Bel was brilliant. She had to calm me down after the book hand over. Ugh. Not going near that again in a hurry. Made my skin crawl. It was a really emotional day as you can imagine. Anyway, I’ll be sticking a few round London today. Hope you ok too Trudi? 🥰
Saw you being at the march on Instagram today Abi, on Resistance GB's, Danny Rampling's and Philly J's feed. Also that predictably glory hunter Bridgen was there too. So many think he's a hero, when he's clearly CO.
Sadly, the Branch Covidians won't ever admit their stupidity for taking the experimental shots, so we will only hear about how courageous they were.Big Pharma won't ever admit to any wrong doing either.I just don't think they'll be pushing anymore mRNA now....🙏🤞
You're right, it was a seriously heavy day, but so glad I went. Fabulous catching up with you as always. ❤️
Total eclipse of the Bumhole 🤣
It was such a tonic hanging out with you Bel.
The Bumhole Redemption 😂
Brilliant 🤣
Raiders of the lost Bumhole.
I'm stopping now 🙏🏽😅
Lovely to see your name pop up , hope you’re ok 💖
Bel was brilliant. She had to calm me down after the book hand over. Ugh. Not going near that again in a hurry. Made my skin crawl. It was a really emotional day as you can imagine. Anyway, I’ll be sticking a few round London today. Hope you ok too Trudi? 🥰
All good thanks chick 💖
I hope you told that kid on the tube that dinosaurs are made up 🤣😂 Mr J once made a grown man cry telling him that 😂
The hero Bridgen said yesterday he only voted for the first lockdown.
He’s a lying cunt. I hope he has nightmares after reading WTP like we all do. 😤
Saw you being at the march on Instagram today Abi, on Resistance GB's, Danny Rampling's and Philly J's feed. Also that predictably glory hunter Bridgen was there too. So many think he's a hero, when he's clearly CO.
Ruined we are.. With all this free entertainment and shoit. 😄
That sounds like quite a day Abi. Ps i used to love Little Feat and oddly enough i posted Willin to my Facebook page just a few days ago.
Oh no!...I'm not a fan! 🤣😂🤣😂
P.s Sorry for sounding smug on my previous comment.I know that lots of those who took the mRNA vax aren't stupid
Saw the video of you walking & talking on Instagram yesterday. Bloody brilliant. Xx
Ah, cheers Erin! ❤️
Sadly, the Branch Covidians won't ever admit their stupidity for taking the experimental shots, so we will only hear about how courageous they were.Big Pharma won't ever admit to any wrong doing either.I just don't think they'll be pushing anymore mRNA now....🙏🤞
Can’t play this pod, played yesterdays fine