Sounds lovely to go away for some peace in the wilderness. Yes Poppy was typical CKCS, over lockdown and especially when my mum was hospitalised and my depression was so bad i could barely get out of bed bless her she never left my side. We rehomed her from someone at 8 weeks old she had been passed around and given away because she had …
Sounds lovely to go away for some peace in the wilderness. Yes Poppy was typical CKCS, over lockdown and especially when my mum was hospitalised and my depression was so bad i could barely get out of bed bless her she never left my side. We rehomed her from someone at 8 weeks old she had been passed around and given away because she had a heart murmer so we knew potentially she wouldn't live to an age.She was a very special dog if you went out she wouldn't leave you alone when you came back in until she had given you a “Poppy hug” she literally used to hug you around the neck it was so lovely…… i miss her so much x
Poppy sounds like true Angel Lisa they give us so much unconditional love I'm not surprised you miss her terribly,I wouldn't be without my Freddy hes enjoying his holiday just runs around in the heather chasing the odd bird we saw a few deer yesterday on a ridge in the distance they are such beautiful animals so strong & regal, gonna treat mesell to a souvenir T towel everything is so expensive here might splaah out & get a coaster too, hope you have a good day xxx
Sounds lovely to go away for some peace in the wilderness. Yes Poppy was typical CKCS, over lockdown and especially when my mum was hospitalised and my depression was so bad i could barely get out of bed bless her she never left my side. We rehomed her from someone at 8 weeks old she had been passed around and given away because she had a heart murmer so we knew potentially she wouldn't live to an age.She was a very special dog if you went out she wouldn't leave you alone when you came back in until she had given you a “Poppy hug” she literally used to hug you around the neck it was so lovely…… i miss her so much x
Poppy sounds like true Angel Lisa they give us so much unconditional love I'm not surprised you miss her terribly,I wouldn't be without my Freddy hes enjoying his holiday just runs around in the heather chasing the odd bird we saw a few deer yesterday on a ridge in the distance they are such beautiful animals so strong & regal, gonna treat mesell to a souvenir T towel everything is so expensive here might splaah out & get a coaster too, hope you have a good day xxx