind helping them write a book, all the juicy messages would have been plastered all over the place.

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After 2 attempts i finally managed to listen to this pod,kids turned up so i spent some time with them outside in this beautiful weather.Thanks so much Abi and everyone for the good wishes my scan is 2moro and so far i have managed to keep my mind off it( probably a different story tonight) Also been thinking about our anniversary which is at the end of the week so its something nice to look forward to (a friend is making us a cake)it would have been my mums birthday too. I think my head is a little clearer ( although not perfect)thanks to the reiki and alternative therapies, my mental health was seriously setting me back it was the right thing to do to concentrate on that before i really decide what i do next.Love listening and reading it all.....Love Lisa xxx

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Self-centred, bauble-chasing weirdo ๐Ÿคฃ

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I'm leaving this Substack, now.

Sorry to say that I now feel uncomfortable about it.

Very best wishes to everyone.

Mark x

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Whatโ€™s up chick? Hope youโ€™re okay? Just reading comments now ๐Ÿ’™

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