Sounds like the UK lost its mind during Covid. The US did too but we would never have accepted even the whisper of gov’t being

able to come into your home and force vaccinate you! Never!!! This Mom should be paid for all the trouble they caused. Tyranny, insanity, clear violation of individual rights. When will this end? I can relate as I have a much loved child of 32 years of age, very similar to Tom. I too would fight to the death to keep him safe. How in the world did we let this happen to our respective countries? If we don’t learn anything else we must acknowledge that socialism and big government is dangerous to the health of our citizens. Point. Blank. Period.

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Americans have FEMA quarantine camps, isolation and removal laws in all 50 states https://conspiracysarah.substack.com/p/48-of-50-states-already-have-rules

Your Happy Kamps are not voluntary either - everyone is a gangster until the DOD shows up at your door.

Edit: you can click through and see your state's laws here https://www.ncsl.org/health/state-quarantine-and-isolation-statutes

And that's assuming they show up at the right door in the first place with a no-knock warrant and flash bangs: https://nypost.com/2024/01/16/news/mom-claims-police-flash-bang-blasts-during-mistaken-raid-caused-her-baby-son-to-be-hospitalized-i-just-feel-so-unsafe/

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Certainly not saying it can’t happen here but if Americans wake up the elites better watch out! Thanks for links!

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C*nts the lot of them. They are all completely morally bankrupt. I feel and share in your outrage. thank you for speaking out.

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Unbelievable! This is outrageous! How dare they!

How sickening to know that the State can impose a medical treatment on anyone. Immoral, evil bastards!

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Absolute Bastards!

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I’ve no words, none 🥺💔

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Magnificent article Abi. Please bear with my comment. I may be able to help if someone sees this.

Edit: ok I just read the Crowd Justice article. This is very, very bad legally speaking. He needs to get his MP involved to put pressure on them. Get someone from the House of Lords, anyone. This needs to go to the top. Old Boys' network. Get political, get dirty.


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‘Democracy’ and ‘human rights’ were always there just to provide a veneer over the top of their disdain for us. I’m not quite sure why our parents and grandparents died or endured such hardship 80 years ago because it certainly now appears we haven’t ended fascism. Because it’s still with us, being paraded in our faces by the ‘victors.’

The fight didn’t end with curtailing of covid restrictions. The fight had only just begun. So perish all tyrants.

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I was wondering where your Twitter had gone Abi, had no idea this had happened. Crazy, but so proud of you for standing up and speaking out. Fantastic article, and I am absolutely horrified at what they are trying to force onto this young man and his poor mother. In a so called free and democratic society, this should never be happening to anyone.

Well done for shining a light on their situation, and here’s hoping they will win in the end, for theirs and all our sakes. ❤️

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What a wonderfully written piece. I have so much respect and admiration for Tom's mum for fighting to protect her son. There is no justification for injecting Tom when there is no emergency licence in place. (Not that there ever was). His mum is the mother in Bob Moran's brilliant art work 'Stand firm' personified. Be proud of lending your voice to this case and standing for what is ethically right no matter the cost. (Stand up Frances Houseman) 😉 The opening of a new case seems very hopeful. Ironically, da climate has indeed changed (da climate being the big narrative now).

Keep standing firm all concerned. In the end, love wins, or there's something very wrong with the world. (Which we know there is 😞). Xx

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Sorry, for some reason I hadn’t read a lot of these insightful comments 🙏

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Great article, superb…and even better, you may well have been the catalyst in the speeding up of helping save Tom and indeed the rest of us mortals who have been under the steel boot of The British State, including the dangerous, dysfunctional and fraudulent NHS. You should therefore be eternally proud of everything you have fought for and still fight for…although, just one thing, (said mostly in sadness, disappointment and NOT anger) re. a comment I heard made on TNT the other morning - so to set the record straight, I was very much from the first lockdown, for the country and our family, as you well know, questioning and campaigning ‘in my own way’ for two years solid against lockdowns and masks and then the vaccines, standing for the local council back in May 2021, campaigning sans mask, speaking out to any NHS practice or hospital I used about my reaction to one vaccine taken and fighting to stop our 3 children taking them and soon after me Jim did too. I not just used your counsel but Julie and scientist Michael as my sounding boards. I couldn’t come back with my (our) side of the story and defend my (our) position.

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How do these inept bastards live with themselves?

How do judges and medics lack the very basic intelligence to know that what they are doing is both morally wrong and illegal?

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I have asked myself this question so many times my brain aches. I think it’s the same reason most atrocities are committed – a staunch belief that it’s for the ‘greater good’ and if you’re paid it makes that belief more appealing. Criminals, the lot of them.

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I didn't read this. i've been looking at https://democracymanifest.substack.com/p/breaking-news-and-the-dods-war-on?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=2191545&post_id=141516415&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&r=zjt6q&utm_medium=email and


whilst listening to you on tntradio.live

I want to stop future pandemic practices/operations/experiments. Since the spanish flu they have been caused by medical intervention. medical intervention runs beside the brother of kenetic war.

What do you love about your work? I wish I could see love in the future. There is so much despair to go through. How do we make sure that pandemic plots: doortofreedom.org/2023/09/03/the-whos-proposed-treaty-will-increase-man-made-pandemics/

are obliterated?

You must think of children a lot working with them.

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