Very well written again Abi. Interesting piece. The devil had a lot of his work done for him during the shit show. Many of them should have known better. Some of us weren't tempted by donuts, holidays or even the threats against our jobs and inclusion into all aspects of society. We are either cleverer than the doctors and scientists or most likely have more moral fibre than the ones wielding the syringe for financial gain and those trying to divide us.

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Talking about being late to the party, what a brilliant SubStack article by Miri AF today entitled “A Bridgen too far”. This article not only takes down Bridgen and Lawrence Fox but throws a different light on Dr Malik. It’s a lengthy article, typical of Miri, but worth every minute of your time. Miri’s experience of Dr Malik is certainly an eye opener.

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Never liked the guy Jan, not saying he’s controlled op or whatever but something is off about him for sure. I managed an hour of him on the Delingpod which was an achievement as he was excruciating. Coincidentally, Abi and Miri’s articles felt quite connected x

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I agree Jules, my gut instinct has always told me to be cautious of Dr Malik. I know that he left the NHS way before Covid and has lost all his private hospital placements since speaking out. He appears to want to be another ‘celebrity’ doctor like Malhotra now. Malik’s podcasts seem very self indulgent and 2.5 hours with bloody Bridgen is a road too far!

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A Bridgen to far Jan 😃

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👏🏻 I missed that one Jules, not enough caffeine intake this morning!

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I agree, Jan. It's a great read x

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I totally agree after reading Miri’s piece and combining that with what I’ve heard from others.

Really interesting that Malik effectively outed himself via projection in today’s podcast with Philly J Lay:

“We're safe. Nah, guess what? The psychopaths and the narcissist and the sociopaths, they're everywhere, including on our side.

They're talking the talk, but when you get to know them, you're like, oh my God, this person is proper narcissist. This person is a proper psychopath.”

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Wow. I’ve only skirted round the conversation I had with him because it was so traumatising I didn’t really want to re-live it. If we keep trusting these characters, despite the warning signs, then I’m afraid we only have ourselves to blame. 🤷‍♀️

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Really enjoying your writing Abi. More please.

Episode 65 of ‘The Twilight Zone’ is worth seeking out if you can. “The Obsolete Man” describes the last 48 hours in the life of Rodney Wordsworth, a Librarian who has been sentenced to death because his profession has been deemed by the ‘authorities’ to be defunct. Some might say ‘non-essential’. According to Rod Serling (narrator) it’s set in a not too distant future (for the 60s) where “… logic is an enemy and Truth is a menace”. Sounds eerily familiar, doesn’t it?

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I did take a look at common purpose and, you're right, it explains a lot about why every aspect of what we had that was good is now bad, in the name of diversity, equality and sustainability. Everybody should be educated that when they look at different ideologies, they must first ask if they will make many people's lives much worse in order to make others better and if, in a democracy, it's their call to make. And there goes that pig flying by again.

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I'd certainly ditch Toxic Twitter for most days Abi. I only go on occasionally now to moan at bbc Masterchef or to catch up with people like Bob Moran.I've mostly stopped sending the doom and gloom on both Twitter and Facebook. I don't regret spreading all the truth stuff, over the past 4yrs though....and if there was another scam about a "new global threat", I will be sending the info on also👍❤️

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First direct are pretty good, do u switch get 175 for joining them

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Them and they’re lowly staff admit they are changing to digital money sooon.

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Nationwide for banking.. Safer than bank's. Same for current and savings.

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Everyone has a blind spot, a sucker point. I fell for the 9/11 panic, turned hard neocon, and took several years to pull out. I didn't fall for the "virus" at all.

As Lincoln advised his successors, You can fool some of the people, etc.

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Santander has good rate at the moment

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With regard to bank accounts, I have savings accounts and easy access counts with Aldermore Bank and the same with Kent Reliance. You can opt for monthly interest payments into an account with your existing Natwest account and do the same with transferring cash from your easy access account. It works well if you are ok with online banking.

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