Dearest Abi, thank you so much for reading out my email. I forgot to mention we were one month off our 50th wedding anniversary, having been married since we were 18 years old. ( With the usual comments ( "it'll never last") . Thank God I still have my eldest son and lovely family five miles away.

Your comments about music, I am a massive music fan , I love and play 60s and 70s music every day to buck me up , the bluetooth is on from breakfast every day, rock 'n roll is my cheer up all the time!

I giggled at your attempts to reduce your "kangeroo pouch" , I am the same, having been quite immobile after a hip replacement a year ago, and the other other one on the way out (ugh). Because of not being my usual active self, I tended to sit about rather more than I should have.. Trying desperately now to hide myself under floaty summer gear,. :)

My grandson has his own rock band , which he set up at Uni, they are gigging around all the time and have been signed up with their first release , which comes out on Friday 1st July. It's a gorgeous song called Weekend in Paris, very emotional, lyrics and music written by themselves. They are "Mosaics" ( but not the band of the same name from Fife) . They'll be featured on Radio 2, with Jo Whiley, their video which my grandson produced and directed will be up on You Tube very soon. He plays guitar on it, he was actually featured on Killing Eve, ( daft programme) where his guitar playing was dubbed onto a woman playing air guitar! They can be found on Facebook. Very proud of them..

Oops I have rambled on today, thank you so much again Abi for reading my letter, I had to share it with you - we go through dreadful times, but somehow have to pick ourselves up and carry on regardless.. Love to you all, my friends! xx

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Thank you Jan for sharing your letter today. Wow! To have lost your son and then your husband. To hear what others have gone through really puts my own problems or worries in to perspective . Sending love to you 🥰. And your Grandsons band sounds amazing. I am totally in awe of people who play music. My son plays clarinet and piano and I understand the commitment and hard work it takes. All the best to him and his band. They're doing what young people should have been doing for the last 2+years..living the dream and enjoying life. I think that is fabulous! xx

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Thank you so much Louise! He works in a famous film and TV studio in London, so has opportunities meeting the right people to progress their music. You are right about hard work, it is really shattering for them, with everyday work as well. All good wishes to your son, too.. thanks for commenting.. xx

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When your grandson’s band and music videos are online, please let us know so we can have a watch👍

You ramble on as much as you wish Jan and thankyou for sharing your letter, that couldn’t have been easy for you😞💖

I hope you’re not doing any drastic rock n roll moves, you’ve got to look after your hip👍😉🥰.

I don’t want to talk about the kangaroo pouch as it’s triggering 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

You look after yourself and you know where I am in the twatter sphere, if you want a chat.

Lots of love 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖

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Thanks Trudi, I will let you know, it's a real tear-jerker of a song! Of course I have to watch my hip (s), when rocking round the kitchen, lol .

I still feel anger at Abs being swiped off Twatter, (and GB News) so many good people losing their accounts. It will probably be me swiped off soon as I usually reply to people's great comments with agreement at their points of view. If I disappear, you'll know I've been nuked, too. Haha! xx

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Don’t jinx it🤫🤫🤫 😊😊💖

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Hello Jan, I am so so sorry hearing this. You are a wonderful lady . I agree - they will not release what they know on cures and keep releasing their toxic substances . I lost my mother to pancreatic cancer and it is a vicious vicious disease , and like you say so many silent symptoms until it is too devastatingly late. I met a cyclist at the weekend who was in training for a pancreatic cancer charity cycle. A ‘random’ meeting - he’s doing 70 miles a day in training for the same daily amount across a large chunk of the USA in July! I would love to support him just because he is doing it for the love of his wife who died from this, and because I said I would. But I simply cannot find the link - he just said it’s Keith at coast to coast America on ‘just giving ‘. If anyone can find it please let me know!

Looking forward to hearing your grandsons music Jan - you must be so so proud . Much love , H ❤️

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Thanks so much Heather - and so sorry you lost your Mum also to this shocking disease. And thanks for your interest in my grandson Stu's first release - they are busy writing and recording a follow up track, maybe a more rocky one this time as it 's what they usually do. I will search for Keith's fund raiser on Just Giving, too. Catch you soon... xx

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I have found a Coast to Coast America Just Giving set up by Keith Cronin, but it's for Motor Neurone Disease? No mention of Pancreatic Cancer..


so unsure if this is the one..

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Oh, just noticed this is a UK Coast to Coast, sorry.

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I do appreciate you looking Jan thank you! unfortunately it’s not the one .. I’m surprised it is so hard to find , maybe I got his name wrong. Did you find this through the search box ? I didn’t see this one so it may yet be there I will keep looking . Thanks again Jan 🙏

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Thank you Jan 🌹❤️🌹

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Yes I found it on the Google search box. Just a thought, maybe it's on the US version of Just Giving.? If I find it I will link it over..

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I’m not done trying!! Thank you so much for helping me Jan 🥰🥰

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No probs Heather, I hope you can track it down- it's so frustrating isn't it! xx

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Oh Jan,

I’m so desperately saddened by your letter.

I agree with Abi, you really are a wonderful lady. Your son’s suicide , then losing your husband.

My heart breaks for you💔💔💔

When my sister in law was diagnosed with breast cancer, I said the same regarding no cure as pharma make the money.

Love to you Abi for your compassion, you read the letters so well.

Regarding your singing, you’ll have to do an Abi karaoke and we will choose songs 👍🤣🤣

Poor Peter didn’t get his weather report yesterday, I don’t think 🤣🤣🤣

Canny wait to see Crunt

Love to everyone 💖💖💖

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Quality start to the day with a bit of Laura Brannigan,Abi!

Sending lots of love to you Jan.

Talking of cures for cancer, there is a fantastic James Delingpole podcast with Clive De Carle where he talks about this….also some v interesting chat about natural remedies and the like,would highly recommend a listen. Xx

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Thank you, TheJules.. xx

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Darling darling Jan. My God the burden she carries. She has the shoulders of a giant. Bless her. ❤❤❤

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There has always been something very corrupt going on around Cancer. Natural therapists and others are not allowed to make any representations regarding this illness otherwise they can be imprisoned. There was that chap that UK Column were raising money for who was imprisoned in France for simply being innocently involved in selling a non pharma cure- David Noakes I think..

At the end of the day Pharma needs sick people as do Drs otherwise they make no money and are redundant. They want you sick and will do their best to make you sick if you let them. I am really sorry for your loss Jan. As Abi says they are still there with you... Many Spiritualist types say you never really die, only the physical body. Your grandson sounds very talented with his music.

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Yes x

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Wow! Yet another moving letter Abi. There are truly amazing people on here, the salt of the earth as they say😊.

Love the music suggestions btw. I'd recommend a bit of Queen full blast. That'll get you going in the mornings lol😊.

Be seeing you tomorrow xx

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LOVE Queen, Louise, and isn't Adam Lambert a fantastic replacement for Freddie, although no-one will ever be "Freddie".. ! Till tomorrow, yep...

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Dear Jan I am so sorry to hear what you’ve been through. My heart goes out to you. Thank you Abi for reading out so well Jans emotional letter with such compassion and empathy. Love to you all. Xx

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Thank you Abi . I do not know anyone else who would or could approach and retell with such complete sensitivity and empathy ❤️❤️

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A true inspiration and I don’t say too often! Hope I get to see you at the March on Saturday….keep laughing Abi….❤️

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Jun 29, 2022
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The mind is the devil’s playground, I’ve never heard that before... How true that is, thanks for enlightening me👍

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I find Eckhart Tolle an uplifting listen on this and related subjects. Lots of shorts on utube.🌹

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