Hi Abi so happy you are back tomorrow. Have missed your daily updates. Apparently there is no other news going on in the world except fuck wit and his book of lies. I bet the government are delighted with all this distraction. Xxx

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Beautiful article Abi. I've been trying to understand how and when humanity lost its humanity. There's a moral vacuum at the heart of society and I'm not sure how it got there. I think it's to do with modern life and how it has dulled, desensitised, and dehumanised us. When this loss of empathy with our fellow man began I'm not sure but I think it's to do with the emergence of the scientific rational, materialistic world view two centuries ago when theologians and scientists argued about the nature of life. The transcendent value of life became less relevant to people's existence as their material aspirations were fulfilled by scientific progress. Somehow we have to reignite an awareness in hearts and minds of our spiritual, transcendental connection with life. Man does not live by bread alone.

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Hi Abi love your podcasts & chat thank god we got you to listen to & help us through the crazy shit that's happening as well as have a good bloody laugh.

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You write with care and compassion. Your humour is bittersweet, poignant and makes me laugh. So glad you reposted this ‘call to reclaim humanity’ It’s my positive intention for 2023. Let’s spread it.

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So true Abi. In the desperate desire to be and feel safe, people were willing to trample all over any decency and humanity they may have had. My mum has been in and out of hospitals for the past few months, she had been living with me for the oast 7 months in an area that is unfamiliar to her. She is showing all the signs of dementia so imagine how much more confusing and scary it would have been for her if i were unable to see or comfort her due to a lockdown situation. A very difficult situation would have become unbearable. I don't know how this is going to be resolved, she was due to sign a tenancy agreement for extra care housing recently but was in hospital. Last week we thought we were losing her. She stopped eating, was hallucinating having imaginary conversations with people who were not there, and looked weaker and more out of it than I have ever seen her. She is a little better now managing to keep very small amounts of soft pureed food down. I have a constant sick feeling in my stomach but this is now my new normal. Glad your back Abi, missed your podcasts.

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Very good article. It perfectly captures what it means to be human and alive. It's how God made us so unique. That is why we must fight with all our might against transhumanism that is creeping into our lives.

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