Jul 2Liked by Abi Roberts

Totally agree with you Abi. Hubby has just come home to say a guy he worked with passed away on Saturday on his 36th Birthday. This guy had the 2 vaccines and booster and every time he had the next one, he was off work for a month. Its heartbreaking but if the first one laid you low for a month, why would you have another 2? Make it make sense

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God almighty. So sorry to hear about your hubby's young work mate. Awful. None of it makes sense. X

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None of this makes sense Marie. People like that young guy were totally brainwashed and all common sense was lost.

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Jul 1Liked by Abi Roberts

I have been in two minds about Brigden. Ok there’s ego there and he was late to the party etc but at least there’s one MP who’s talking…..but I have just watched the Vance/Delingpole/Bloom/Brigden debate as per your recommendation. Absolute dynamite. Bravura performances from Delingpole and Bloom. Hats off to them both.. Brigden was pathetic. He just didn’t get it and subsequently took the jab. He can’t say he wasn’t emphatically warned by Delingpole and Bloom. Having once described Brigden as a hero, I am now in no doubts as to his deep flaws. I would not be fawning over him for sure. Thanks Abi you’ve given me some real clarity today. Cheers

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That's exactly what this place is for. I want people to hear and see things in a different light and make their own mind up. I don't know what the answer is regarding who we look to for 'leadership'. It's just unfortunate that an opportunist like Bridgen has come forward as some kind of big-cuffed martyr to hog the limelight from far worthier people (people who Bridgen NEVER mentions in any interviews...)

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Jul 2Liked by Abi Roberts

Big-cuffed martyr 🤣

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Jul 2Liked by Abi Roberts


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Jul 1Liked by Abi Roberts

I watched that Vance pod in 2020, I was devouring everything I could at that point but this one always sticks in my mind. I don’t think I knew of Bridgen before then….so i have pretty much had my beady eye on him since. I don’t buy it.

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Not only that but everything he says now is still not truthful. It's 2024 for fuck's sake. How about a simple mea culpa rather than the rather complicated web of contradictory inconsistencies?

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Jul 2Liked by Abi Roberts

when Sonia said to him 'what would you like to say to people now' I was like "go on - say it - say you are really sorry" but NO! I can't remember what he said but it was if anything being accusatory of them not being able to accept his new position

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YES! Why not humble yourself before the people whose lives your votes and hubris have helped destroy?

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Jul 2Liked by Abi Roberts

Quite. I won't be taking seriously anyone who helped to push this evil agenda unless they express honest and open regret and remorse. (and certainly don't come out with the first lockdown was justified!)

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Jul 2Liked by Abi Roberts


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Jul 2Liked by Abi Roberts

Well said on the Bridgen fiasco. I'm a huge Sonia fan, but was extremely disappointed with her for being so soft on him. He came off looking like a hero ffs- how did that happen?? Also, if Sonia hadn't kept banging on about so many questions, so little time, etc. then maybe she would have had the time to ask more pertinent questions. As for asking about whether he's a freemason or whatever, what about asking whether he's a globalist and what his thoughts are about all that shite? That's the first question I want answered by anyone standing for election because there is no way I would want to vote in anyone with even the slightest connection or allegiance to that evil bunch of satanists.

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Good points, well made. Honestly, nobody was more surprised than me when I watched how easy it was for him to waffle on in true politician style using the stats/data to avoid answering to the moral argument that should have been at the heart of this interview. Bear in mind that many people watching have lost so much thanks to his voting record over the last four years and his endorsement of the vaccines to his constituents well into the summer of 2022.

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Anyone who questions her gets the same response.

It’s YouTube , it’s the rules, blah blah bullshit!

She’s on fucking rumble!

I hope she’s happy with the upset it’s caused, not only to me but for others.

She doesn’t give a shit about Benjamin, when I thought she did. That’s what hurts and she’s probably reading this and laughing

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Jul 2Liked by Abi Roberts

I felt exactly the same - very disappointed in Sonia. I mean I do get the whole Purity spiral thing but this is not that. Sonia has been saying a few things lately that have made me raise my eyebrows. I still think she is genuine and that is the main thing for me but she let herself down in this interview for sure.

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Jul 2Liked by Abi Roberts

Excellent points you make Laura

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So here is a basic question for journalists for Bridgen and also my local MP who told me vaccine passports would be necessary for life’s most important activities: why did you vote for policies designed to put our people under house arrest, instil fear and corral them to an unnecessary medical procedure designed to kill and injure and reduce fertility, rather than take to the streets and expose the plan? Simple question.

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Jul 3Liked by Abi Roberts

Dear Abi, it was such a treat to meet you (and Dick D) briefly outside the Delingpod venue as I was on my way to the pub to meet the rest of the tribe pre show. I gave you a hug, which I should have done last time I was in your presence which was as the Icke / James thing in Manchester. The hug and brief interaction with you also led to the most wonderful thing happening 30 seconds along the road - someone shouted out my name as I crossed the zebra crossing - it was an old school friend who I haven't seen for 30 years. Had I not said hello to you, this second interaction along the road would likely not have happened, so I give you praise for lining me up for that piece of synchronicity which happened thereafter.

It reminds me of another spooky Abi moment I had around December of last year - I was in Barbados on hols, and had just that day driven past a church which means something to you too - and that night, listening to your pod , there you were talking about the very same church I had just driven past.

It does make me wonder if someone is watching over us and making these little moments happen for one reason or another. Much love to you Abi xxx

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Oh blimey, this has made me well up. What a beautiful message. It was so wonderful to hug you on Friday! Dick D has a magic effect - he'll often engage with people in conversation because he's interested in humans and their stories. So happy you met your school friend and had the Barbados church moment too. Wow.

I absolutely believe that God invites us to recognise the importance of these little signposts. It's incredibly enriching and humbling when it happens.

Much love to you

Vive la Résistance!


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Jul 3Liked by Abi Roberts

What a lovely post FR, thanks for sharing the synchronicities.

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Jul 2Liked by Abi Roberts

"this is ethics Mr Bridgen not science"

spot on and this cannot be stressed enough

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Jul 2Liked by Abi Roberts


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Jul 1Liked by Abi Roberts


Maybe just a wee bit disconcerting, Abs , when you say Old Delingpole opens up the evening

by reciting 'the Lords Prayer', but if everyone knew it was gonna be a quasi-religious evening out

- then by all means take your prayer mats and bibles. Whatevs.

As for Yeadon: he's been in the cupboard, concerning the existence of viruses. Now claiming to be out of the closet, completely, saying they don't exist, [only the last five or six months?] I wonder what gives.?.. He's been an Executive at Pfuckzer for thirty years: does he not know shit, or what !! Pathogens, Scarients, Lab leak shenanigans, Bio-whinging, Gain of fucking fiction, etc etc. ??



Absolutely legit to be super sceptical about Bridgen. Him and some of the others don't really give a shit about injured or maimed punters: they're reading from readily prepared establishment agendas. And it.s their job to make as believe that they care; and, their on our side, they've got our backs, they will fight our corner: so we can rely on them, and go back to eating Jaffa cakes, on the sofa. Andrew's

our man: he's quoting Govt. figures, [which are hopelessly inadequate and under estimated.].!!

He's not a lone entity, who has done all this off his own back. There aren't any saviours in the wings waiting to save our inept arses. Best do that ourselves. How long have these types been bleating on

with 'monologues' and, galavanting round the world: talking about mRNA pseudo-vaccines; and not

the whole damn vaxx poisoning programme in general.?? And, I might add, basically promoting viruses, variants. Lab leaks.? Spinning out the whole miserable shit show again and again; pretty much validating and expounding on the whole sorry escapade that is Coronabollocks !!

Bird fucking Flu. WHO pandemic preparedness Treaty. Better 'vaccines'. More medicine. Lots more dosh for Big Harma. More advertising in the British Rags. More wool over our Eyes, methinks. And meanwhile we're to carry on believing that all of us are spreading disease and pestilence, everywhere

we go; killing our friends, neighbours, grannies, and our fucking pet Porcupines, or is it Pangolins,??

And the odd thing is: that's just the 'Asymptomatic' amongst us. .. Struth Matey.!!




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Don't get me wrong, I'm sceptical about ANYONE who has been involved in Big Pharma and not seen this coming... but at least Yeadon's pretty honest about his own naiveté preconceptions, and shortcomings. He also says that he won't just say he believes in something because it's the in-group thing to believe. That's something the freedom movement could take heed of better - making room for dissenting voices within its own walls.

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Jul 2Liked by Abi Roberts

I hear what you are saying about Yeadon and viruses, late to the party 100% but I think it’s been much longer since ‘he’s been out of the closet’, possibly a couple of years now?

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it has been longer than that for sure - yes

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Jul 3Liked by Abi Roberts

Thank you for listening to the Bridgen interview so that I didn't have to. 😡

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Bless you, Bel. I'm actually glad I did so I could give it a fair trial. As you know, the fallout is unbelievable. Going to chill with a Father Aleksandr book now to clear my mind. X

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I can’t get round this: the state and its mouthpiece (msm) waged war against us, the people, and they are still doing it. No prosperity is possible without peace, which means at least a government not warring against its people and a working justice system! That’s not one issue among many, it’s THE issue. We can’t move forward without tackling the state’s ongoing attempt to destroy the people, and that at least requires people like Bridgen to declare he once worked for the enemy, has seen the light and now wants to undo what he was part of. I’m all for defectors to our side, but they have to actually BE defectors not chancers. Defectors need to confess their deeds and explain why they have come to fight for the people. He can’t even do that! He openly lies about his past involvement. He’s seen the writing on the wall, the mountain of evidence exposing the state’s democidal activities and he is in survival mode. He’s seen the tanks of the people arrive into the public square and he’s rushed out of parliament saying ‘I was always with you…don’t shoot!’ When we see this as a war, people fudging it like Bridgen, are easier to see.

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The only politician I’ve heard do that in recent times is...wait for it...Nigel Farage...

He said only a few days ago that until we admit our mistakes we cannot move forward.

And he has openly admitted many.

So does that count as repentance and acceptance of Nigel Farage who, forgive me for daring to say it, but he’s the only one telling anything anywhere near the truth at the moment and having just listened to Peter Gold in conversation with Darren Denslow all I can say is if he’s representative of the Reform candidates, then we do at least stand a chance...maybe.

And now ducks for cover as everyone rushes in to tell me I’ve been fooled, I’m stupid and mustn’t trust anyone.

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Were they ‘mistakes’ though?

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Jul 1Liked by Abi Roberts

Very honest and properly critical podcast, Abi.

For a more direct critique of what took place under "Covid," you may be interested in my recent peer-reviewed book, published open access with Palgrave Macmillan in April 2024:


I admired your previous honesty, too:


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Jul 1Liked by Abi Roberts

Hey Abi! It's the lovely couple from Bristol Jo and Iggy!!! We had a great night and you are as lovely as we imagined you to be. Thanks for taking the time to chat and maybe see you at other events. Take care, lotsalove X

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Hello, Jo and Iggy! Was lovely to meet you. Sure our paths will cross again. Be seeing you! X

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Jul 1Liked by Abi Roberts

Agree Abi - he does control interviews. Neither Miri not Alex Kriel seems interested in the fact that Bridgen tripped over his own lie in recent Resistance GB interview. Said he had 2 Pfizer jabs, injured (unspecified as ever) whereas he has hitherto always claimed to have had 2 AstraZeneca jabs

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Hmm, that's bloody bizarre. Yeah, he said on Sonia's that he had two AstraZeneca. This injured but unspecified is really not helpful to the vaccine injured. It also allows Bridgen to avoid harsher criticism because he's already dressed up as a victim. He knows this of course. It's all carefully curated.

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Jul 2Liked by Abi Roberts

12 days ago or so, Bridgen tells resistance gb interviewer Will that he had Pfizer

Yesterday, he told Sonia it was Az.

I’ve put both videos up on twatter

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Well spotted, Trudi. Bloody hell fire. 🤯

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Jul 2Liked by Abi Roberts

Yes Abi, Bridgen says he is vaxx injured but he is such a liar that I’m not sure that he even had the jabs.

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I hear you Jan. I've thought the same myself. Even if did have them, he can't seem to remember which ones! FFS. I think the 'injury' is part of his Bridgen, the big-cuffed martyr story. Mark my words, he'll be writing a book next.

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Jul 2Liked by Abi Roberts

Yes Abi, undoubtedly a book deal incoming. The book will be singing his praises, Bridgen the martyr and the hero 🤮🤮

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Jul 3·edited Jul 3

Smart people don’t take part in medical experiments. Mp’s are most certainly cunts but by the same token, they’re also smart (informed). Bridgen hasn’t taken part in any dodgy batch.

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Jul 1Liked by Abi Roberts

*injured by 2nd

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Jul 2Liked by Abi Roberts

Maybe the first one was ‘acceptable’ 😃

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Jul 2Liked by Abi Roberts


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Jul 1Liked by Abi Roberts

I was quite shocked that Sonia seemed to 'kiss arse' with Bridgen, as if she was quite impressed by him. Very disappointing.

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Jul 2Liked by Abi Roberts


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Maybe she recently woke up with a horses head next to her and is now towing the line (shitting it).

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Jul 1Liked by Abi Roberts


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Jul 1Liked by Abi Roberts

I think of you Trudi every time I hear someone banging on about how they got to spend quality time with their husband during lockdown or clean out the spare room or decorate the lounge.

Ah man this world is so shit. I wish I could change things for you.

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Jul 1Liked by Abi Roberts

A garage conversion here, a loft conversion there while they complied and banged their pots and pans.

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Jul 2Liked by Abi Roberts


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Jul 2Liked by Abi Roberts

Hi Trudy sorry you've had an awful upsetting day , I hope today is better xx

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Jul 2Liked by Abi Roberts

Thanks Jane 💖

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The only genuine man in politics is David Kurten but, sadly, he doesn't have as much of a voice as Andrew Bridgen.Are we expected to just sit back and not vote or do anything?That is what the Uni parties want.Sonia gets a lot of issues out to the masses, on YouTube, which can't be a bad thing

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David Kurten is definitely the man but unfortunately the Heritage Party doesn’t have any big donors and will never achieve anything. David Kurten as an

MP would be marvellous but unfortunately it is not to be with Heritage.

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Jul 2Liked by Abi Roberts

phew. I really like him too - feels genuine to me - I would hate to find he is not - so glad you and Catherine still believe in him

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I’m really surprised by Sonia Poulton, I thought that she held people to account and was a good journalist. I can understand to some extent that she doesn’t want her YT account to end up like Miri’s but at what point do you feel it is ok to sell your soul. Admittedly I haven’t listened to Sonia’s pod with Bridgen simply because the guy is a self-promoting liar and I refuse to waste my time on him. Trudi told me that Sonia might as well have been wearing an “I Love Bridgen” T-shirt 🤷‍♀️

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Jul 2Liked by Abi Roberts

I don’t watch things with him either, unless they appear on my feed.

I only watched as I thought she’d go hard on him.

Well that didn’t happen so here we are.

She’s always supported me by mentioning Benjamin and even had me on her show telling my story of what happened to him.

Now, it seems that myself and Benjamin don’t matter to her anymore.

The interview was a pile of shit, all it’s done is probably up her subscribers to YouTube .

What a fucking let down, I can’t be bothered with it anymore 🤷‍♀️.

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Jul 2Liked by Abi Roberts

Yes, I remember Sonia having you on her show to tell your story about Benjamin. Isn’t it sad when people who we trust in and who we believe have our values suddenly fall by the wayside. I’m truly shocked by Sonia.

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She doesn’t seem to give a shit! Her responses seems to be all about the majority who thought it was a ‘great’ interview and YouTube restrictions. Boo fucking hoo

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I ❤️Bridgen 🤣🤣

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At least she wasn’t wearing a 📎 🤣

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