Jul 6Liked by Abi Roberts

Nice to hear ‘Rebels on Roundabouts’ get a mention. I joined them 2 or 3 times near me. It was boring AF stood there in the freezing bastard cold holding a placard but the messages really did reach a lot of people driving past. I remember an ambulance driver going past giving us an approving thumbs up. It’s little things like that when you realise the message is getting through/how many people ‘get it’.

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Jul 5·edited Jul 5

The 25-35 year olds have been trained to blame Home owners and lack of building for their inability to have their own houses. Of course they won't have an inheritance as their parents will be taxed to death. Perhaps you don't see it in London but there will be food shortages because the arable land is being gobbled up on a massive scale.

My two elderly friends voted Tory, by post, and my cousin will have voted Labour and reckoned Blair had done a lot of good things. We haven't seen the last of Blair.

So Amazon will spy on us and the data, on all of us, will be held in the massive new, proposed, development in Australia.

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Well we are all screwed. Don't be surprised when conscription comes in for the youth going to war with Russia. Sad times and its sick

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Agree Marie but I don’t see the youth of today being either willing or able to go to war. Unless there is a MacDonalds nearby and they don’t have an early start then forget it and God forbid that someone might use the wrong pronouns. For the many who will refuse to go to war, what will be the punishment? We are told that the jails are full so may be they will be put into lockdown instead🤷‍♀️

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Wonderful news regarding Tom

Just catching up on this pod ,

I’m in a different position as the lady I support with autism, she’s in her early 60’s ,her mum who is in her 80’S is pushing and insisting for her to have a spring and autumn booster

I’m totally against it and I’m at a loss of how to get them to understand, it’s utterly unacceptable , 😫

Enjoy your weekend abi put your feet up and have a large glass of something 💫🥰😘

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Heroic stuff Abi, felt as though I was there! Sleep well and many congratulations.

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I can't believe the amount of elderly family friends who said,"I'll be voting Labour because we need a change "Yikes.This is what we're dealing with!Of course they don't want to question vaccines either.Yikes again!

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Yes, double yikes!

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I’ve been reading An Inner Step Toward God again today…it’s the one I bought and read when you first mentioned Fr Men ages ago and I can’t recommend it highly enough. Your first-hand experience has brought him to life and his spirit just shines from every page; today being reminded about The Lord’s Prayer, and how essential it is if we want to be ‘protected by a spiritual wall..an inner citadel’… which I definitely do after events overnight (sat up until 5am watching the rout) and also having read half of The Imperfect Individual 😳

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Fucking hell indeed .....🤦‍♀️

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I forgot all about that! Yes we used to have to ask to "get down from the table"!. I do wish I had done more of that with my children.

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"Kier Stalin" - perfect!

Your Russian is so impressive. It reminded me of that bit in A Fish called Wanda where John Cleese speaks it to (for) JL Curtis!

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A great pod to end the week Abi and what a week it has been. Enjoy your weekend, relaxing and reading and a few 🍹🍸xx💋

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We have to also remember that we were one of the few countries in the West that didn't have vax passports.I reckon that the House of Lords may be a good thing....I know the lefties want rid of them though...

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