Nov 9, 2023Liked by Abi Roberts

I take people on face value, whether I like them or not, that’s MY decision.

I don’t hold anyone to be my leader, I lead myself.

I don’t know much about James Dellingpole.

I met Dick and he was very pleasant.

Helen Dellingpole sat next to me at Kegworth, she was wonderful and showed me nothing but kindness and I’ll never forget it.

I don’t ‘like every posts by people I follow.

In the grand scheme of things, who gives a shit?

People need to give their fucking heads a wobble, if slagging off others on social media is all you’ve got to worry about, you don’t know how fucking lucky you are!

Yes, i slag off Bridgen and I’ve every right to do so, same applies for any of the cunts who voted for lockdowns and poisonous jabs!

End of rant☹️

Don’t like me- fuck off!!

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Nov 10, 2023Liked by Abi Roberts

Trudi, I will be disappointed if you’re not practising Sweet Home Abibama like mad on your recorder x

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Well said Trudi!!👏👏👏

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Well said Trudi 🥰

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Very well said Trudi 👏

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Nov 9, 2023Liked by Abi Roberts

Hi Abi. Sorry to hear this but as easy as it is to say, try not to take it personally. You do an amazing thing to bring joy into people’s lives. That is no easy task.

You can’t please everyone all the time,(not that you’d want to) but as my old dad used to say to me, “there’s nowt as strange as folk” and how right he was! You are not anyone’s keepers, but people use your platform on occasion to announce their displeasure, impending departure , (you name it)! That’s the nature of social media, for better or worse. As you rightly say, it’s not your problem and I’m sorry that it weighs heavy on you as it isn’t right but unfortunately it’s probably the nature of the beast to an extent.

Keep your pecker up, I love what you do and expect nothing from you other than your continued potty mouthed rants and your endless fight for what is right and just! Much love to you, DtP x

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Nov 10, 2023Liked by Abi Roberts

Love this Dan x

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Cheers, our kid X

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Nov 10, 2023Liked by Abi Roberts

Much love to you Abi. I know the departure of our new friends Lynne and Dena will weigh heavy on you but you can’t let it. Their problem is with James and it should never have spilled over to your channel like it did and then make you feel responsible in some way, that’s not on.....I really don’t know what was expected of you. It’s sad but you can’t be everything to everyone. As Shouty said ‘you do enough’ ‘you are enough’. We all love you for what you do, you have made us laugh and helped many of us get through some very hard times, that is a beautiful and precious thing, pls don’t underestimate your reach.

The ‘David is dead’ Big Brother episode was one of the funniest TV moments ever. My friend was on a girls holiday in Majorca in the nineties, around the time Robbie Williams left Take That. Turned out he was staying in their apartment block, she made him beans on toast one morning and has photos of them on the balcony eating it. They were kids really 😂 he has definitely been witness to the sordid satanic goings on in the music industry.....he was someone’s bum boy for sure.

Hang in there everyone xx

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Nov 10, 2023Liked by Abi Roberts

Great post Jules 💋

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I heard also that Robbie has been a David Icke fan for a long time, you can't be an Icke fan and not be a little aware as I like to say instead of awake! Xx

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Jules, I haven’t been on Twitter today so have only just heard that Bob’s show has been cancelled in Newcastle for him having the wrong opinions🤦🏼‍♀️ I really hope that he finds a new venue x

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Nov 10, 2023Liked by Abi Roberts

Hi Abi another great POD. I wouldn't worry too much about somebody leaving the group. Like you, I am always bemused when people announce they are leaving social media. Its not an airport love just leave don't need to announce your departure.

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Nov 10, 2023Liked by Abi Roberts

Why do people think they are so important that they have to announce their departure🤷‍♀️ Now, I love duvets, I also love the term pureblood and Abi is a little harsher in her criticism of some people than I would be. That’s life, we cannot agree all the time and it would be pretty bloody boring if we did. I’m NOT leaving btw😂

Konstantin Kisarse made me laugh so much.

Can you play Sandy Beach again sometime soon, it was brilliant.

Love to all you glorious people who are on Abi’s SubStack for the long haul and what a journey that is xx

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Shouts from the bath 🛀 David Gest hahaha. It may be appropriate to mention Joan Collins last husband they named Bungalow Bill - he had nothing up top allegedly 😂. On another note you are so right we locked our gates thinking they’d come knocking on doors to force jabs, the sound of jackboots was getting increasingly louder back in 2021. Great pod Abi as always xx

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Does anyone else whisper "Be seeing you" back to Abi at the end of is it just me?! 🤣 X

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Nov 10, 2023Liked by Abi Roberts

Me 🖐️ not just you xx

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Nov 9, 2023Liked by Abi Roberts

Saw his show at guild hall in Preston, had some great souls stars on, Billy Paul (now dead) not the jib jab tho!

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Nov 9, 2023Liked by Abi Roberts

David Gest

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Wow-what a good one Abi. I confess to only knowing of JD from your pods and I still occasionally watch Campbell and Bridgen because they quote numbers and therefore give me some ammunition to fire back at the numpties. Steve N. Allen is very slick and appeared on the Mash Report which means he's probably a twat. It really does take guts, as you know, to go against the flow as there are others, less capable, waiting in the wings (lovies, darlings) who'd say anything to climb the greasy pole. Let's hope they all slide down and land right in the shit where they belong. I've been gradually warming to Lewis Schaffer, so I'm glad he seems like one of the good guys.

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I met Lewis Schaffer at Comedy Unleashed in Bethnal Green, what a lovely guy. Lewis greeted people when they arrived and happily spent time chatting to people. My only criticism is that I don’t find him funny🤷‍♀️

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Good pod Abs, thanks🐣

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I stand with Jan ! ‘Get over yourself’!

Never trusted Doyle, eyes too close together for one thing.

Just watching Robbie on your recommendation Abi 💖

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I don't find much funny ha ha these days because most of the comedy that made me laugh has been deemed unfit for human consumption. 'Don't tell him Pike' and the like take the Mickey out of those who take themselves, and their views, too seriously. And that made this country more open and democratic. I'm agnostic, bordering atheist, but might have to go into hiding if I make a joke about certain religions. I did it once and think I got away with it.

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not very happy about such a public humiliation of Nina. late seeing this for work reasons. kinda of scratching my head a bit. Is all social media just ultimately vile in the end.

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Nov 16, 2023·edited Nov 16, 2023

I've only just heard this one.Sorry to hear about the 'mardy' Dina/Nina.All very odd!

At least Astra Zeneca stopped before the boosters .All the people I know to have died, or have serious side effects from ,had taken the pfizer shot 3 😪

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Many thanks for all you do Abi. You are who who are and this makes your site special. Given how evil things have got venting one's rage is essential. People come and people go from sites; I say they are free to do as they please so why should I worry. We must just tell the truth in love. Love sometimes takes strong language which some will object to.

As regards the 'defective' AZ vaccine I just say that all vaccines are defective that is the point of them, they are designed to harm and sometimes kill. I used to think The Telegraph reasonable in some respects (at least the crosswords!) but with all the lies it has spouted I have become disgusted with it let alone the other papers. They were never that good but they have sunk to new lows.

I am not interested in the statistics as you indicate they can always change. For me it so not so much the coercion (psycological pressure) as the fact that no vaccine ever has ever been of any use whatsoever except for profiting big pharma by creating customers from the harm they cause.


And as you rightly say, the AZ vaccine was just not as good as killing people as the some of the others like Pfizer and Moderna.


As regards Benjamin Netanyahu you need to be careful as 'Hunt an Abi enemy Jan' is an anagram of his name! :)

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