
I’m not a very forgiving person. My youngest son, who I willing gave up my life for 3 years when he had non-hodgkins lymphoma, didn’t speak to me for 6 months because I wouldn’t take the poison. It broke my heart and I felt destroyed. My son now speaks to me but our relationship will never be the same.

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Take comfort from the fact that he was brainwashed into that terrible behaviour. I don't think it will be the same with my daughter either. They may yet surprise us to the upside. I think Abi is right that it's a process with a timescale that can't be forced and we must try to avoid corrosive family splits no matter how wronged we feel.

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It went beyond the fake pandemic for my youngest son who was also angry with me because I support both Djokovic and Verstappen! He tells me that they are both racist and I should be ashamed of myself. They are both great sportsmen and I enjoy watching them. He approves of nothing I say or do, he says my mindset is all wrong! Time will tell.

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The woke mind virus runs deep. He's in a cult - usually includes all of Covid, climate, CRT and rainbow but you can pick and mix. I can't imagine a greater role model than Djokovic.

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I can't tell you my disappointment and horror when someone asked me only son if he'd and the vaccines and he replied yes knowing how much I opposed them. That he could ignore the warnings of his mother who had done everything in her power to protect him for the 23 years of his life to that point. Thankfully no signs of damage. We can only do our best. Xx

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Fascinating pod, a lesson in linguistics.

I know the word ‘tartle’ but have never used it. I think it comes from the Highlands. ‘Pardon my tartle’….excuse me whilst I try and remember your name.

I have a few favs though.

‘Scunnered’ one of my fav words I use a lot, especially over the last 4 years means totally fed up or I’ve had enough.

‘Bowfin’ if something stinks or tastes horrible.

‘Glaikit’ meaning stupid looking.

‘Boak’ being sick ‘dry boak’ heaving.

‘Up tae high doh’….. I’ve had enough.

‘Diteit’ a favourite of Mr Jules when someone looks a bit daft or no right.

‘Haud yer wheesht’ shut your mouth.

‘Loupin’ throbbing pain.

‘Baffies’ yer slippers.

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Haha Jules so good x

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I laughed out loud while in the bath. "Love is so cruel it can make you fall in love with a goat!" 🐐 Certainly been there! I prefer to use the word bastard 🤣 Translation love is blind!

Interesting lesson. Really enjoyed it! x P.S I'm so broke the cat is weeping 🤣😿

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We say ‘is the cat deid?’ when someone’s trousers are too short for them….I’ve no idea why 😂🤷🏻‍♀️

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It's said in Yorkshire too. I believe it's something to do with rats or mice eating the bottom of your trousers. If they are too short the cat must have died as the rodents are not being taken care of by the cat. Something like that anyway! x

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What about the budgie? 😀

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Others are having had your ‘Nat King Cole’ - yer hole or ‘yer boabby’. A watch of Rab C or Still Game is a must for the ‘glesge patter’. Ohhhh the patter 😂

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Yes,sometimes gets shortened to ‘he got his Nat last night’ 😩

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It’s because your troosers are at half mast hen. I mind the expressions above having lived on the west coast of scotland back in the 90’s 😃

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Of course doh 🤦‍♀️ Mr Jules says he’s also heard ‘is yer budgie deid?’ 😃

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I laughed out loud while in the bath. "Love is so cruel it can make you fall in love with a goat!" 🐐 Certainly been there! I prefer to use the word bastard 🤣 Translation love is blind!

Interesting lesson. Really enjoyed it! x

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Not been on twatter for years. Prefer the podcast or longer form version of substack. Listen or read it and get on with your life….

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Before listening, I took the title of this pod to be about the first mammogram (pancake breast compress) to result in a lump! How wrong I was. Another smashing pod x

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Yes my husband always zoned out looking out of the lounge window into the garden haha probably because he got sick of me asking him to clean them 😉. 84 panes yes you read that right we used to do 42 each and meet in the middle. I literally lose the will to live at 21. I can honestly say he did his 42 under duress 😂. Funnily enough I find myself just staring out now zoned out x

Ps to continue your Russian theme Bonkers Biden just introduced Zelensky onto the stage at the UN as President Putin 😁 and commie Cammy Harris as Vice President Trump x

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