We had such a lovely time on Friday Abi. It was the first time we'd d been to the barn, what a warm and welcoming place it is. So good to meet and speak with you and all of the other people whise faces I knew but hadn't met properly. You made us laugh but also reminded us of the terrible things people said and did. Really unforgivable. Thankyou for reading out my letter, which you did beautifully. It was strange listening to it again after all this time, took me straight back to how I felt at the time. I had an emotional chat afterwards, with a lady who was a teacher. She said it was exactly how she had felt too. I looked for you to say bye before we left, but you were surrounded by people. Thankyou again for a lovely evening, so glad you enjoyed your time in Ledbury and the malvetn hills, beautiful aren't they. I have ordered We The People from lulu. We now have a permanent record of people's experiences. Great job!

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Hi Hani, the lady you spoke to was Jenny and your letter described her own experiences perfectly. She was deeply moved by your words and felt it was such a great pleasure to meet you, a kindred spirit.

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Hi Graham. It was a pleasure to meet you both. I was very moved by Jenny too.

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Wouldn't let me post as Hani, so I had to put in my full name. Hope everyone is well x

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An unforgettable evening in Ledbury! A beautiful little town and the surrounding countryside is just breathtaking. Fingers crossed, our house sale will go through in the next few weeks and we will be settled in the area, actually within walking distance of one of the railway stations you mentioned. Thanks, again, for the principled work you do which people understand hasn’t happened without sacrifice.

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Jesus Abi!! How much can you squeeze in?! Fnar 🤭

Sounds like you had a blast, Jen, Will, Charlotte, Wayne, HelDel, Dick, Charles, Hanni, what a line up of friends 🥰

Sounds like Phillip was giving you the glad eye 😉

Clever Jules with her poster. I hope you two have an amazing time on Thursday. Looking forward to another kitchen table.

Love to Lisa too 😘

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Sounds like you had a fab time at the gig. Being in the office yesterday got round to talking about flu jabs. They are all going for them and the Covid jab. Then one girl said all these stupid conspiracy people talking about the dangers of jabs. She called them dangerous. I actually have no words.

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Marie, it’s too late for these people that want to continue having the jabs. Our words will just fall on deaf ears.

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Jan I know one went to have hers to protect their pregnant daughter. Just get called the anti vaxer now. I can live with that

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How sad to hear that people still think like that silly ignorant office girl!

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I know, so am the dangerous one in the office. They've all gone down now 1 arm flu, other arm COVID. Ridiculous

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The BEST weekend. Brilliant to see you smash it this weekend at Ledbury! Can't wait for Episode 2 of your kitchen table. Rather unhappy you left BRIAN out of Ledbury but will let you mention him tomorrow :)))

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Surely the name of Brian won't be taken in vain.

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Sounds a fun weekend ! I think I’ve missed a memo 😊.. I didn’t know about Ledbury or Bob’s book launch ? Where do I find about these events ? I received my hardback book last week I am honoured to have a copy, you should be very proud of this Abi xx

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hahaha - the Greek cat thing really is very funny. And I can confirm that Greek cats do love feta cos I have Greek cats.

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🇬🇷 🐱

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what they really like is what is called stomachi in Greek - the stomach of chickens that is commonly sold in Greek Lidl..not here though!

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How wonderful 🤢😂

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haha - yes it's gross but you get used to it (and I'm a vegetarian! ).

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Bridgen and jail - to be continued...and continued. Perhaps Bridgen is the gift that keeps on giving but I'd be more worried about Starmer and the resurgent (and aptly named) Johnson. Did anyone know he'd written a book? He is boasting again about Brexit enabling him to get AstraZeneca into arms ahead of the EU. Just like his father, he slips into any conversation that 'some very clever people' have decided what's good for us. Maybe that's why I'm not keen on people who are supposed to be very clever. I give you Carol Doberman and Sandi Toxic - to name but two.

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Big up Jen and well done Will , you’re an absolute diamond. You’ll go far young man and don’t let being dyslexic hold you back💙

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Bless you, Trudi. Will loves all the creative subjects at school and after going to Abi's gig Friday evening he now has ambitions of going to Drama college.

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Will is so bright and a real one off.He deserves to do really well ❤️

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Thank you Catherine for those kind words x

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Aww bless him. I’m sure he will flourish 💙

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I’d have ripped that fuckers poster off the gate and burnt it!


Glad you all enjoyed it😊

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I wish you’d speak your mind sometimes Trudi 😂❤️

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That’s the attitude Trudi xx😏

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Ah it was such a tonic to see you, fam, and lots of beautiful familiar faces again. A great evening and walk the next day. Your set was ace too. Here's to many more of these events! Hope you have the best time at Bob's event later this week 🥰xxx

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Have lots of fun at Bob's book launch. I was supposed to go but really damaged my hip so can't. Lovely Sally has sent me just the sweetest emails after I told her I couldn't make it. I had the same concern tho - I have nothing to wear - I haven't worn proper clothes for years. I too was thinking of raiding a local charity shop (had I not injured my hip that is what I would have been doing today). But at least I have your book on the way (hopefully you will sign it for me one day) and Bob's too (already signed). xxx

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Shame you can’t make it Rosie, hope your hip is better soon. Sal is a very lovely and kind lady ❤️

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Thanks Jules! xxx

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Hope you’re feeling better soon Rosie.

Sore hip- ouch ☹️💖

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Thanks Trudi. xxx

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Evidence based medicine??? Is there some medicine that isn’t “evidence based” then? What’s that called? Taking a punt on people’s health?

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Though to be fair the murder was probably evidence based

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The Ledbury gig weekend sounded fantastic.Whar a lovely time of year to be there too👌❤️

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Sounds like a wonderful Ledbury weekend Abi. Thinking of your poster next to Andrew Bridgen was bloody hilarious. I would love to see a photo of the poster that Jules did for you at Ledbury.

A lovely email from Jen, her son Will sounds like a great young man and so polite too🤗

The guests for Abi’s Kitchen Table on Saturday are top notch. Enjoy Thursday with Bob and the lovely Jules xx

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Sounds like you had a wonderful gig at the Barn and weekend! With the Autumn atmosphere, it would have been fabulous! 😎💖

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