
For the love of God do not have that awful Green Party woman back on TNT, she made my blood pressure rise. The climate change bs drives me insane and of course she mentioned ‘the science’ in other words ‘her truth’. All her arguments could be easily knocked down in flames.

The judiciary making the decision on Tom’s case do sleep well at night because they have no conscience.

I met Natalie, Trauma in Truth, at your birthday bash, what a lovely lady. I look forward to her being on your TNT show tomorrow. A very Happy Birthday to our lovely Jules xx 🍸🍹🎂

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So true Jan about the Green party dafty, Abi did so well being polite & listening to her opinion people have been so brain washed over last 20 years, now they don't know what a woman /man is fucken mental times 🙄.

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Thank you Jan, didn’t see this msg, just heard Abi read it out xx

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I was about to start a massive rant about what is happening to Tom and the trauma his family are going through, I stopped typing and deleted my comment as it is so difficult to even think about how close we came to ending up in court trying to protect our son. I have to stop and hold back as it really doesn’t help me at all knowing that we were coerced and Alex was bullied in to having the jabs as the consequences of going to court would’ve resulted in his Dad losing his job (Police Officer, sorry Abi). There have been side effects, heart problems and never ending skin issues and the guilt never leaves me. God bless all of those supporting Tom and keeping his story out there!

Happy Birthday to my birthday twin Mrs Jules for tomorrow, I’m sure she will agree having your birthday on Valentines Day is pretty rubbish as you only get one present instead of two!

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So sorry to hear about the choices you had to make for your son. The level of coercion to get people jabbed was unprecedented.

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It was awful Jan, the NHS has threatened us for years when we refused to give Alex medications he didn’t need then they stepped it up when the Convid Plandemic hit. He’s 19 now and makes his own decisions but he has lost all trust in doctors, unfortunately having Cystic Fibrosis means he will always need the NHS.

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I’m so sorry for the side effects that Alex is suffering. I hope those evil bastards will pay for what they have done to Alex and many other young adults.

On a happier note, Happy Birthday for tomorrow Catherine x 🍸🍹🎂

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My brother's 69th birthday was yesterday. He died in 2019, as I've said before, after years of pain and heartbreak following a school administered BCG injection when he was 14. He was unlucky in that his epilepsy got progressively worse and various consultants admitted they were largely in the dark in regard to the human brain. And yet, we are told just to get the jabs and not to show any signs of an inquiring mind. Something they don't want to understand!

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Our ‘leaders’ are all automations. Acting automatons. That Trilateral fucker Starmer as well.

They’re just acting this all out. That’s all they are. Actors.

And as for Sunak, the jug eared, rat-faced ring-piece. Sociopathic, luciferian scullions. All of them.

I want them all gone.

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Well said Simon. I can almost smell the sulphur if starmer comes up on TV.

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And, sadly, people will still vote for them. People simply have to stop in order to delegitimise them.

If turnouts hit 20% or lower, the alarm bells will HAVE to start ringing.

This will be my 6th GE in a row I simply wont have bothered. At the very least, I’ll be able to hold my hands up and say, “it wasn’t my fault.”

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I live nearby a row of miners cottages I get on ok with them most of the couples who live there but all gonna vote for the sulphur cxxt they are thick as shit all watch mainstream all aged70s I don't even tellthemny views just try to avoid these useful idiots

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Feb 14·edited Feb 14

The trouble is that the Mayors, in many major cities, are very powerful, as we've seen with Khan. It's likely, as in Scotland, the Labour Party will be made an irrelevance with Muslim Mayors and councillors holding sway, perhaps with their own Party. I really don't care if people want to worship anyone, or anything, but we've seen our laws, values and freedoms being whittled away to accommodate the huge influx of immigrants.

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In most cases, it’s our local councils enacting net-zero inspired bollocks, which actually makes our councillors more dangerous than MPs. They’re all on the take, most are as bent as anything, and all tethering their own nests in the process.

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Yes Simon, a couple of years ago, I walked past a 'meet your Councillor' pop up surgery and quizzed the two men about their intention to introduce ULEZ and 15 minute city areas. The older of the two seemed genuinely ignorant and the younger one had to explain. This same Councillor has denied that pre booking for the 'recycling centre' has been introduced in advance of charging. I now live near Woodbridge, Suffolk and the cheap parking has been replaced by a no cash app. I'm pretty sure that prices have escalated, as they did in my home town. We are being asset stripped by digital means and that 'Abi' is why you might think me backward in being 'app less' as much as possible. Have no doubt Central government is dictating these agendas.

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I get it. I refuse to download any further apps. I’ve got what i need. Our football league (my 15 year old lad plays) have introduced an app where match locations, attendees are confirmed....it means signing up, more passwords and I simply refused. Even when signing him up, the clubs decided it has to be done via ‘Google forms.’ I needed a google account to use the form. I explained to the club I don’t want a google account, and I don’t think I should hand over my personal details to a giant global corporation in California so a 14 year old (at the time) can play football. The eventually gave in and sent me manual forms. The parking at the club has introduced a Q R code you scan when you park. I refused. I said I don’t have a smart phone, (I do actually use an old Nokia burner phone as well). My local gym uses a QR code to scan for access. I make them let me in manually.

We HAVE to kick back. The assumption is ALWAYS that people have this facility and are happy to do it. It may be a futile effort on my part, but I’m trying to make them understand that not everyone wants this or has a smart phone on which to do this.

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Happy Birthday Jules 😘🥰🥂 on Valentines Day ❤️

It was always a special day for me 14th February as Nick and I got engaged in 1987 on this day.

Great pod Abi and I love the TNT show.

Sending love as always to Lisa xx

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Thanks Suzanne. I got engaged on Valentines Day too and so did my Mum and Dad 😀🙏😘

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If you're struggling to find an alternative word for the C word. Do a Kenny Everett and call people a Cupid Stunt!! Works for me. LOl.

Also with regard to the vaxx injured guy on GB News - Awful Kevin Maguire calling him anti-vaxx!!! The guy got three shots for fuck sake. This tiresome, lazy name calling bull shite has to stop!! Think we need to re-instate Traitors Gate - well overdue.

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When aesthetically challenged sociopaths are given a platform, and taken seriously, they will argue black is white, male is female etc. and will end up squabbling among themselves because they latch onto any cause which makes them feel important.

I long for the days when the greenies were figures of fun, before they were used by the elites to asset strip the people. Most comedy is based on exagerating the truth to make us laugh and these idiots' views are laughable but have become mainstream ways of money making, control systems. Bollocks to them and their knitted, rainbow scarves.

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I really felt that your second guest this Wednesday morning needs to round out his view on preditory socialism by getting some spygame monetization education at http://wrenchinthegears.com

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Hope you'll invite on the mighty Kellie Jay Keane to discuss HER new party....The Party of Women?

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Hi Abi. I can't remember if I linked another poem or if I just linked to my Stack. Either way, feel free to select whichever one takes your fancy. I have a very recent one on war and conscription if it takes your fancy. I must say, I'm most flattered that you enjoy my poems. Please feel free to use whatever you like. Many thanks Abi. The poem is below but it doesnt separate the verses in the comments for some reason, and it appears to have chopped the end off. So here's the link


A Child Sacrifice For The New World Order

Conscripted in, meat grinder ready

Pack your college books and favourite stuffed teddy

Camo gear on, locked and loaded

You’re stuck in a trench to which you were goaded

You can’t get out, you didn’t want in

Our children are set, so let battle begin

Enemy’s crosshairs, they’ve pulled the trigger

The corpse pile of war is another body bigger

Your Sunshine’s gone, forever this time

But no one will see this murder as crime

The gears of war, just like before

Will keep us knocking on heaven's door

Profits collected, Satan gets wealthy

The World at large gets less and less healthy

Fighting battles, this never ends

For all I know we could have been friends

Faces unseen, behind army green

Hides the humanity of a life pristine

Psychotic Elites, not bearing the brunt

Why don’t we shoot those that send us to the front

Cenotaph etched, more work for the mason

Another generation just washed down the basin

Brainwashed and dead, in murderous disorder

A child sacrifice for The New World Order

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Haven't even listened to your pod yet. Just wrote this: https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/uk-pm-rishi-sunak-surprised-the-covid

Never forget the op is still live.

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Rishi should be renamed pass the buck lying cunt of the year, if anyone deserves putting up against a wall then no one qualifies better than this abysmal excuse for a human being.

He goes from squirming into his condescending patronising dismissive mode of these gentlemen, I could quite happily hit him round head with a shovel for pretending he doesn’t know about the media blackout that his government has instructed from the get go of the scamdemic.

They can pretend and ignore as much as they want but millions of us know the truth, those numbers grow everyday and we are not going anywhere.

As for wishy washy saying they followed their science officers advice, we’ll they then need to answer the question of why politicians were exempt from the darting mandates, politicians need to understand that every time you open your mouth that the truth falls out.

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They're all like that, Commonwealth-wide.

Same snivelling middle-manager speak.

Sick, lobotomised weirdos who know they will never be held to account for the murders on this earth. True believers in the bullshit because they think they have a safe place in the bunker. Maybe they do, but they cannot hide from God.

Oh no. I have heard the screams of the damned and that is where they are headed.

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