I believe Trump to actually be a good man.

He has done a great number of hnourable things, none of which you will ever see in our poisoned media.

The media whores have smeared him for the last 8 years and the cretinous public believed it.

His stance on the jab is wrong, but his call to RFK shows that he might be open to tearing the Pharma companies a new one.

If he survives.

The democrats are truly evil and have done everything they can to destroy America, including the theft of an election and the innumerous attempts to destroy Trump.

I do not believe that he is "the lesser of two evils" at all, but probably the only man that can stop America from being intentionally suicided.

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An excellent post. America was prosperous during Trump’s 4 years as President. Trump created jobs, the economy was good, gas prices were low and there were no wars. The 2020 election was obviously stolen with both the use of mail-in ballots and the rigged counting machines. Trump’s big mistake was promoting the vaccines, I believe he was badly advised by the likes of Fauci. The Democrats hate America and will destroy it, just look at New York City and San Francisco, now unrecognisable. Trump never took a salary during his 4 year term and he is the only President to leave office financially poorer than when he arrived. Trump loves America and believes in God, he is by no means perfect but then we are all flawed.

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This is exactly my thinking!

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Exactly like helping the families of the injured and dead from the assassination attempt and not taking a salary while in office. He always comes across very kind when meeting people and you can’t make that up if you watch the fakery of creepy Joe.

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I couldn't agree more.

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Jul 26Liked by Abi Roberts

No. Trump imprisoned and strangled the entire country. The other party didn't actively continue the torture, and let it lapse. Both are evil, but the one who started the murder and torture is more evil than the one who passively allowed it to stop.

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He never promoted mandates and was desperate to open up the economy but he took too much notice of Fauci. That’s his Achilles heel as a businessman he tends to follow “experts” against his gut,

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Yes Alison, Fauci was an advisor that Trump took on trust. Fauci told Trump that Sweden did very poorly because they didn’t lock down, an obvious lie. The list of lies from Fauci is endless. Trump’s special advisors in the medical field were all pro jabs, just the same as in the UK.

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Exactly Jan

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No-one gets into power without Deep State backing. Trump is being offered as the Saviour character, part of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and Marxist playbooks. He has serviced the elites just as much as the rest of the demonic crew have. He was Jesuit trained. Here's a very recent and good examination of his geopolitical performance during his presidency by Ben Norton. https://youtu.be/5wwm4OiYY5M?si=Y_M5LBi1-cOnytOn

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Exactly....just another sock puppet actor with a script designed to capture a certain bunch of people. There’s a psyop for everyone

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I also believe Trump is a good man who has done much to fight against evil. The only politician who has dared to take on the global elite by fighting against child trafficking or who showed her late Satanic Majesty that he was far stronger than her.

The avoidance of a global nuclear war resulting from the mad war-mongering of Nato with respect to Ukraine and Russia is very likely to be only possible if he wins the election in the autumn.

I also believe that Putin is a good man.

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Yes Peter, I believe Trump is the only person who can stop the war with Ukraine and Russia. Trump and Putin may not agree on many things but they have the greatest respect for each other.

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I am sure many people will be unhappy with the views I have stated on this SubStack but I am entitled to have those views and I am always respectful of other people’s views.

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Yeah I totally agree with your written assessment abster. I dont trust Trump totally to be too vain not to be taken in by big money and to dilute some of his promises to the american people on the border etc and im worried about the sudden appearance of JD Vance sponsored by Peter Thiel of Palantir who is very much a technocrat and along with some ex google funders if some can be believed have helped his meteoric rise to Veep. However, nothing can epitomise evil more than the awful Kameltoe who is just as addled and in the pocket of the cabal as her predecessor. Another thing I worry about is Trumps unwavering support of the awful Bibi Netanyahu who is disliked even by the Israeli people and his war against Gazan kids and that, as usual, well have to pick up the bill for this and the Ukraine bullshit. However Id definitely prefer Trump if thems the only choices as I think his instincts are often good.

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J D Vance as VP does not sit well with many Republicans because of his background and connections. Trump will definitely deport the illegals rather than give them a US passport, he will also have the borders properly patrolled. Netanyahu is a psychopath but for me that does not reflect on the Israeli people. I will never forget the atrocities of 7 October by what can only be described as savages. Yes, Netanyahu left the border unsecured and was prepared to sacrifice his own people but Hamas did not have to attack. Hamas knew the consequences but now play the victim.

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No many say Bibi wants to distract from his corruption trial it’s the normal Gazans and Israeli hostages caught up in the cross fire of both sides I feel sorry for. There needs to be a ceasefire inmho. I think we’ve seen enough bloodshed. Agree about Vance not sure if he’s another Pence.

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Nooooo! Trump is a judas goat. Pushed the jabs in operation warp speed. That is unforgiveable. I cannot bear to hear otherwise....sorry!

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The Jabfather is directly responsible for millions of deaths and injuries yet he brags and says he doesn’t get enough credit for his poison darts. He has shown zero empathy or remorse. Do you know what that makes him? A psychopath. He’s an unapologetic mass murderer. He is not the lesser of two evils. He needs to be added to the Wall of Cunts.

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Trump is just another sock puppet actor reading a script he was given. He is there to demonise a certain demographic as “Far Right” If he gets in it’s because that is what has been ordained by the slime

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I can’t believe anyone is seeing Trump as anything other than just another actor reading a script he was given. If he gets in it’s because they want him in. His role is to divide and make it easy to demonise a certain demographic as “Far Right”

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Agnostic regards Trump, I think there is more to the ‘show’ than meets the eye. Its all too weird. I tend to zone out.

I went to an amazing show on holiday with a singing trio. It made me reflect on just how shit everything is.... music, musicals, films, actors etc. I don’t think it is just nostalgia on my behalf or seeking false idols; all the ‘stars’ from my day had something about them. Talent for a start and charisma. Even intelligentsia is shit (Murray & Peterson chatting bollocks).

Crazy times 🤪

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I don’t believe that there is a lesser of two evils in the current setup and a new system can’t be built without first disovling this one. The whole system is evil and it is the same show being inacted in every so called democratic nation. Be seen to vote someone in and then the people voted in push whichever agenda the globalists want. By us voting they have our consent. Trump would not be there or be funded if he didn’t have a role to play. Maybe his role is to be percieved as being a threat or a saviour while still pushing agendas? I think we have to accept that the system must fall and that we definately do not want the system that is planned- so what will we replace it with?

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