
I don’t agree with John Bowe’s latest statement. If we don’t attack the narrative and stay silent then we have told the establishment that we are happy to let them control every aspect of our life. Let the wagons circle, I will never be quiet. Scientists who didn’t follow the government’s guidelines were silenced and cancelled.

We are at war with the likes of Hancock, Sunak and Zahawi. These people have no conscience, if there is no justice on earth they will have to answer to God.

Pissed on by nature, I love it! If only it was warm rain😂

What constitutes staring🤷‍♀️who decides if it’s of a sexual nature🤦🏼‍♀️ I’m going to start winking at guys on the tube and see what happens😂 Laughing is just laughing who can do it in the wrong way.

Andrew Bridgen is two years too late calling this out but better late than never.

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At least Bridgen has said something, him and Chris chope have at least spoken out. I have sympathy for them but zero for the rest

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Abi, I saw your tweet about the “sexual staring” and really can’t see how this can be proved as an actual crime! I’ve worked for over 20yrs with survivors of rape and sexual abuse supporting them through the criminal justice system, believe me it is extremely hard to get a case past the CPS and even if we do get to court the evidence has to be there! I feel that this pathetic pandering to perpetually offended snowflakes is actually damaging to real victims of crime and will make it harder for them to be taken seriously or believed when or if they get to court. When I was young staring at someone across a crowded train and looking away (then looking back) was a great way of flirting! I think I should’ve been locked up as a pervert! 🤣

Thanks to everyone for your lovely comments last night, I really do love our Substack family x

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What a remarkable job Catherine and such a special person to do it 💖

Hope Alex is doing ok 💙

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Thanks Trudi, I’m certainly not special but I’ve been privileged to meet some very special people in my job and consider myself fortunate to have helped them seek the justice they deserve.

Alex is ok at the moment but avoiding the gym for a while until we get another appointment with a cardiologist!


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Catherine, it’s the nanny State taking over our lives. As you say, how can ‘sexual staring’ ever be proven. I had a hot date with a guy I met on the Metropolitan Line when I used to travel into the city every day many years ago. That started off with the flirting glances! 💖

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Good for you Jan! My hot date from flirty stares on the train became my 1st husband! 🤣

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Impressive Catherine. My hot date was a one off as I discovered he was married with a young baby!

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Ooh now there should be a crime against that!

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Sick of hearing about Bridgen etc. when’s he going to speak up about the lockdown harms and suicides? He won’t, none of them will.

Everyone’s forgotten and I’m shouting into a void.

It’s windy here too today.

I started my suicide prevention training today, it went okay.

My woke zero T-shirt arrived🥳🥳love it.

That poor person who attempted to end their life today, May they get the proper help and support they deserve.

I just think of what must have been going through Ben’s head, just before his final moments, it’s beyond horrific.

I’m so glad that person was saved and I feel for all those who attended. Suicide takes its toll on them too 💔💔💔

Thanks Abi for speaking about Benjamin:

Have a great evening all 👍

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Husband and I had a good chortle! Well if we don't laugh..... Hope the unwell person you saw gets the help they need. Things getting so tough for so many! It pissed me off from the start when folk said" all in the same boat"!!! I do enjoy a walk in the rain... It's just as well really as I live in the Scottish highlands and if I was to wait for dry weather I'd be stuck inside till July!

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Sexual staring.... what if you’ve got a squint?

Glad u got on ok today Trudi. I can’t imagine how hard it is on a daily basis.

Looking forward to hearing all about Jan’s arrest on the Tube.

Abi,you’re a legend,I’ve chuckled a good few times today through the rage. I have enjoyed the music....why have I never heard of Lowell before?! I love my tunes but I’ve hardly listened to any music since my died. He loved Ella Fitzgerald amongst others. I picked the music for his funeral and just haven’t listened to much since,except for absolute 80s in the car 😂 so I consider myself back on it now,it’s good for the soul 🙏

Love u all mother fuckers xx

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I will keep you posted about my antics on the tube Jules😂

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I was playing the drinking game: take a swig when Abi drops an F-bomb and a big gulp when she says the C-word. I'm only drinking lager and I'm p*ssed already after half an hour.

"Fuck, tit, wank, shit, wank, tit, bollocks, fuck", "fringe nutters" Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haaa. I weed a bit.

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Thank you for making me laugh! I was feeling shit and now I feel much better. You'd be the perfect friend... xx

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Question. For Abs, seeing as the Bell Huey was so successful in the Vietnam war and the Longbow Apache was also successful during the Gulf war do you think the Cobra is a viable option for a current attack Helicopter?

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Thank you Abi. Stay safe please. Cheers! 1Love!

Westminsterstan? Cesspit full of fucktard politicotards. Govtards? Yes those useless twats.

Mr Bridgen close to one of the very few decent & honest people in that place.

His speech of prime importance regarding the harms & deaths caused by the jabs.

Was attended by about 12 people, including the deputy speaker & the minions.

The only time that wretched place was ever full to the brim? Oh yes! Those times!

When the wretched evil things were voting themselves those massive 4 pay rises whilst everyone else was locked up to protect granny.

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Spot on Andy👍

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Thank you Abi & thank God I found you on GETTR you are so funny & I think your great. keep up the good work you do for us all like minded folk. I was squirming when watched Bridgen retract creap & apologised for what he'd said.

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What happened to the wall of cunts? 🤔

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Waiting for run of dry weather. So fucking annoying! It’s like mud central. IT WILL HAPPEN. 😎

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Jan 12, 2023Liked by Abi Roberts

Can’t wait x enjoyed your rant tonight, we need to keep pushing them, hold the fuckers to account 💯

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We will hold their feet to the fire 🔥

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Why should we forgive? I know we have to be understanding to ordinary people who were fooled but not to Hancock, Morgan or even James Whale who was calling for injabbed to be locked in their homes but now he’s had a lung full of clots he wants to speak about Bridgen.

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