Jul 4Liked by Abi Roberts

Superb news for Tom and his mum.

I wish it had never had to come to this.

Good bless them indeed and huge respect to you all for going to support them.


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Bless you, Trudi. ❤️🙏

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Jul 4Liked by Abi Roberts

Absolutely amazing news!! Tom’s mum must be exhausted. I struggle to understand why the world is like this.

Crown Courts are strange places. Ritualistic. Have you noticed how the barristers and the prosecution/clerks etc have to bow to the Judge if they leave the court while he’s sitting? I’d love to be a fly on the wall in chambers. Very odd people.

If it had gone the other way, what kind of person would force inject another human? If I were in those shoes, I’d like to think one of my friends would hide me away. Brilliant that you were all there in support. Thanks for the update 🎉

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I wish I had a secret room to hide in at home. Like in the movies when a bookcase slides to one side and reveals a room that cannot be breached. I fear we might need it when the Gestapo come to jab us for the next fake pandemic.

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I like how on the IT Crowd Douglas Reynholm goes YOUR HONOURRRRRRR.


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Jul 4Liked by Abi Roberts

Well done Tom and his mum. Absolutely amazing news xxx

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Jul 4Liked by Abi Roberts

Today was a good day, my heart bleeds but at the same time sings for Sarah🙏

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Beautifully put, Jules. I feel quite overcome today. I think it’s the build up and general exhaustion with the shit show. It could so easily have gone another way yesterday. ❤️🙏

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Jul 4Liked by Abi Roberts

The Oxford English Dictionary says independence is "exemption from external control or support; freedom from subjection or from the influence of others; individual liberty of thought or action."

Today really is 'independence' day for Tom. Well done to Tom's Mum for fighting the good fight, she truly is an inspirational woman. What a horrific experience to go through.

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Jul 5Liked by Abi Roberts

Hi Abi. I'm not familiar with this story but just done a bit of reading. Fantastic news but absurd as you say. I can't fathom how we ( being those who have eyes wide open ) still have to engage with this narrative in order to try to win our liberty back ( if we believe we had much in the first place ). I hope this makes sense. I think seeing Mike Yeadon last week has re-fuelled me in terms of fighting again. His scientific take on the shot reminded me of the horror behind everything. I am speaking out all the time now. Losing friends again. Without regret, but it takes its toll. The fact that Tom's Mum had to engage in such a corrupt system makes me rage. But I will remind myself of my faith. It has been strengthened recently.

Lotsalove Jo X ( the better half of the lovely couple from Bristol )

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Jul 5Liked by Abi Roberts

Wonderful pod, bringing us wonderful news. And boy, do we all need some good news. Hugely well done to Tom's mum, Paul, you, Natalie, Francis and everyone who supported this. God bless you all 🙏😘 xxxx

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That’s so lovely to read back Helen. It makes me weepy to think of what they’ve been through. God bless you too 🙏❤️

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God bless Tom and his Mum ! You’d fight like a lioness for your children, I think we’d all agree on that. Lovely pod Abi much needed good news xx 🙏

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Jul 4Liked by Abi Roberts

Today was a good day with the right outcome! I hope they can now settle back into a normal life and start the recovery process.

I pray the arrival of Starmer does not see us all fighting for our human rights as he will surely try his hardest to continue with these Globalist style plans. How many more innocent people will be hounded under totalitarian leadership. But today was a good day. Thank you God 🙏🏻

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Jul 4Liked by Abi Roberts

OK, mum needs at least £1m compensation for the torture?

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Jul 4Liked by Abi Roberts

These victories are so important. Other Judges and court helpline staff were fair when I took on Essex County Council and a care company but the rotten egg Judge ruled against me, even though I proved the care co. attended only around half the hours for which they were paid. I was all on my own - no God, no luvvies for support, but I did it to chip away at a secretive system that condones the sick and elderly not receiving proper care. If you listen to Dr. David Starkey, you understand how Blair and Brown managed to put in place a system designed to bypass elected politicians. Yes the EU, May, Cameron and Johnson are all complicit. And if, as predicted, Surplus Fear Harmer is the next Prime Minister their work will be completed. So yes, we must vote to elect a new class of politician because every , WEF attending, quango must be broken up and scattered to the wind. Anyone who tries will be assassinated, starting with their character, so give them a chance.

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Praise be to God.

It's not over but a massive step in the right direction.

What an angel Tom's mum is. Like you say, a lioness.

I'm sure she would want to pursue the people that did this and make sure they never work again. Turn Cancel Culture on its head.

But that's a battle for another day. As The Lord says "vengeance is mine."

The lioness can sleep soundly tonight, the wolves have been chased away. X

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Great news about Tom's case.Well done to his and mum and those who took on another corrupt system.This gives some hope....🙏🙏

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I hope this win for Tom will set a precedent for other parents with disabled children or those with learning difficulties when they come up against the State in the future. For a child that is deemed to not be able to make important decisions for themselves the State takes over when that child reaches 18 years so this is a really big win, not just for Tom, but for the future.

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Amazing news Abi. Respect to everyone especially Tom’s amazing mum. 😘

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Huge relief for Tom and his Mum. Such great news. I watched the hearing online. I saw you slumped on the table while Hayden droned through his summing up. All through the hearing it felt like the verdict could have turned in any direction on Hayden’s whim. It was egg shells right up to the end when he finally concluded. That endless stuff about the GP surgery was pointless curiosity and legal muscle flexing aimed at nothing other than making an insulting comment about Sarah.

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Does Siv work for Tescos?

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😂😂I had forgotten about Siv

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