Toby Young and the like, will still be in denial as we’re all being herded off on the cattle carts. Lifelong friendships are destroyed by people who fail to see what’s under their nose. Even when the evidence is presented to them, they prefer to remain (Knowingly or not) living in their own comfortable moral relativism. It’s this kind of…
Toby Young and the like, will still be in denial as we’re all being herded off on the cattle carts. Lifelong friendships are destroyed by people who fail to see what’s under their nose. Even when the evidence is presented to them, they prefer to remain (Knowingly or not) living in their own comfortable moral relativism. It’s this kind of cognitive dissonance which will lead us all into the bio-tech surveillance panopticon versions of the Warsaw Ghetto that we see being built all around us. They have cast the net, and we are being roped in. The way I see it, if we acquiesce or give tacit consent by pretending to carry on as before, then you we may as well be dead already. People need to grow a set, and start kicking these councillors out of OUR buildings & telling them they no longer serve us. Same as the MP’s. Another Million march isnt going to cut it. Iraq still went ahead. Alexander Haig said “Let them march all they want, as long as they continue to pay their taxes”. We need real proactive action against this. That means taking down Khan’s the “Scameras” on a huge scale. Tax payers have paid for them not the government ministers. We need huge shows of force. A million camera take down and a total boycott of any businesses that impose restrictions in the upcoming Covid season 2.
Toby Young and the like, will still be in denial as we’re all being herded off on the cattle carts. Lifelong friendships are destroyed by people who fail to see what’s under their nose. Even when the evidence is presented to them, they prefer to remain (Knowingly or not) living in their own comfortable moral relativism. It’s this kind of cognitive dissonance which will lead us all into the bio-tech surveillance panopticon versions of the Warsaw Ghetto that we see being built all around us. They have cast the net, and we are being roped in. The way I see it, if we acquiesce or give tacit consent by pretending to carry on as before, then you we may as well be dead already. People need to grow a set, and start kicking these councillors out of OUR buildings & telling them they no longer serve us. Same as the MP’s. Another Million march isnt going to cut it. Iraq still went ahead. Alexander Haig said “Let them march all they want, as long as they continue to pay their taxes”. We need real proactive action against this. That means taking down Khan’s the “Scameras” on a huge scale. Tax payers have paid for them not the government ministers. We need huge shows of force. A million camera take down and a total boycott of any businesses that impose restrictions in the upcoming Covid season 2.
Talking sense as normal Russ 👍
Hope to do a fun run for all those wheezy,disabled cameras that thankfully are being rescued.
Adopting one for fostering from Beckenham , maybe an evacuation minibus for the Sunshine Coach minibreak!
So true