Apart from instinctively feeling we were being sold a pup I remember the ludicrous social distancing advice that varied enormously from country to country with seemingly arbitrary distances being plucked out of thin air. This was back when I mistakenly believed the Beeb had some credibility as it was on their website that this information appeared.. Within a week or thereabouts I'd cancelled my license never to return.

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I don't pay the license fee and wrote telling them it'd be a cold day in hell before I watched the BBC. I suspect they are already working on a way to fund it via our tax money.

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In Greece they add it to the the electric bill, or used to anyway, and it's really hard to get it removed. I haven't paid a licence fee for many years. I had one for a few months once and found it really hard to get through to them to get a refund, as I had paid for a year or something (this was the days before everything went online). At some point later we got a visit from one of their agents - my husband brought him through into the house where I said "Oh, I'm glad you're here as you owe me some money." His expression was picture. Since then, I just ignore the demands as the envelopes getting redder and redder until they are black, and the threats get wilder and more aggressive, spouting all sorts of made up combinations of letters and number that they plan to somehow used against me. When they can't think of a way to make them any more frightening they start from the beginning! We love watching the progression - we find it hilarious now.

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Immediately they acknowledged my letter, they sent another demand which I shredded. I let them know I'd treat anyone they sent onto my property the same as any trespasser. Apparently my post box is at the end of my drive, so they have no right to go past that point. Whatever the law, I join you in enjoying pissing the bastards off. Greece is another country that seems to be at the forefront of much globalist controlling behaviour.

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Very handy indeed to have a postbox at the end of your drive. I might put one in actually. Greece has been awful for ages. It is unbelievable how they are treating their citizens - they have been on their knees for over 15 yrs. People are giving houses they inherit to the state because they cannot afford the taxes on eg trees! They tax fruit trees. You have to pay tax if you do improvements to your house! They halved the pensions of ex-civil servants (eg for my friend who was a nurse all her life) almost overnight around 2009, so pensioners looking through bins for food became common. You cannot get any type of out of work benefit if you do not pass a health test. They have men in black (tax men) go round tourist businesses in the summer looking at receipts, opening tills and quizzing customers. If they find one receipt out of place (say a customer threw it in an ash tray) they close you and fine you and even put up big signs and tape saying "this business has committed tax fraud". They simply take money straight from the till if they can find fault with anything. Couples who work non-stop are still unable to afford to move out from their parents and have children. etc etc... if you want to see how bad it can get - see what is happening beneath the tourist facade out there!

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Wow, a real eye opener. My only experience of Greece is enjoying many holidays in Corfu and Rhodes as a 'lad.' I found the people to be friendly and, purposely, unhurried. I've no experience of mainland Greece but it pains me to hear what the people are having to endure.

I'm not sure what institutions were throwing, high interest, loans around - IMF, ECB, or whoever got rid of Kwarteng. The creation of fake money (quantitative easing), fuelling a boom, is always followed by the people owning less and paying more, once money supply is subsequently restricted. The health stazi will surely link up with insurance companies in the UK (sooner under Starmer) to penalise anyone who doesn't comply.

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I have said from March 2020, Starmer will get in and finish the job - really go for it. It took longer than I thought it would though. I was living in Greece when they locked down and it was much much worse. It's mostly why I moved back. One main thing was that it is illegal not to send your child to school and they have to have all the vax they are told to to enrol (I forged a document from a fake GP surgery in UK) and they were making all children age 3 and up wear masks all day in school even during PE and outside. I took my children out of school until we could move back to UK. Police (who cruised around slowly constantly) stopped your car or you out walking to check you had masks on and a 'permission text' from the state to be out on your one allowed outing a day, or had filled out a form with all the details of why you were out - timings etc (we just used multiple forms but it was still really oppressive - needed to show ID etc.). Only 2 people allowed in car. Masks everywhere at all times with security on the doors at supermarkets etc. You had to have the vax or you were made to test twice a week in an official setting (or not allowed to work). They fined people over 70 years old 100 euro a month if they did not have the vax. But the good thing was that about 50% of people there were awake from the start or very soon after - much better than here. Every Greek friend of ours was. So we still have sleepovers for the kids, and knew which bars, restaurants and shops to go to without complying. Although you had to be careful for friends as the shop would be fined on the spot if a customer was not wearing a mask.

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Now you mention it Abs I felt shit on Weds. Cane home early from work with a migraine and could barely keep my eyes open. Had to stop at a garage for emergency painkillers and a drink. Yesterday tired again then back to normal today (Friday). It was torrential rain here midweek.

Will try magnesium for the twitch. Kids used all my Epsom salts 😞

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They probably are putting some sort of pollutant out.I was also tired mid week and then, come the bank holiday weekend, was alive again....We have only had about 3 sunny days in months here in Nottingham 🙄We do have one of the few remaining coal fired power stations in the country near us and then East Midlands Airport has around 400 freight flights a week...I definitely believe in the chemtrail thing though because all the other flights don't leave vivid trails.My dad was an airline pilot from the early 1960's to late 1980's.He sadly died in 2016 and I wasn't awake to all the things I am now. I wish I had asked him all sorts of these questions 😪

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Keeping with your equine theme. Many years ago I went fishing with a mate (a pharmacist, but don't hold it against him) and there were some friendly looking horses in a nearby field. Having ridden a fair bit, I boasted that I could lift up the horse's front hoof, which I did successfully, until it bit me on the arse.

Yep, re. my comments, it was something Ms Poulton said on TNT. And RFK Jnr allegedly had a parasitic worm that ate a part of his brain. Looks like Biden's safe - slim pickings in that head.

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I was able to listen to the pods during the week as they were released, so I didn't see the comments. Having heard the summary I will be revisiting as they sound hestrical!

Hope everyone has a great weekend x

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Completely irrelevant to the pod (probably) but I had to share this somewhere and having given up twitter this felt like the most appropriate forum:

My 12 year old daughter just announced that she thought she had ordered a "really cute bath mat" when what she has actually ordered is a "Muslim prayer mat". 😂

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You’ve just reminded me I went into a motorcycle shop years ago and asked the guy “do you have a plumb helmet?”

Well I think all went plumb laughing except me embarrassed! Xx

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I've noticed that it's the same idiots, who wanted screens and everyone to be vaxed, that go sneezing all over the place now.They don't use tissues but just sneeze into the air or into their hands in the supermarket.I even had an argument with someone in my Malaga hotel bar about it. They were vaxed so think they can sneeze anywhere they like which was above my cocktail!😡!They have no common sense about how bugs are spread!

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deletedMay 25
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Fingerprints as part of Digital ID will be the most damaging for people as it has a power to completely remove the line between a man and a person, between private and personal. People should not cross that line. The war is heating up. EU is to introduce EES this year. There is a clause in EU regulation that person who has not physical possibilities are excluded. Physical possibilities are a subjective. I see this as a possibility to avoid fingerprinting. No need to cut the fingers, just think and answer the question - has a person (a legal fiction) got fingers? This is how we may fight back.

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So depressing!😫

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