Trudi, my friend knows the score as do we. She is so angry with all that has happened these past 3 years. We could do with these Funeral Directors coming together en masse to scream it from the roof tops all they are seeing day in day out. Obviously they know this is not right.
Did you see Project Veritas expose of the Pfizer "Directed Evolution" wanker. Horrible evil people.
I just live in hope that one day the Psychopaths are truly brought to book.
Hope you are well Trudi, much love to you. Jane xxxxx
Your poor friend 😞🥰
Trudi, my friend knows the score as do we. She is so angry with all that has happened these past 3 years. We could do with these Funeral Directors coming together en masse to scream it from the roof tops all they are seeing day in day out. Obviously they know this is not right.
Did you see Project Veritas expose of the Pfizer "Directed Evolution" wanker. Horrible evil people.
I just live in hope that one day the Psychopaths are truly brought to book.
Hope you are well Trudi, much love to you. Jane xxxxx
Yes, I saw that video, that guy is deranged 😳🥰
I know, truly insane. These are the kind of people we are dealing with. It is terrifying. xxx