Jul 8Liked by Abi Roberts

We were on the vinegar stroke of vaccine passports. We can now look forward to them under Kneeler Stalin and his Soros/mass murdering buddy, Tony B Liar.

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Vinegar strokes - love that expression 🤣

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I couldn't have put it better.

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Saw a clip with Starmer wants to go after Telegram.

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Jul 8Liked by Abi Roberts

Haha - really made me laugh about the idea of you having nothing to say one day and just going from intro to outro. Funny thing to me is that if you did it would be perfectly acceptable on your pod. I think we would all just think - OK - Fair enough! Thanks for the honestly. See you when you do!

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Jul 8Liked by Abi Roberts

I chuckled at this too 😂

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I liked the “I’ve gone straight into Margaret Thatcher” bit at the beginning 😂 xx

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Jul 9Liked by Abi Roberts

🤣 straight in 🔥 …..I think your bath time is safe Suzanne because things that would never happen ‘imagine I came on one day and had nothing to say’ 🛀

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Abi does her podcast using the medium of mime

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Zippy lost for words 😄

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Hey anything's possible! 😁

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Jul 8Liked by Abi Roberts

We will all never forget. And we will stand strong to make a better world. God bless us all xx

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Jul 8Liked by Abi Roberts

I think you are spot on about moderating how we approach people who we meet who are still in thrall to the fear. I’ve got it wrong so many times and realise they are genuinely still very scared and it’s no good berating them. Only last week, woman serving in a bookshop and slathering on the hand sanitiser and me saying ‘There’s really no need’ was enough to trigger her into a tirade.

I’ve been reading that book by Fr Men too, and I’ve felt very much the same Abi. Can’t thank you enough because I feel as if I’ve finally found a spiritual guide for the times we are living through. His advice about a daily routine is so sound.

I’ve also sourced a biography by Wallace L. Daniel which is on its way, Russia’s Uncommon Prophet because I’m intrigued about his life and also the catacomb churches…because I feel as if we’re heading for a form of that now as we become increasingly marginalised for our ‘wrong think’. We know what’s ahead will be tough and for that reason I definitely feel we need to put our own personal spiritual protection in place, whatever that may be.

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Jul 9·edited Jul 9Liked by Abi Roberts

I am currently reading The Fall of the spirits of Darkness by Rudolf Steiner.

He was very much involved with the Theosophical Movement

They are a collection of his lectures given just after WW1

The language of “awake” “ego” etc is very much throughout the book. It references very similar concepts to Carl Jung

It also mentions that in the not too far off future 💉 will be used to cut our connections with God and our soul.

It states the importance of humanity awakening and that there is a ramping up of a spiritual war with demonic beings.

I am only in the early chapters but it talks of the need for a new spiritual movement

Much to meditate on as the freedom movement is very much using the same language. Myself included.

Abi glad to hear you have found it so beneficial to leave Twitter. Substack is all I am on now.

I know quite a few people who have done likewise. No need for more noise and the thoughts put forth here and other stacks are like no other platform. Thanks Abi 🙏

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Speaking out against digital ID while we can is important. We should all interrupt the globalist sponsored demonstrators' plans to keep us off the streets and get out there, as many of us did between lockdowns, before it's too late. After my experience of the Channel 4 stitch up, it makes me sad that people didn't vote. If they'd have made the effort and not listened to the negativity over exercising their democratic right, it might have made a difference. They will never know.

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Difference to what? We crossed the rubicon long ago. The Neo-Marxist Stalinists are not the democratic kind. Look at France - despite the votes against him and his Third Way socialist cronies, Macron is basically an absolute ruler. To my mind, real and lasting change will only come from showing the younger generation that fundamental principles have to be strengthened and given priority again. At its heart, this is a spiritual battle and always has been. Most people, including myself, have been asleep to this because we are constantly distracted and pulled back into the old paradigm.

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Jul 9Liked by Abi Roberts

The two/three party system is far from perfect and neither is proportional representation because, as you quite rightly say, there is always the potential for gerrymandering (as in France).

16-25 year olds seem more savvy and could be the new enlightened generation, less likely to fall for old control and belief systems. They could purge the idiocy and, with the support of us old timers, make democracy work for the people.

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Our hope lies in the next generation. That’s where we must do the work. I’m convinced of it. 🙏

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My brother called round a few days before he went on holiday and dropped into the conversation about the latest new thing that is more contagious and deadly.

My reaction without even thinking was to say “ffs are you still watching msm and their fucking scaremongering”, I told him even if and that’s a big if that if it was true there’s sod all you can do about it so stop watching,worrying and get on with your life.

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Where has the pod gone?

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Still here! Are you not getting pod emails Roz? X

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Wouldn’t play on substack so found it on apple

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Ooh, that's odd! May have been glitch on the site. Thanks for letting me know. Abs x

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Jul 9Liked by Abi Roberts

Seems to be working now! Anyway, was a good one! X

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