Was at a small regular gig last night that Aisling O’Loughlin spoke at. One of our regulars ‘Joan’ (82) (legend) shouted out ‘is everybody listening to TNT radio it’s brilliant, except that Abbie Roberts is a bit too whacky sometimes?’ But their was a loud chorus of No! We love Abbie, including Aisling. It was a great knees up of tin foil haters and Asling O Loughlin finished beautifully in response to someone beginning to doubt how can we win when we are few, but Aisling’s gem response was’ One plus God equals an army’.
Bob is such a calm soul. He's never over exited and very collected. He may come across passive, but he really has the balls to call it out as it is. And I congratulate him for this.
Re: the COVID shit, I sent a reply to James Delingpole on his tweet today....
"Any doctor who believes in COVID, let alone the arm spear, should be avoided at all costs.
And any of these doctors who said they treated patients under the COVID protocol, have ID’d themselves as accessory to murder."
Do you remember that Tucker Carlson went to Belmarsh to interview Julian Assange pre his interview with Putin? No recording equipment allowed in Belmarsh so presumably Tucker took notes. As far as I am aware we have heard nothing from Tucker about this interview with Assange🤷♀️
The Froggatt actress always used to be good so she must be desperate for roles and not have believed in the script or the story to be so bad in this 'drama'.I've not seen it because it would leave my blood boiling and the anxiety would spike
Was at a small regular gig last night that Aisling O’Loughlin spoke at. One of our regulars ‘Joan’ (82) (legend) shouted out ‘is everybody listening to TNT radio it’s brilliant, except that Abbie Roberts is a bit too whacky sometimes?’ But their was a loud chorus of No! We love Abbie, including Aisling. It was a great knees up of tin foil haters and Asling O Loughlin finished beautifully in response to someone beginning to doubt how can we win when we are few, but Aisling’s gem response was’ One plus God equals an army’.
“One plus God equals an army”, I just love that.
Brilliant 😂
Good evening Abi, good evening all!
I hope you are all well?
Bob is such a calm soul. He's never over exited and very collected. He may come across passive, but he really has the balls to call it out as it is. And I congratulate him for this.
Re: the COVID shit, I sent a reply to James Delingpole on his tweet today....
"Any doctor who believes in COVID, let alone the arm spear, should be avoided at all costs.
And any of these doctors who said they treated patients under the COVID protocol, have ID’d themselves as accessory to murder."
Do you remember that Tucker Carlson went to Belmarsh to interview Julian Assange pre his interview with Putin? No recording equipment allowed in Belmarsh so presumably Tucker took notes. As far as I am aware we have heard nothing from Tucker about this interview with Assange🤷♀️
OMG never knew this the silence is deafening poor Julian a scape goat for the NWO cxxts
Just listen to you and Bob on TNT. I just adore him. Such a clever, intelligent man. What a wonderful human being he is. Thank god for you both.🙏🤗
8.32 is “The truth will set you free “ was the whole show taking the
Piss ? Surprised there wasn’t a Bob character too! Great week of interviews and insights Abi take a bow! X
Loving the TNT Abi. Such a treat - having you twice in one day! (oh matron, I hear you cry)
Never liked that Frog'ie actress (in breathless) Her and 'Mr Bates' were the most dull couple on the planet. Cheers to all !!!!!!
"bairn" is Geordie. "wairn" and "weeairn" (of wee one) are Scottish. God bless x
The Froggatt actress always used to be good so she must be desperate for roles and not have believed in the script or the story to be so bad in this 'drama'.I've not seen it because it would leave my blood boiling and the anxiety would spike