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No irony just same old same old. Anne Franks diary was partly written in ballpoint pen which didn’t exist at the time it was supposedly written ..it was written by her sheckel grubbing father. Every aspect of the scamdemic is kosher starting with documents or blueprints by the Bank of International Settlements ,Operation Lockstep, Event 201, Microsoft patent to connect humans to the cloud to run their digital social credit score system ..the list is endless. Like Rothchild said I care not who makes a nations laws as long as I control their money!!

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Amschel Meyer weaponised money placing his sons in arears of importance in order to know what lawmakers might be considering and to be sure all their wars would be financed by the Jew led 1%. WW2 was a clear question of a need to defend European finance long enough to transfer world no 1 position to the USA. Only money power could have made governments and medicine call covid a pandemic

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Right..I believe it was the sow that birthed the Rothchild demons who said; if my sons didn’t want wars there would be none. It all starts with the money changers

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You might at least take the trouble to spell 'shekel' and 'Rothschild' correctly.

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You might want to make an actual contribution to the conversation instead of correcting someone’s spelling.. I don’t really care about the “spelling” but I guess it gives you something to do

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You may not care, but the spelling is actually significant.

Rothschild: 'Roth' = Red

& 'schild' = shield.

It refers to the emblem attached to the front door of the Meyer's residence.

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I was merely pointing out that your bilious outpourings might carry more weight if you took a little more trouble. You hardly come over as an authority if you can't spell the name of someone you're dissing.... Or perhaps there really is a family somewhere called Rothchild who deal in sheckles?

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Well my new phone kind of does it’s own thing ..and as far as spell check this smart phone is a bit dumb. At least I am not a 8200 , copy and paste troll and I think even you got the gist of my post. I can try to pay more attention to detail.. but not making any promises…guess I am a flawed human

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So rather than dispute what she was saying in a rational way, you chose to attack unimportant aspects of it.. and to throw in an insult or two.. nice going.. there's a famous group who use those tactics.. cant dispute the fact.? attack the person..


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Right ..that is the M O .. not willing to debate the issue so attack the messenger. It’s just like how TRUTH is now HATE

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I reviewed my comment and couldn't see an 'insult'. You are, of course, welcome to your opinion.

It's hard to argue against statements that are made with no reference as to source.

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Come on John.. "I was merely pointing out that your bilious outpourings" is intentionally insulting..

The JQ is complicated.. and tarring all with the same brush is stupid, but they have a big and unavoidable influence, and as far as most others are concerned.. a negative one.. I could provide links, info etc but I have no wish to hijack Abi's site and turn it into a JQ forum.. she actually DID something.. which is more than many of us.. and I dont wanna get into arguments with people I suspect I mostly agree with.. the people I'M talking about are not really part of the group they hide within, they just use it as a shield against criticism of their criminal actions.. if we start posting links to stuff unrelated to Abi's posts.. it would be a bad idea IMO.. even though I want to.. lets keep pointing out the crimes.. and when the majority are aware.. we can take a closer look at the criminals.

Thats my take.

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I've no idea what JQ is.

As to whether describing someone's words is personally insulting, I guess we'll have to agree to differ.

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So we've found SOMETHING you're not an expert in at least.. if you're not familiar with the JQ than "billious outpourings" seems somewhat uninformed..

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Your use of “bilious” is sketchy and be truthful you were trying to infer your superiority over dumb little me.. you might not be as clever as you think. One would think with all your abilities you could research a source yourself

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I disagree about the sketchiness, but at least you've moved on from blaming your phone. That's progress...

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You truly are a condescending twat….hopefully insulting others can resolve you inferiority complex

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Lol, he did out himself early with the above comment. What a knob and yes I've added the K because like the cereal your a bit special.

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