Jun 11Liked by Abi Roberts

I’m ignoring all of it.

I had a letter from my MP Neil O Lyin yesterday, it went straight in the bin.

I won’t forget his bullshit email he sent me regarding Benjamin’s suicide, he included in it about Boris nearly dying of Covid and the bullshit Yoooooocrane war 🙄

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I don't blame you Trudi.

Don't tell our June, but any letter from an MP deserves to go straight in the bin or into an open fire.

Fucking appalling. I won't forgive them.

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Jun 11Liked by Abi Roberts

Amen. Expected from my normie friends. But disappointing to see so many anti jab nonsense mates bigging up Reform, headed up by known jab pushers :(

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It beggars belief. Like suddenly deciding to trust Stalin after the Harvest of Sorrow.

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I don’t support their jab pushing and will hold my nose but seriously think we need to vote for them as at least they are offering to get us out of the WHO. They didn’t agree with lockdowns etc. They are, however, far too pro war and establishment but what’s the choice otherwise? Not voting achieves nothing. Unless we are all going to March on Westminster which so far looks unlikely.

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That’s what I was starting to think. So I left Twitter!

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Jun 11Liked by Abi Roberts

Yep. That’s why Twitter is not a good place to be atm. It’s everywhere and some really good accounts falling for it all. Beggars belief really 🤷🏻‍♀️

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I think that's what tipped me over the edge, Jules. I can't bear to waste my time being angry at the lessons not learned, and so quickly. We're not even in '1946'.

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Jun 11·edited Jun 11Liked by Abi Roberts

Oh you will love this article. Bonus Bob Moran art:


See? Isn't this way better than TwiX

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Thank you! Btw got the link about Robertson which I'll share.


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Thank you so much Abi x

They just killed a young woman in hospital here. I thought immediately of Tom: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13517255/Heartbreaking-update-teen-denied-transplant.html

They wanted to inject her FOUR TIMES.

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Not sure if you have seen but it is official policy to kill the unvaccinated in Australian hospitals who test positive to covid - we get 'special' treatment and this is continuing well past the Emergency. No one is suing them for this, no one cares:


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Jun 11Liked by Abi Roberts

Yep - I was at a BBQ over the weekend and could not believe so many people (even the couple who didn't fall for the jab con) were falling into line ref the blue/red divide. I hat to bite my lip a few times so as not to bring down the happy party vibes (and because there were quite a few kids there)!

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Jun 12Liked by Abi Roberts

Don’t forget that when Elon bought Twitter 60-70 % of the accounts were fake bots. Twitter farms distort everything there. But I take solace in the fact that I have recently heard the term “uni-party” in several unexpected places

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Jun 11Liked by Abi Roberts

Couldn’t agree more.

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I can't believe the amount of idiots voting Labour, " because they want a change"!Yikes!

I'm going to still vote though, for the independent candidate on ballot, just to prove a point

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Can we have a pod Abs I feel a good Abi rant is needed to spur us all on 😉 xx ❤️

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Once my voice is properly back I shall be releasing the mother of all rants. X

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Oh good 😅x

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It would be funny to hear AI read out a script by you in your voice! Deepfake Abi anyone?

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There’s a Muse lyric - I forget which song - that calls out our system as a ‘Demon-ocracy’, which I think is very apt!!!

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They did not wake up to anything, or just pretended. Most just got a bit of easy nightmare and quickly returned back to pleasant dream. Back to the deep sleep of media manufactured reality with better goverment, democracy, rule of "law and order" by majority, elections, biometrics for traveling and endless arguing about the matters most of them never have experienced in reality. Till the next nightmare comes. Good night , sweetheart, good night!

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People continue to search for a saviour...... many cannot see the way out of top-down rule.

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I have to say as much as I believe you are partially right if we don’t give outsider parties like reform a chance then what answer is there? Take it and wait for our 15 minute city and WHO telling us about our next lockdowns?

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💯correct. The European elections have woken up the so called far right. While in the UK young people are lefties.

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Yeah it’s such nonsense everyone right of chairman mai is “far right”

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Im voting Red Blue Yellow, I love mandatory mRNA injections, bioweapons labs in Ukraine, I love Joe Biden being controlled by Obama and China, I love green energy that will mean random power cuts, I love Bill Gates fake meat and Apeel cancer covered fruit. I love unlimited immigration and will happily offer up by young nieces to young foreign men who have sexual emergences they can help with.

Come to think of it I have a spare bedroom that I can offer to them, maybe they will like it even more if my granddaughter will share with them.

ttfn, off for my trivalent bird flu, covid and RSV injection, no ones safe until we are all safe. Heil Pfizer!!!

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Good to know!! 🤣

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Abi you are one of my top heroes, I love you, thank you for doing all you do (Yep im on the lash tonight)

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That’s lovely of you to say. Have one for me. ❤️

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It's worth remembering that a majority of people are NOT playing the partisan game any more, especially among the young. Polls are consistent on this. What we see online is a small self-selected sample, many of whom are paid to repeat each party's talking points.

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This is a good point. I think the echo chamber created on X for example is mostly about who's being paid – or paying – for their views to be seen. It's always worth talking to the younger generation to hear where they're at. After the last four years I'm amazed there hasn't been a full blown revolt.

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Me too that there hasn’t been is depressing

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