Abi there is a growing army of people who stand with you. I would fight alongside you any day. You are bravely doing the right thing for the right reasons. We live in a world where cowardice is considered a virtue , bullying brave people knowing that the majority is with them , is the only thing they can do to hide their shame.

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I'm in the trenches with you Abs ready to storm the enemy, I have to say " I can lose weight but you'll always be a fascist cunt " is on the money, I like you will not bow down to tyranny, I will not take the jab, nor wear a Fucking mask, or any other bullshit they throw at us.. FUCK the lot of em.

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Shared on Twatter ❤️

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I thought you was a breath of fresh air on gb news, I used to like gaunt until he got so far up his own arse he could roll, keep doing what you do, I’m 71 had covid Xmas 2019 and would not go near a needle again, I will not be forced to be an experiment for the WHO and the WEF.

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I have never known Jon Gaunt to be a nice person😂

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Shame hes been really ill for months isnt it NOT!!

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I only knew him from a book he wrote years ago and for losing all that weight, couldn’t stand him on gb news, Nina miscoff as well.

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Hi Linda,

Yes, Jon Gaunt lost lots of weight and then fat shamed those people who struggled to lose weight. I see Gaunt’s weight has all gone back on so he wasn’t that successful!

Gaunt tore into me on Facebook with abuse because I politely disagreed with him about lockdowns, mandates and vaccine passports. He is a bully and I bet he wouldn’t face up to a guy.

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One of your best. Keep it up Abi.

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Shared on Twatter. Love you Abi. Xxx

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Thanks Bec. Much appreciated x

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You are so welcome. Have a good day. Fuck these wankers.

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What an absolutely superb 11 minutes Abi 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Thank you for being our “pressure valve” X

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What a magnificent read, take a bloody bow Abi Roberts👏👏👏👏👏 shared on the twatter verse 💖💖💖

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Abi, I’m with you all the way. You are the best of humanity and I hope to God that one day you will see the light go on for the those in the dark.

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All credit to you Abi for keeping going and taking all the flak. It must have been so overwhelming, especially as I understand you had to deal with this crap on your own with no one to rant to.

I really believe there is true evil around us now. At first I put it down to the sheer incompetence and stupidity of the inept politicians and the media but I think it’s beyond that now.

It was all so weird in March 2020 when the country “locked down” for a nasty flu which I’d had in Dec 2019. We knew this was all it was within a few weeks, as the “victims” were mainly elderly or the very sick (as usual). This had never been the Govt plan in the past so what was different?

Then of course it all go so much worse with the country collectively losing its mind, except for the few sceptics who were not allowed a voice.

Climate change appears to be the new “fatal” virus so here we go again.

I truly believe we are seeing the end of western civilisation now as we are too far down the road of madness and there’s definitely no white knight to save us…

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Totally agree with you on this, apparently we’re all going to burn in the fires of hell for our sins! See you there 👍👍😂😂

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I’m beginning to think it will be a lot more fun…😬☺️

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You do make me laugh Abi. At the rate we are going, your wall of cunts will be visible from outer space.

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Abi, you are brave and wonderful. I support you 100%. Jon Gaunt is a piece of shit and has always been a gobshite of the worst kind. it's certainly opened my eyes up to the scumbags in our media and elsewhere. Love you Abi, keep strong and know that you are an inspiration to many here.

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A great piece Abi. I am right there with you 💖

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Great Post Abi. I've been following you since the gobshite Gaunt programme and was fkg horrified at the way you were treated. I am so pleased that you're now punching back at the bastards and finding platforms where you can be you're unique, hilarious self. Good luck, love your podcasts. 🙃

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Sending you love and support, Abi. You are wonderful and you are on the right side. John 18:37 is so apt that it moved me to tears. Stay strong. 💪❤️

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Fantastic article, and you are one of my heroes!

Anyone that pushed for mandatory jabs or called for medical apartheid in my world would be strung up, its that much of a crime against humanity.

One good thing is that you can sleep soundly knowing you wont die suddenly (Or painfully and slowly) from any one of the 9000+ side effects of the covid vaccines.

And another good thing is you dont have graphene products and nanotech that the vaccines contain in your body, unlike those jabbed who now emit a bluetooth MAC code and have been chipped!

One love, onwards and upwards, and fuck the fascists!

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