The Crunt is back!! Whoop fooooooking whoop!!🥳🥳🥳👍💖💖

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Cathy Crunt with the real news! I love her ❤️

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Hope this wasn't the lurgy, that you were in bed with just recently! Mortifying if true.

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Good to see Cathy Crunt at her absolute best 👍💖

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Can we see a Denise Dingleberry parody of the Labour party conference please Abi.. # Pure Blood,..

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Did nice old Stanley punch you in the face like he used to do to Boris’ mother? You’d love it though..

Good to have you back Abi. Tyranny doesn’t rest and the agenda has been speeding up rapidly by the day.

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Dear Abi, This is a question for Friday’s AAA. Why do we disagree with the establishment on every subject except one? Vaccines, war in Ukraine, energy crisis reasons, inflation etc- all subjects we disagree on. BUT, if you dare question the idea that Jimmy Savile might not have been the most prolific paedophile in U.K. history, you get someone immediately down your throat, and it’s usually somebody from our side like I did yesterday with James Delingpole who threatened to block me for not obeying his house rules.

JD does great work, but house rules ffs? Do you have those?

Savile couldn’t have committed the alleged abuse at Duncroft school according to the late blogger Anna Raccoon- she was there in the next bed to the alleged victim Karin Ward.

She’d have known.

Savile had his extensive and detailed diaries lost by South Yorkshire police. They mapped where he was on any day and would have blown false accusations out of the water.

Would that twat Charles 3rd really have been best mates with an oik like Savile? I think not.

He was always running fucking marathons ffs.

As a boy, I really disliked Savile. I found him creepy, knew he was a wrong un. But, it’s gone beyond now. If we can’t question this idea about shit like him procuring kids for the Royal family etc or stalking morgues with Peter Sutcliffe what’s the point of carrying on? And it’s our own side who censor on this, not the jabbed up leftist morons.

I’m not saying I’m right, but show me the evidence, and nobody will.

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Excellent Cathy! So good to see you dropping those truth bombs again 🤣🤣🤣xx

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