Scary times when u got Mordaunt calling for youngsters to have national service, they can fuck off like you say Abi they are not sending our youngsters as cannon fodder. I will really lose my shit if this happens after the fuckers lockdowns killed my parents i am not gonna lose my kids and grandkids to their policies.Have to report today…
Scary times when u got Mordaunt calling for youngsters to have national service, they can fuck off like you say Abi they are not sending our youngsters as cannon fodder. I will really lose my shit if this happens after the fuckers lockdowns killed my parents i am not gonna lose my kids and grandkids to their policies.Have to report today 2 maskubators in the xray dept this morning when i went for my Ct scan, i was there first thing and was shocked how many staff there was generally noone in a rush and were so laid back no sign of it being overwhelmed.Bens badges came with me this morning as a tribute to Ben on his birthday, sending much love to you Trudi😘xx
Yes it was so beautiful and heartwarming to see all the love for Ben especially on his birthday just shows there are lots of good people out there even when family let you down( as you know i have the same problem ).I found i am better off without those type of people in my life covid, bereavement's and my cancer diagnosed has shined a huge light and exposed people for what they are.The Ct scan went ok thanks the 2 lads looking after me were lovely all done and dusted in 15 mins which is better for my Ptsd just gotta wait for more tests and the results now for the next lot of treatment my appointments seem never ending.x
My consultant wont be striking they are off long term for some reason🙄but its disgusting wanting a 35% pay rise especially when u see all their fancy cars in the carpark x
Scary times when u got Mordaunt calling for youngsters to have national service, they can fuck off like you say Abi they are not sending our youngsters as cannon fodder. I will really lose my shit if this happens after the fuckers lockdowns killed my parents i am not gonna lose my kids and grandkids to their policies.Have to report today 2 maskubators in the xray dept this morning when i went for my Ct scan, i was there first thing and was shocked how many staff there was generally noone in a rush and were so laid back no sign of it being overwhelmed.Bens badges came with me this morning as a tribute to Ben on his birthday, sending much love to you Trudi😘xx
Bless you Lisa, I was overwhelmed with love yesterday for his birthday. Not 1 family member contacted me. That’s on them.
Hope the CT scan went okay and sending love as always 💕
Yes it was so beautiful and heartwarming to see all the love for Ben especially on his birthday just shows there are lots of good people out there even when family let you down( as you know i have the same problem ).I found i am better off without those type of people in my life covid, bereavement's and my cancer diagnosed has shined a huge light and exposed people for what they are.The Ct scan went ok thanks the 2 lads looking after me were lovely all done and dusted in 15 mins which is better for my Ptsd just gotta wait for more tests and the results now for the next lot of treatment my appointments seem never ending.x
My consultant wont be striking they are off long term for some reason🙄but its disgusting wanting a 35% pay rise especially when u see all their fancy cars in the carpark x
Like that!
Masks are "sheep droppings"round here.
And we call the Greenies " Warmons"...
My word for mask wankers🤣