Great podcast tonight. So glad the witch has gone but they will just replace her with the same or worse! I follow David Kurten and much prefer him to others. Tice is a creep really shown his true colours. It is a huge bloody cesspit out there! Anyway i truly believe that this group are on the right side of history and we want to preserve all that is genuinely good about our country and our society. Abi is the glue that holds us together 💯

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I keep hearing that NZ is full of Freemasons and Deep State (good friends living there) and a number of these folk supposedly have their getaways there (and in Oz I think). So sadly I suspect this is just a reshuffle just like they did here in the UK and elsewhere. But we can live in hope that it isn't.

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Again Abi you have me roaring with laughter on the way to work 🤣😂. You are very very good with the accents. I do enjoy you doing Carole Malone though 🤣🤣🤣🤣. My opinion, Australia had some of THE WORST dictators during the covid phenomenon. In particular the state leaders. Absolute cruel power hungry, heartless dictators. My God they would have been at the top of the chain in the Stasi. They will get their reckoning eventually.

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Yes Alannah, especially the leaders in NSW and Victoria behaved like dictators and were drunk on power. I hope they are brought to justice.

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I love and admire your passion Abi. Thank you for calling these tyrants out. Some days I have as much motivation as a wrung out dish rag, but your daily podcasts always lift my spirits.Thank you. Don't stop. I will not comply. I can never forget or forgive.

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Thanks Abi for another brilliant podcast. Your accents are amazing and I think you could turn your hand to being an impressionist, no problem 😁. Princess Diana was excellent and I always love your Maggie Thatcher 'No, No, No!' Brilliant and de irish covid 🤣, I love that!

You say we are all inspirational, but we wouldn't be here without you. Your courage to speak out and speak up for us is truly inspirational and I thank you from ths bottom of my heart for your understanding and support that you give to all of us here on substack. I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say Abi Daily means the world to me and it's one of the few good things that has come out of the last few years. Thank you Abi! I 🥰

Question for AAA: what do you think about these 15 minute cities? Do you think it's just another way to tax us ie like a congestion charge or is it something more sinister which will lead to more Lockdowns for climate reasons and to stop us using our cars? I'd be interested to know what the substack family think as I see evil intent in everything now. Am I right to be suspicious with this? Thanks Abi xx

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In my opinion 15 minute city's are all part of the plan to control us. Digital ID, CBDC's , carbon credits linked to our social score. All Wef plans towards a transhuminist future. It's not a conspiracy they would like to have us all chipped so they know everything we do.. Where we go, what we spend, who we meet! Just look at China. They are all at Davos now planning our future without us having a say. I believe they wish for one world government! The masses seem not to care or be unaware. But they spell it all out on the W E F website. Been planned for years.

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Thanks Kirsty for your reply. I think I'd just like for someone to say it's all just a dream and I've been an idiot to believe it all, but in my gut I agree with the whole of your comment. We live in scary times x

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You are not an idiot I'm sure! I feel it's self preservation not to look into the darkness. We don't always need to understand the full picture to keep our family safe. Maybe sometimes it is too much! It is important to stay positive ,so I try to find silver linings. Hard I know. And hey maybe it is all a dream!! Haha Hope you are well x

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I'm just doing ok and trying to prepare as much as I can. I agree there are times its good not to look too deeply into things. Thanks Kirsty x🥰

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Kirsty, as you say this has all been planned for years by WEF. Ideally they want to chip us so that everything we do is under their control. Most people seem to be blissfully unaware. We are living in dangerous times, our freedom is at stake.

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Louise, Abi’s ‘de Irish covid’ is just brilliant.

The 15 minute cities are a means of controlling our movements and stopping us using our cars. It is definitely more than a moneymaking exercise.

Be suspicious of everything they try and impose on us Louise xx

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Yes, that is my overriding feeling Jan, but I don't know about you, but I start to feel sometimes like I'm going mad and I'm seeing things that aren't there. And then again, on another day I think the powers that be really are wanting to rid us all from the world. We live in crazy times! Thanks for your comment Jan. Its good to know what others are thinking xx

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Louise, I am suspicious of everything the establishment start talking about. May be overly suspicious but that is what the last 3 years has done to me. Depopulation is definitely their aim, the Covid jabs was just the beginning . Any joy that comes into our lives we have to hold on to it xx

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Another great podcast tonight Abi, I get the whole range of emotions listening to you but the laughter you bring to my life is priceless! Love the accents as always. Thank you ❤️x

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I love the accents too Catherine x

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What a fantastic podcast today, I enjoyed every second of it , thankyou💖💕



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I second that Trudi ! 🥰 As Abi said, some people think it's all over and want to move on. Well they can stick their amnesty where the sun don't shine. We need these despicable people to be held to account and to get justice for the likes of you and your lovely Benjamin. I will never forget or forgive what they have done, never xx

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Absolutely Louise,

When the fireman was at my home last night, we were talking. He noticed Ben’s photo on the wall . I told him about Ben and the lockdowns and the shitshow.

He told me that during LD, he knew many who had done the same and that the government were to blame in their actions.

I told him that there’s only one fire I’d not want to be put out and that’s the Houses of Parliament and similar.

He agreed and told me of his own experiences.

We had a right old natter... He got it, he knows.

Apparently they were just sitting down to a homemade chilli at the station, when the bell went off! Bless him.

Last thing he said to me was,”you are a strong woman, a mum who will still stand up for what is right and Ben would be proud and never forget that”


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And he was right Trudi. You are indeed a strong woman and I too think Ben would be proud of everything you do to raise awareness around suicide and to just let us know what a lovely son he was. Good to hear that others feel as we do. Thanks for sharing that and hope all is well after calling out the firemen 🤞😊xx

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Yes, all is well thanks Louise. It was a tad stressful so hoping for a decent sleep tonight.

Hope you’re okay too


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I'm ok thanks Trudi xx

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Very true

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Trudi, that fireman sounds like a lovely man💖

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Louise, we here on SubStack do not want to move on without the evil bastards being held to account. No amnesty.

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Jan 19, 2023·edited Jan 19, 2023

Great podcast Abi. I was so glad to see that Jacinda was going. Hope its Trudeau next!

We all have a part to play, and play it we must without fear. The past 3 years have shown us who we are. Despite all of horrible pressure we were put under, the terrible misery and despair inflicted on many and the threat of being forced to take the jabs, we didn't buckle. This was the hill I was prepared to die on. There is a saying 'I would rather die on my feet than live on my knees!

Thankyou to all of you fellow warriors.

Abi I love all the accents you do, but I challenge you to do a Greek and Turkish one he he!


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Hani, Trudeau going next would be amazing🤞

Like you, this was the hill I was prepared to die on. Thank God our SubStack family found each other thanks to Abi xx

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Agreed Jan, its amazing how it has naturally grown and will continue to grow. I hope we can all meet up one day, but it's good to know you are all there. That Abi's OK she is.

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Hani, for us all to meet up one day would be fantastic. That would be some party🍸🍾🍹💖

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I told my partner that I was going to become ungovernable and he said you already are! 🤣 good 👍🏻

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I recall quite early on in lockdowns someone did a survey and the conclusions were that the majority of cynical ones questioning things and outright refusing to comply were women- 40's- 60's yrs or thereabouts. I thought this interesting because I was the only one in my family horrified and shaking my head (55yrs) and my friends (only a small circle) felt the same. Remember Maureen from Doncaster being interviewed complaining about lockdowns? (If you are in the UK) Forthright no nonsense said it as it was (all bs basically). Though I think Maureen was in her 70's.

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Yes I tend to agree with that, although there are exceptions! One of my friends agreed with me and the other seems totally oblivious and very blue pilled! Having said that she is quite left wing, does that make a difference perhaps? Not sure. Anyway there is nothing that will change my mind and I am very happy with my thoughts of what is really going on with the shit show! I do keep saying it though at every opportunity 👍🏻

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In my experience the people that complied and were queueing for the jabs were of all ages, both male and female and from all different backgrounds and education.

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Excellent Roz😂

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Important question for AAA: what has happened to your scouse trainer?? Has he still got a bad backkkkkk? 🤣🤣🤣🤣

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Great podcast as usual Abi! I’ve been a listener and fan since the start but never commented before. Love hearing your accents! Keep up the great work xx

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The scouser probably fell off his bike in the snow😂

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Yeah and hurt his backkkk again! 🤣

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She tied him to a tree at dog shit park 😂

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Brilliant Trudi😂

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We all know Abs parliament including the opposition have been bought and payed for, infact to call them the opposition is a disservice to the terminology. Now the lovely Jacinda has decided to spend more time at home with Mr Ed how long before we see her in a maids outfit cleaning up after uncle Klaus.. As for the fantastic Italian accent and then the amazing Spanish accent how come you suddenly became Rigsby 😂😅. Question, we've had Helicopters, the jungle, bee's, now horses, ( I think) there must be something special your holding back for the fans, what is it?

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I dread to think, but no doubt, she’ll think of something 😂😂😂

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I have to raise a point Abs made about men raising there game, ( at my age it's all I can raise 🤣) so I now identify as Abigail..

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Only you😂😂😂

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Top Lady! Thanks!

A bright light of wonderful humour & massively irreverent, brilliant piss takes! In this dark world!

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Abi, it made me laugh when you said last night that the men in the SubStack need to raise their game😉

So John Bowe wants to let bygones be bygones ........just NO, we will not forget or forgive Jacinda for the evil and the two tier society she happily promoted.

Tice has really screwed it up for Reform with denouncing Andrew Bridgen but may be that was always the plan. Tice is a snake in the grass like his buddy Hancock.

I like the idea of being a lioness in this world and my birth sign is Leo🌞

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Love da Covid btw I’m part Irish and it tickled me

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Brilliant pod ❤️ we laughed all the way thru.

We were buckled at Princess Diana,very very good. Mr Jules is v good at accents....the only one he struggles with is Welsh but as long as he says ‘the valleys’ in it,it’s not bad 😂

Agree with u on everything Ardern,Tice,etc and Malhotra actually turned my stomach with that tweet this morning....if he was chocolate he would eat himself. He triggers me,makes me think of unsuccessfully pleading with my Dad not to take that injection,him dropping dead and the shock and carnage that follows.....Malhotra ,the Witty/Hancock loving prick,pushing it on TV and probably even jabbed his own fucking father to death but now seems to think he’s a rockstar grrrr.

Question from Mr Jules for AAA.

Was it you that did the ghost Princess Diana voiceover at the Queen’s funeral cortège that said ‘her death is irreversible’? 😂

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You had me at ‘the valley’s’ 😂😂

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I’m definitely not a well behaved woman 😆👏 apparently 🤷‍♀️

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That’s good Emma👍

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Such great news about Jacinda..what a tyrant . She'll probably be replaced with an ever bigger one though. I can't believe the amount of people out there singing her praises.

You had me in stitches with your horse impression.🤣🤣

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