Loved your written account of Saturdays March. I went to the Manchester one which was a lot smaller but they did stick more to the covid narrative. I even managed to get my half awake partner to come with me! He had his eyes opened a bit more! Let’s keep chipping away! πŸ‘πŸ»

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The order followers are the most dangerous group

The true beLIEvers scare the fuck outta me.

Hi Abi β˜ΊοΈπŸ‘‹

A side hello to Jan 😊

Perth has fallen

So I just arrived in Borneo yesterday

Looking for a,well more free, less tyrannical

place to live.

I was in Canberra Abi

A million ordinary people with children and grandparents protesting the lockdowns

What did our government do ?

They attacked the people using Lrad sound weapons

Small children with facial burns and people with nausea and fainting

protesting for your freedom doesn't work

They don't care


Do not comply

When faced with authority


I do not comply !

Much love to all

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Christ Will that sounds horrific not a whisper of this on any platforms I'm on, Evil is well a hold God help us.

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Hi Jane β˜ΊοΈπŸ‘‹ it was a big issue on telegram here on Aussie sites

the MSM was totally silent and reported only 10,000


I stopped going after that day

If one in 25 people in the entire country turns out and they still attack us

protesting doesn't work

I was detained for an arvo

The cop actually was sympathetic

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I saw it on Twitter. Absolutely horrendous. In other times so-called principled countries would go to war against Australia for doing that to their people...instead they all approved silently.

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Thank you for the side hello babe😏

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welcome πŸ€— 😘 how good would it be to gather in a pub and shoot the breeze

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It would be just fab. I haven’t had that experience since Abi’s birthday bash in London last June.

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here we like cold beer and hot pies πŸ˜‹

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The only beers I like are the blond Belgian beers, the strong ones that are 10%.

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What a great day that must have been

Super smart and funny people

lots of warm English beer 🍺 πŸ˜‚

and cold pork pies

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It was very much a Prosecco day and Abi arranged some great food, the tiger prawns were incredible. Not a hot or cold pie anywhere to be found!

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Hahaha 🀣 I love stirring up my English cousins

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They had the BearCat vans there too, Will? We had them in Melbourne. Did you have the special foreign riot police in full get up with the purple gear, or ware thEy just Dan's dogs?

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Hi J

I saw the robocops from overseas on video with strange insignia

Jeez the strong city project brought out the nastiest cunts

no in Canberra they looked like home grown cunts

the thought of hurting innocent people who are good and decent never enters these fuckers heads

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Horrendous Will. Hope you find Borneo a good place to be. Keep us posted. πŸ™πŸ»

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Last night I had Indian

With my son

Both ate heaps as I skipped a day

8 pounds each

this was a good restaurant not street food

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Merry Christmas Will to you and your family. I hope 2024 will be a healthy and prosperous year xxπŸΈπŸΉπŸ€—

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From 11mins https://www.youtube.com/live/MUGDqSluciA?si=cCsti4AmN-3Uy5sV

Tyrant finder makes a good point, marches just funneling a certain audience into oblivion. Rbrand a pied piper, masses a audience then is switched off, like the audience have been led off a cliff.

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I really enjoyed this episode, very interesting about the left/communism/common purpose.

You could see that oozing out of the MSM over covid, both with the lockdown rules and the bioweapon injection rollout.

As for who may lead a future "Freedom movement" for me they need a couple of minimum requirements.

1 To be unvaccinated

2 To have publicly called out the tyranny by May 2020 at the very latest.

Maybe we dont even need a movement, its easy to stop this if people just say "NO, I do not consent" and disobey any rule or law that is unjust.

Anyway onwards and upwards, highlight of my day is listening to your podcast. I usually catch up on David Vance's ones first, then on to yours as I love a sweary onpoint interesting rant and save it for last!!

Thanks as always, Nath aka MACs_in_the_VAX

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Cheers, Nath x

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Freedom march headed by Bridgen and his idols...

It’s a big fat fuckoff from me!

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Men who dress as women have the worse taste in clothes, they look like clowns especially the make up.

Yesterday I read this article for the first time β€œFarming is an Art, Culling is a Science” by MiriAF. It’s a long read but definitely worth your time and explains depopulation perfectly.

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She writes some good stuff and lives not that far from me.

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Leave us alone absolutely spot on ! X

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You mention the left have to admit that all the problems come from the left.....Also, the left, if they are honest, are in bed with the corporations. They are their useful idiots until they get thrown under the bus. Look how Western financiers funded both the Nazis and the Bolsheviks. I had the book 'Wall Street and the rise of the Nazis by Antony C Sutton.

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sorry to be gross but I don't think the type of cross-dresser you describe actually want to be women with all the real-life womany things - they mostly just want to get (back) inside a woman and wearing (what they deem to be) feminine clothing etc is the closest they can get - that's my armchair psychological assessment anyway.

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I think …imho that there are men who have psychological issues that cause them to crave female clothing and the genuine ones don’t advertise this fact or celebrate it ..they either do it secretly, privately and or get help….what we have now is a twisted version of this, fanatics pushing an agenda on society and children especially….it’s all part of the β€˜plan’ so to speak …

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yes for definite. I used to know a man like that. I also used to know quite well two trannsexuals (in the early 90s) - I got on very well with them. One looked more like a woman than most of us biological women and the other was Italian and stunning -also very feminine (big hands tho). The second one was obsessed with how realistic her new 'parts' looked and would ask us to give an opinion! The first one - it was really interesting - before I knew she was transsexual, I had gone into a room she was sleeping in and had jumped as what I saw was a man in the bed. In sleep, there was something about her that was just masculine. The position, something instinctive, not sure....but in the day time she looked like Marylin Monroe! Tiny waist etc... All this is not the issue - it's the fact that it is being used by the 'plan' of the psychopaths.

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Male and females are instinctive and psychologically different, you can’t change that.

Regardless of which sex you wish or transition into too to live, genetics, hormones and dna win out in the end. No amount of surgery can replace the hormones that are there naturally.

Unconsciously while asleep the first trans slipped back into what nature gave them and you witnessed it.

This doesn’t mean that they shouldn’t be able to live their lives in peace, they however should not be competing in and against biological females. I’m pretty sure most would agree as well as it’s only become an issue since governments have pushed the self identifying shenanigans and the pronoun garbage.

I’ve had more than one discussion with my daughter who doesn’t get that I won’t use the they them pronouns shit because I say it makes you sound like a fucking nutter giving them an excuse to lock you up when going by the crap, I refuse to play the game

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Yes to all that.

The transsexuals I knew - they were struggling - there was no way they would have tried to muscle on on even a debate on men entering female sports - they had much more important things to worry about. They 'd gone through surgery - they hadn't just put in a bathing suit, taken a few hormone blockers and declared they were a woman! IT is deliberate in my opinion that they are confusing things by using the word trans as a catch-all. Transsexuals are a whole different thing to a transvestites which is very different again to a drag queen. I have know all three of these types of people quite well over the years (my sister used to do the lighting at madam JoJos in the 90s and I used to go there a fair bit from age 15 where I met drag queens who did a show there).

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Ooh I forgot a very happy birthday to Charlotte the Baroness πŸ₯° xx

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The Girl From Ipanema meets Muzak was brilliant πŸ˜‚β™₯️

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Happy Birthday darling Charlotte πŸ’–πŸΎ

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Always excited to see when it’s a long one (oo er missus) when it drops into my inbox. Another great podcast thanks for making me laugh.

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Interested in your take on Common Purpose.

Remember too, some primer group similar to them ,called 38 degrees too.

Their tactics...tap on the shoulder , grooming etc...haven't changed since the Cambridge Apostles spy rings of Burgess, Blunt.abd Philby. Have they?

Why,it's as if theres been that long march through the institutions that they SAID they'd be doing .

And that the WEF tactics to get their young Globalists weren't exactly the same ones that the Apostles, the YGL and Common Purpose use too.

Thanks for the reminder, far more termites than wood now in what remains of the load bearing beams and joists .

Noah's Ark was built by amateurs, Tower of Babel built by Serco and HS2 griftwoodies I bet!

Great work re the marches...who needs drugs anymore?πŸ˜€

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Think β€˜Common Purpose’ are doing the rounds …rounding up local green activists and pretending to start communities etc ….they must be funded by someone..XR my bet ….I went to a meeting in the local park and said I don’t believe in the climate change narrative….the leader-guy tried to take me out of the group and to one side to β€˜educate me’ but another man intervened because I said that man told me we could talk about anything….all evil imho πŸ™

Someone else had exact same experience….

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Just leave us alone.....You should finish with that Micheal Jackson track.

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Apparently the Japanese don’t have a word for menopause due to the amount of seaweed (and hence iodine) they consume. Just started on my friend’s seaweed capsules and do feel like a new woman.

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Brilliant pod Abi, a great summing up of the March. I found it uplifting after seeing all the bloody Remainers. I was so impressed by some of the elderly folk on the March who steadfastly kept going despite some of them having mobility issues. We were knackered the next day and we are mid 60's so for those older than us who attended, they have my utmost respect. It's the ordinary people like them who are the true heroes.

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