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I agree and truly hope this will happen. I refuse to comply and live in a world that the globalists have planned for us.

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I've never understood this claim of depopulation. I agree the "vaccines" are killing a lot of people, but if you look at the mortality figures for the last couple years in the US, you're talking about a couple hundred thousand people - horrific from a public health and criminal point of view, but in terms of putting any noticeable dent in a global population of 8 billion, it's insignificant. A million deaths represents only 1/100 of 1% of the global population - I don't think people realize the scale of death required to depopulate the planet anywhere remotely close to the degree described in typical NWO lore.

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The vaccines.. (not to mention the coming global financial collapse and the CBDC following it) are in batches.. If my research is correct.. about 5% were literally lethal.. people dying quite soon (hours or minutes) or a few days afterwards.. about 30% were placebos (saline) so as many people would claim.. "they are perfectly safe jabs, no side effects" and the majority were cocktails of experimental ingredients.. graphine oxide, (as an adjuvant) plus (if we are to believe the virologists) spike proteins.. plus the usual toxins, formaldehyde, mercury and aluminium.. and unknown ingredients.. (the manufacturers refuse to disclose all the ingredients) so people are dropping dead from myocarditus, Pericarditus, strokes.. huge numbers are being permanently disabled.. etc etc.. because its not all happening at once, they are managing to keep the public unaware.. yes 60,000 die every year in the U.S from flu.. but flu is of the shelf for the moment.. its disappeared.. they are still pushing "Covid" and its variants.. could you kill off large sections of all populaces and not end up decorating a lampost.? of couse not.. it is happening gradually and from multiple causes.. so they can disclaim any responsibility..

All cause mortality is going up by over thirty % in several country's not to mention unprecedented levels of sterilisation and miscarriages.. some womens cycles have gone crazy, not to mention that we dont really know how many people have really been affected because your average joe and mary think "well, sometimes people just die or get ill.." which of course is true..

All cause mortality is up a LOT in many countries.. I will try and find you some links.. I may be some time.. :o)

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yes, I've been following excess mortality in a number of places. I agree that it's bad, I also agree there's a good chance it may get a lot worse; the breadth of adverse effects is kind of stunning and only time will tell for sure what that will do to mortality statistics. I guess I'm just against using the term "depopulation" because to me that implies the NWO/Georgia guidestones concept of depopulation, and I don't see any way that covid and it's downstream effects will get anywhere near that level of destruction - let's hope anyway.

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Yeah.. I wasn't suggesting you didn't get it Rob.. I knew by your previous comment you'd done the research..

And I'm much in agreement with what you say..

Kind of a coincidence that the Guidestones were removed shortly after an explosion of sorts there.. eh.?

Maybe they didn't want the public thinking about just how long the "elites" have been promoting the idea of too many people.. as a londoner.. I know european populations have been fairly stable for quite a long time..

and "man-made global warming created by overpopulation" would've been a much more difficult sell in europe without the massive influx of migrants which has now been going on for over 60 years.. another co-incidence of course.. cheers.

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