Omg that Piers Morgan’s video made my blood boil 😡
The truth is coming out, pretty soon there’ll be nowhere for these bastards to hide.
Sajid knobhead was getting lots of stick regarding LD harms and was pleased that so many were angry towards him.
I took my mum shopping today and I bumped into a lady who was a wheelchair user. She heard me moaning about all the self checkouts.Before long, she was telling me all about how she hated the government for the last 2.5 years.
She was unvaccinated and proud, a proper trooper 💪💪
Then mum informs me that her and my dad are getting their 5th dose on Saturday.
She said that my dad was apprehensive as he’d got shingles from the last one, but he’s still having it!
I asked her how many is she willing to take as they don’t work, she just changed the subject.
Trudi, it’s mind boggling isn’t . my grandfather is on his 6th along with my stepdad and mother in law. They won’t be told. My friends father just been diagnosed  with a rare blood cancer and he’s about to get a booster. Think the worst for me is my grandfather 96 fought for this country? and hasn’t gone out in nearly 3 years coz of covid thanks bbc and the rest of you fear mongering cunts 
Trudi, there are so many people like your mum and dad. People I’ve met recently in the pub told me that they have had 4 x💉and will just carry on regardless. They do not want to listen to the evidence out there that the 💉💉💉💉should be avoided at all cost.
Aww Trudi,I feel your pain,it’s just heartbreaking watching them go for more jabs 🥲 Took my mum shopping too,she got new boots. She was really liking these red ones,lovely leather all I could think about was the satanic/child killing red leather shoes🙈 I told her that they wouldn’t go with everything,so she chose something else 😅
The truth is out but then again it’s always been out, I don’t think anyone will be apologising anytime soon instead they’ll turn it in to a full on “oh we were all innocent victims of the propaganda” and will probably want compensation for being misled!!!!
My wonderful old Dad (the oldest rebel in town) was on the bus today when an old lady sat beside him and proudly informed him that she’d had her 5th jab, he proudly informed her that he hadn’t had any and she got up and sat on another seat! He thought it was hilarious 🤣
I am sick to death of hearing about Ukraine, Eddie Izzard, Trans, BLM, Harry and Meghans mental health, the state of the economy, climate change, and bloody Carol Vorderman! I long for the days when you could take the piss out of everyone nobody would take offence, and we all laughed at things that were genuinely funny! What a boring miserable world we live in now, thank God for Abi and the Substack family who keep me sane!
On a separate note that Derek Fiste on twitter is a right one isn't he. I've been replying to his tweets with my NoBritneySpears account putting him right on a few things. Who the hell does he think he is, just cos he's got pronouns and arms like a pincushion. Brilliant 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
I love the daily’s podcast and this Substack fam so much Abi....we are all totally on the same page,love hearing everyone’s news and comments.
Went out for food and drinks on Saturday with my Stand in the Park was so lovely to have such good conversations and giggles with likeminded people,the oldest in the group is 72 and adorable,she has been awake for about 20 years,poor thing😩 what a hoot, we talked about everything ‘shit show’ related(for hours)to Nicola Sturgeons fake life oh and also vibrators 🤷🏻♀️ it ended up a 10hr shift 😩
Our new bed is high too and I’m quite tall,so good luck with that 😃 Ronnie Corbett made me laugh tonight when I visualised ur legs swinging😂’and it’s a good night from me’...
Loved the fucking cunting combo.
Hope this Pfizer stuff is going to kick things off but feel surprisingly flat about it tbh,maybe just feeling a a bit battle weary this week.
Oh Abi, I’m laughing just at the thought of you trying to climb into your new bed. Don’t fall out and get concussed🤦🏼♀️
Not falling for the covid shitshow, the propaganda and coercion definitely left us in a lonely place. For me, my extended family fell for it all and friends were so angry that I wouldn’t get the 💉and fall into line they deserted me. Yes, we were demonised by ‘celebrities’ in the most vile way and they should be brought to justice alongside big pharma. How do these people live with themselves now that the evidence against the 💉lockdowns and masks is out there for all to see.
Drag queens in church, wtf next ...... that is pure evil. We need more clergy like Calvin Robinson.
I though I was listening to the Ruth Madock podcast 🤣, Hi De Hi...😂, your accents are amazing Abs.. like you I will not demonize anyone who took the poison, some were litterally forced so they could keep there jobs, some so they could take a holiday, I'm poison free and like you I'm waiting for the trials to begin ASAP. Love your work Abi and enjoy the bed.. pleasant dreams❤
Saw a bit of Peirs Morgans interview with Jordan Peterson ,very civilised. I think he realised he was out of his intellectual depth and also he may be trying mitigate the effects of his former comments and pontifications regarding covid. He is a person who has no interest other than self.
Oh Abi, pmsl about the bed. Few years back we got a new bed well am 5-2 and husband was just laughing at me as my feet don’t touch the floor and I climb into bed now, he’s says it’s prefect high for him, well he would he is 6/3 . Piers, Morgan is a soul sucking pond scam, I can’t forgive these people at all. Am getting to the point now where am just getting so frustrated it’s like look the evidence is in your come on msm start talking etc. it’s lonely sometimes as I only have my oldest daughter and one friend who are like us. Lost dear friends at the beginning of the roll out as I refuse to have it, then they called me selfish and am not thinking of my kids. Now I play the game of what I can say to people and what I can’t. Husband is almost on board but with him I think it’s he doesn’t want to admit how dark the world is etc . Plus he was a twat and got 2 and got injured. Thank you for the fab podcast ❤️❤️
Scoured the papers here in Australia. Not a single article regarding Pfizer admission. I feel so very depressed I'm starting to think Big Pharma will actually walk away completely from this suffering not a single consequence. Aided and abetted by govt and media 🤬🤬🤬🤬
The cheek and gall of Piers Morgan, but we knew it would happen 🤔 I'm waiting for what the delightful Esther Rantzen will say, another unpleasant individual!! I just hope this stuff hits the mainstream soon because most people I know still have no clue what is going on!
Peter Tatchell 😡 enough said there!!
Short one tonight, have a hyper 9 year old to deal with 🤪 love to all!!
Oh and Abi, me and my friend have tickets for the excited 😊 xx
Hi Abi, everyone on your Wall of Cunts should be prosecuted. Every last one. I've noticed the back peddling too, bastards! I think Jan said she didn't used to swear, me too. But since covid...well...I just can't help it. Its like tourette's has set in 🤣.
The thing that most don't know or want to acknowledge is that covid 19 was never a threat. They were testing us for compliance. They want to control us because of the shit that is coming. I don't have the energy right now to go into it, but I'm sure my fellow awake substackers know where I'm coming from. It scares the shit out of me to be honest and yes, my mental health definitely takes a battering trying to understand all of this shit. We can only try to prepare, but one thing is for sure, we ain't seen nothing yet!
Hi Trudi I'm listening to this on Wednesday as didn't have time yesterday. Job is going ok thanks. Had my induction on Monday, checkout training yesterday and I'm back in tomorrow for cash office training. Feel a bit anxious about that as I'm a bit of a technology phobe and it's a 6am start! But it's all good, very good indeed. Thanks for asking 🥰xx
Evening all,
Omg that Piers Morgan’s video made my blood boil 😡
The truth is coming out, pretty soon there’ll be nowhere for these bastards to hide.
Sajid knobhead was getting lots of stick regarding LD harms and was pleased that so many were angry towards him.
I took my mum shopping today and I bumped into a lady who was a wheelchair user. She heard me moaning about all the self checkouts.Before long, she was telling me all about how she hated the government for the last 2.5 years.
She was unvaccinated and proud, a proper trooper 💪💪
Then mum informs me that her and my dad are getting their 5th dose on Saturday.
She said that my dad was apprehensive as he’d got shingles from the last one, but he’s still having it!
I asked her how many is she willing to take as they don’t work, she just changed the subject.
I just give up🤷♀️🤷♀️🤷♀️
Moan over..... cheerio 💕💕💕
Trudi, it’s mind boggling isn’t . my grandfather is on his 6th along with my stepdad and mother in law. They won’t be told. My friends father just been diagnosed  with a rare blood cancer and he’s about to get a booster. Think the worst for me is my grandfather 96 fought for this country? and hasn’t gone out in nearly 3 years coz of covid thanks bbc and the rest of you fear mongering cunts 
Aww Sarah, this breaks my heart 💔
Trudi, there are so many people like your mum and dad. People I’ve met recently in the pub told me that they have had 4 x💉and will just carry on regardless. They do not want to listen to the evidence out there that the 💉💉💉💉should be avoided at all cost.
Aww Trudi,I feel your pain,it’s just heartbreaking watching them go for more jabs 🥲 Took my mum shopping too,she got new boots. She was really liking these red ones,lovely leather all I could think about was the satanic/child killing red leather shoes🙈 I told her that they wouldn’t go with everything,so she chose something else 😅
My mum spent £90 on some Clark’s pumps/trainers!! I was gobsmacked!! She says they are comfy, I said at that price I should bloody well think so!!
The truth is out but then again it’s always been out, I don’t think anyone will be apologising anytime soon instead they’ll turn it in to a full on “oh we were all innocent victims of the propaganda” and will probably want compensation for being misled!!!!
My wonderful old Dad (the oldest rebel in town) was on the bus today when an old lady sat beside him and proudly informed him that she’d had her 5th jab, he proudly informed her that he hadn’t had any and she got up and sat on another seat! He thought it was hilarious 🤣
I am sick to death of hearing about Ukraine, Eddie Izzard, Trans, BLM, Harry and Meghans mental health, the state of the economy, climate change, and bloody Carol Vorderman! I long for the days when you could take the piss out of everyone nobody would take offence, and we all laughed at things that were genuinely funny! What a boring miserable world we live in now, thank God for Abi and the Substack family who keep me sane!
Fabulous rant Catherine 👏🏻👏🏻 Love ❤️ it x Love your dad too!
Ah thanks Jo x
Great podcast, I'm livid.
On a separate note that Derek Fiste on twitter is a right one isn't he. I've been replying to his tweets with my NoBritneySpears account putting him right on a few things. Who the hell does he think he is, just cos he's got pronouns and arms like a pincushion. Brilliant 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Nod nod, wink wink, say no more 😉
I love the daily’s podcast and this Substack fam so much Abi....we are all totally on the same page,love hearing everyone’s news and comments.
Went out for food and drinks on Saturday with my Stand in the Park was so lovely to have such good conversations and giggles with likeminded people,the oldest in the group is 72 and adorable,she has been awake for about 20 years,poor thing😩 what a hoot, we talked about everything ‘shit show’ related(for hours)to Nicola Sturgeons fake life oh and also vibrators 🤷🏻♀️ it ended up a 10hr shift 😩
Our new bed is high too and I’m quite tall,so good luck with that 😃 Ronnie Corbett made me laugh tonight when I visualised ur legs swinging😂’and it’s a good night from me’...
Loved the fucking cunting combo.
Hope this Pfizer stuff is going to kick things off but feel surprisingly flat about it tbh,maybe just feeling a a bit battle weary this week.
Have a lovely evening all xx
Oh Abi, I’m laughing just at the thought of you trying to climb into your new bed. Don’t fall out and get concussed🤦🏼♀️
Not falling for the covid shitshow, the propaganda and coercion definitely left us in a lonely place. For me, my extended family fell for it all and friends were so angry that I wouldn’t get the 💉and fall into line they deserted me. Yes, we were demonised by ‘celebrities’ in the most vile way and they should be brought to justice alongside big pharma. How do these people live with themselves now that the evidence against the 💉lockdowns and masks is out there for all to see.
Drag queens in church, wtf next ...... that is pure evil. We need more clergy like Calvin Robinson.
I though I was listening to the Ruth Madock podcast 🤣, Hi De Hi...😂, your accents are amazing Abs.. like you I will not demonize anyone who took the poison, some were litterally forced so they could keep there jobs, some so they could take a holiday, I'm poison free and like you I'm waiting for the trials to begin ASAP. Love your work Abi and enjoy the bed.. pleasant dreams❤
Saw a bit of Peirs Morgans interview with Jordan Peterson ,very civilised. I think he realised he was out of his intellectual depth and also he may be trying mitigate the effects of his former comments and pontifications regarding covid. He is a person who has no interest other than self.
100% and he was definitely more respectful to him than he normally is
Oh Abi, pmsl about the bed. Few years back we got a new bed well am 5-2 and husband was just laughing at me as my feet don’t touch the floor and I climb into bed now, he’s says it’s prefect high for him, well he would he is 6/3 . Piers, Morgan is a soul sucking pond scam, I can’t forgive these people at all. Am getting to the point now where am just getting so frustrated it’s like look the evidence is in your come on msm start talking etc. it’s lonely sometimes as I only have my oldest daughter and one friend who are like us. Lost dear friends at the beginning of the roll out as I refuse to have it, then they called me selfish and am not thinking of my kids. Now I play the game of what I can say to people and what I can’t. Husband is almost on board but with him I think it’s he doesn’t want to admit how dark the world is etc . Plus he was a twat and got 2 and got injured. Thank you for the fab podcast ❤️❤️
Scoured the papers here in Australia. Not a single article regarding Pfizer admission. I feel so very depressed I'm starting to think Big Pharma will actually walk away completely from this suffering not a single consequence. Aided and abetted by govt and media 🤬🤬🤬🤬
The cheek and gall of Piers Morgan, but we knew it would happen 🤔 I'm waiting for what the delightful Esther Rantzen will say, another unpleasant individual!! I just hope this stuff hits the mainstream soon because most people I know still have no clue what is going on!
Peter Tatchell 😡 enough said there!!
Short one tonight, have a hyper 9 year old to deal with 🤪 love to all!!
Oh and Abi, me and my friend have tickets for the excited 😊 xx
Hi Abi, everyone on your Wall of Cunts should be prosecuted. Every last one. I've noticed the back peddling too, bastards! I think Jan said she didn't used to swear, me too. But since covid...well...I just can't help it. Its like tourette's has set in 🤣.
The thing that most don't know or want to acknowledge is that covid 19 was never a threat. They were testing us for compliance. They want to control us because of the shit that is coming. I don't have the energy right now to go into it, but I'm sure my fellow awake substackers know where I'm coming from. It scares the shit out of me to be honest and yes, my mental health definitely takes a battering trying to understand all of this shit. We can only try to prepare, but one thing is for sure, we ain't seen nothing yet!
Another fab podcast! Xx
Ha ha.. good on your dad💪💪💪
Nothing like sitting traffic while delivering a bed to leave you busting… (an old geezer).
Forgot to ask Rachel and Louise how their new jobs are going.... 💖
Hi Trudi I'm listening to this on Wednesday as didn't have time yesterday. Job is going ok thanks. Had my induction on Monday, checkout training yesterday and I'm back in tomorrow for cash office training. Feel a bit anxious about that as I'm a bit of a technology phobe and it's a 6am start! But it's all good, very good indeed. Thanks for asking 🥰xx
I’m so pleased for you Louise, I’m sure you’ll have nothing to worry about 💕
Thanks Trudi, fingers crossed 🤞😊xx
Beast mode is out then 🫢😉
Peter! Welcome back 😄
Hi hun 💋been dealing with shit as we do. But hopefully I can get in my bean bag and listen to your multiple personalities syndrome more 👍
Maybe just two, sensitive and ferocious?