Moving stories. I can relate to so much of this. I can't bear to put my horrific 2 years into words. It's too painful. The fear mongers in chief have SO MUCH to answer for. So much. Who do we start with?

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Hi Abi. Thank you for reading my email on here today. I wrote this a while ago and have found it quite emotional listening to you read it out loud. The stories of Ben, Angela and Cliff are too very, very moving. Once upon a time, I thought the government had our best interests at heart, but not now. They don't care about the damage caused. We are just collateral damage. They don't want to know about the vaccine harms and deaths resulting from the vaccines. My heart goes out to the others on here today. It is so awful what has been done (huge understatement) and I particularly connect to Angela's experience. The coersion and pressure to be vaccinated was incredible. I felt that too and had to fight like hell so my boys were safe. And to Ben and Cliff...I just feel so much for you. To not have the wedding you wanted and not being able to have your grandfather there. And to Cliff I am so sorry that you were forced to suffer in pain for so long. It is unforgivable. What gave them the right to do this? We followed the rules because we thought it was the right thing to do, to help save lives, but in reality the rules and regulations have shattered people's lives and changed us forever. Please everyone, never forgive and never forget. Let's do what we can to support each other to get through this horrible time we find ourselves in. Thank you Abi for reading these experiences. I'm sending you a big hug as they were all very moving and I'm sure difficult to read. Love to all here on Abi Daily 🥰xx

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Sending you and your family so much love . Your story and others deserve and need to be heard. I know how important this is. Give those boys of yours a big squeeze 💙💙💙

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Thanks Trudi and I certainly will give them a big squeeze 😊. We are just an ordinary family and I'm sure there will be thousands of others out there with similar tales to tell. We have all been affected to one degree or another, but it's the effects on children and young people which has saddened me the most. Thank you again for your kind message x

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Very moving indeed, Abi. I have just sent it to my MP, and stated that what this government has done over the last 26 months or so will never be forgotten nor forgiven!

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Heart breaking to listen to, but these accounts need to be told. Up and down the country there are 1000s and 1000s and 1000s of similar tales of suffering, depression, illness, mental health, and deaths. Every single thing this government has done re covid had cost lives. Even the hand sanitiser can cause cancer, let alone the lethal jabs which sadly could end up killing the majority of people that accepted them, and I am not exaggerating!! Thank you so much for all you do Abi, you are a true hero and angel to many!! The evil people will have their day of reckoning and hell soon, its coming rapidly I feel now

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Wow!!! Such powerful stuff. I send love to all . I just need a moment 🥺💔

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