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Btw I don't mean I forgive the jab pushers and the media types! Just people close to me that acted in fear. The cunts on the wall deserve whatever comes their way!! As for people still lining up to be jabbed I'm afraid they will have to at some point take responsibility for their choices. Just like we had to when we were ostracized from society. If someone is ready to admit that they were fooled I am happy to support them in their hour of need. But I no longer waste my time asking people to do research. If they want to know it's all there. Hope you are well Jan

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Kirsty, I feel sorry for those people who were coerced into taking the mRNA for their job and even those that were brainwashed by big pharma and the media into taking the jab.

My longterm friends who dropped me for not taking the jab and said vile things to me will not be forgiven. This year I got a birthday card from a friend who dropped me 2 years ago. In the card she wrote “let’s meet up soon”, as if nothing had happened. The card went in the bin.

Anyone that still buys into the scam pandemic is lost. They do not want to even read the real science and don’t want to hear about vaxx damage and death.

Wishing you the very best Kirsty x

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So sorry Jan .. I have experienced similar here. Friends just stopped talking to me or contacting me once they sussed how I felt. I was not vocal about it. Silence speaks louder than words, but I feel guilty also because I was avoiding confrontation with them. Hearing that my friend was "following the science" and why wasn't I and then parroting CNN talking points, bragging how her whole family got the jabs. Posting pics on FB of family camping trips while I was shut out of society. I had to get off FB after that as well as all the other friends on there bragging about getting their bloody jabs. It was enough. After that "following the science" convo .. years of silence. Only recently I heard from her.. talking to me like the last two years did not happen. I am polite but not very forth coming. This is a life long pal. So it is very sad. And honestly don't even know if she has even woken up. Not to mention being made to feel like an outcast by own family. Still no admissions from them either. I will never forget this 💩.

Thank you again Abi for the excellent production of The Wall of Cunts!. You were a 🌟 in it!! and that voice at the beginning.. 😂 and can see it from Space! 🤣👏👏 Soooo good! Can't tell you how many times I have watched it ❤️xo

Hello to all! 💖

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Same here! Is sad how many ppl would sell us all.The evil idiots cannot do anything without the help of sell outs. MORALITY is doing what is right regardless of what you are told.

OBEDIENCE is doing what you are told regardless of what is right.

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Dont get upset about it.. the bastards who put wedges between us and our families are to blame.... not our familes.. I sent my tripled-jabbed mum SO much information.. but she still went ahead and did what she was told.. now she's getting ill, she's less cynical about my reasons for not complying.. but what a price all those innocents will pay for not trusting us over the "experts".. its saddening and maddening all at once.. I hope I'm alive to see a few of the evil ones decorating lamp-posts.. they really deserve it.

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Feb 26, 2023
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I HATE all the buggers on that wall.. and many not yet mentioned, but am less angry for those close to us who were convinced to trust "experts" over people who cared about them..

They were frightened and propagandised.. it wasn't their fault.. I am mostly sad for them.. many will pay a dreadful price for trusting the "authorities"

And we will miss them.. Rosanne Barr on the vax, to make you laugh 2.5 mins..


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