May 13Liked by Abi Roberts

This is fucking brilliant, Abi!

Thank you.

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Thanks. I really enjoyed writing it this morning X

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Oooooo this is a good one.

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Exactly right. Apart from a simmering constant rage that never leaves me, I have a visceral effect when seeing a pic or video of certain people. Gates,Hancock,Hunt etc. Literally can't look at. Along of course with the TV Dr's etc. We are unable to forget... Keep at it Abi. Good work!

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For what it's worth, I could easily pull the lever to the gallows with zero hate or rage in my heart. I could do my duty and I forgive them.

If it starts it will happen in the US because they have treason laws. Katherine Watt has been doing good work in this regard.



I do not think the Owners will ever allow this though.

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May 13Liked by Abi Roberts

Fantastic Abs, spot on my sweetheart.

Lots of love to you

Jane xxx

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Indeed, "Hell is empty, and all the devils are here" it's just finding the fkrs that's the problem 🤦🏼‍♀️

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>it was purely about seeing that morals and ethics were torn to shreds in front of our eyes

Yes they were. And worst of all, at least in Australia, under Emergency powers killing, kidnap, poisoning, propaganda, coercion (and injection by force - although they did not do it) was all perfectly legal. The laws had been on the books for decades and no one noticed until we did.

So the question now is, when these things are legal, and those who affirm life are considered 'illegal' how does one get justice?

The answer is: one does not. There will be no justice because 'justice' was, in fact, carried out under the legal emergency.

Those are the laws we have, and until people understand this, we will be spinning our wheels in the mud forever because that have to first acknowledge these laws in order to remove them, and that can only be done by parliament.

People's eyes are glazing over reading this. They want to be outraged. They want 'justice.' They want to celebrate individual payouts and procedural technicalities as 'wins.'

Most of all, they hate me for saying these things.

No one wants to touch a hot stove - they immediately recoil from the heat. The emergency powers are like the hot stove. Instead, people will turn their backs to the stove and cry about 'how illegal it all was' when in fact, sadly, it was not. The laws exist on the books. They are real, and that is 'justice.'

I'm sorry everyone.

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AS IN CANADA. (Not talking about legal euthanasia.)


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Yep. All the Five Eyes countries pretty much have the same domestic legal structure.

Digital ID was just passed into law in Australia tonight. https://news.rebekahbarnett.com.au/p/breaking-digital-id-passed-in-australian?selection=5f9e39c9-9061-4ed5-85df-48ee905e046c#:~:text=more%20than%2010

I am sure there will be people telling me 'digital ID is illegal' though. It doesn't matter what I show them. They refuse to believe what is right in front of them. Won't read, won't look at links to bills, just live in fairy land where they think that because they do not like something, it is 'illegal.'

Well people need to wake the fuck up. The government can and has been legally murdering us under Emergency powers.

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May 16·edited May 17

I meant Homocide was made intentionally legal prior it in Canada.

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Link to bill? V. interested.

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Saw it some time ago.

Cant remember where.

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I do understand your point I think - and thank you for making it! But I am not sure you are entirely correct, at least in UK. I do not think they were laws, but legislation, and that they were unlawful legislation. I might be incorrect but I have heard convincing arguments to this effect.

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Has anyone won in court to prove the emergency was unlawful? (Bearing in mind it's 2024). Emergency->mandate/direction/legislation (all lawful/legal)

These are the laws we have where I am: https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/the-australian-government-may-legally


They're absolutely awful, and until I can even get people to acknowledge that they exist they will remain on the books forever.

Basically, the point is: if it is voted on and passed by parliament, it is legal and lawful even if it is murder and kidnapping. People have to come to terms with this: the government has legalised their extermination but it is not called this. It is called 'health' or 'anti-terrorism.'

Edit: If you want more, perhaps see Katherine Watt in the US: https://bailiwicknews.substack.com/p/american-domestic-bioterrorism-program

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I absolutely agree that the emergency 'bills' need more scrutiny and exposure. When the first 'covid' emergency bill was pushed through in the UK, almost everyone was asleep (I think it was in the second week of March 2020) - I only know of one person with any media clout at the time, trying to stop it. As they knew it would be key to what came next. There are other key 'emergency' bills too of course that contribute to the issues we now have; ones pertaining to terrorism and others now such as the online harms bill that they are attempting to pass. I agree these are all very important but there are other ways to look at things - such as removal from the system entirely...although I recognise that sounds idealistic and is a whole new topic! I think examination from all angles in essential.

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I totally agree. The system is captured. But people always talk about 'wanting to do things' and the only thing that will work is changing the law - they waste so much time on useless busywork!

But I'm with you. I no longer bother with any of it. Apparently there are only 250k unjabbed adults in Australia now so we are finished. This is from digital Medicare data so I would say it's pretty accurate.

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Today I was very encouraged in the supermarket. Once I hear people who work in Tesco talking truth to agreeing customers I do feel relieved. (It happened back in 2012 when I heard them talking about how butter and sat fats were not in fact bad for you and I was so happy to hear this had reached the mainstream.) So I overheard them saying they would not take any more jabs and that they did not believe in them anymore. They said they only took them to go on holiday (I know...just stupid in so many ways, including the fact that I went on holiday with no jabs or tests). BUT for me, the hardest thing is living in a world with people that think I am mad for my views, so just having others come round to it is a relief. The laws/legislation matters but in many ways it is best to focus on the people around you. SO while all but 250k in Au might have taken the jab, they might not still feel the same way about it.

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Unfortunately they will cave again when the going gets tough. I do not think I can trust them. That's gone for good.

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I don't think that is the sort of action that is taken - to prove something is unlawful in court.

But you can use it for non-compliance. I don't disagree that these people will never face justice in our courts. I am certain they won't.

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Yes, that is what people have done here - see the case of Ben Falconer the policeman in Western Australia. I was advising for years that he would fail his case because the vaccine mandates were legal and indeed his challenge did end up failing.

It is great that he took on the case in court to prove to to public the situation, but oftentimes people cannot understand how bad the situation is until they go through it themselves: https://news.rebekahbarnett.com.au/p/breaking-perth-cop-loses-vaccine

So he was under a state-enforced legal vaccine mandate during a State of Emergency which is legal.

Is it moral? Fuck no.

But until people can see that the law exists, we can't change it. If you watch his video, you can see him getting that realisation himself.

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I haven't looked properly at the links you have sent and I can't right now and even if I did I am not sure I would end up any more informed without then looking a whole lot deeper at other stuff. (Barnett is the name of a faction of my close family living in Oz - another coincidence on Abi's platform - there have been a few of late!). I think they often make examples of people making a stand when they are in the public eye which is why I respect them so much. Whether you win or lose is often down to your defence as the law is a huge grey area. If more of us were taking a stand I am sure you would find more wins. This is what happens in the day to day fight against unlawful legislation such as council tax and income tax.

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Can you provide examples of where people have shown council tax and income tax to be unlawful and won in the court? I would be interested in this.

Also there have been about 500 cases against the mandates in Australia and only one win on a procedural technicality.

Other people have won payouts in personal damages but that was not against the mandates - they affirmed the mandates and emergency were legal in the Agreed facts - even if they were vaccine injured the agreed facts said the 'shots were in the public interest.'

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Thank you Abi, its easier for some to claim they stand in the way of true injustice, but to walk in the world and see it for what it is, almost alone and stay true is something completely different, we will never forget the darkest of days when being true cost everything.

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F-reaking B-I-N-G-O! Brilliant article, Abi. Sooo true. Just read this straight after Miri's article re: that "Dr." Malik. Now, am off to bed knowing I'm not the only one seeing the "truther" "Dr.'s" for what they are: another arm of the BigPharma potion pushing machine of sorcery. Goodnight and God bless you, Abi xxx

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At almost the exact same time, this landed into my inbox along with a piece from Miri called A Bridgen way too far. It's interesting reading them both one after the other - you and Miri are definitely on the same page I think - and both of these fantastic pieces of writing complement each other perfectly - different angles honing in on the truth.

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Brilliant Abs 👏🔥

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Thank you, Jules X

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Absolutely brilliant Abi “The devil has power to assume a pleasing shape” has got to be a quote that everyone should be made aware of…

Excellent writing x

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another corker! xxx

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Great writing Abi

The Devil hath power to assume a pleasing shape is both chilling and true

On a lighter note re “Pet toad” type stuff 😂

An old friend used to leave saying Ethiopia!

When questioned he’d explain it used to be Abyssinia (I’ll be seeing ya) :)

And it has Abi in it

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