Barb I used to sit and take the piss on the odd occasion I caught a few minutes of the pantomime, saying how brave they all were putting their Ives on the line to keep us updated. My other half bought the whole thing and still can’t admit they were conned. Of course deep down they know, saying it out loud means they have to apologise to…
Barb I used to sit and take the piss on the odd occasion I caught a few minutes of the pantomime, saying how brave they all were putting their Ives on the line to keep us updated. My other half bought the whole thing and still can’t admit they were conned. Of course deep down they know, saying it out loud means they have to apologise to the dumbest one in the family, who just happened to be able to sit unpicking the rubbish they told people.
Barb I used to sit and take the piss on the odd occasion I caught a few minutes of the pantomime, saying how brave they all were putting their Ives on the line to keep us updated. My other half bought the whole thing and still can’t admit they were conned. Of course deep down they know, saying it out loud means they have to apologise to the dumbest one in the family, who just happened to be able to sit unpicking the rubbish they told people.