I agree Ian. We can only do our best. My eldest is pretty woke too I'm afraid. He's been at uni for three years and starting his fourth in September (if his resits go ok🤞). Education in this country needs a damn good shake up. It's the young folk that should be the rebels, not old gits like me lol😁.
I agree Ian. We can only do our best. My eldest is pretty woke too I'm afraid. He's been at uni for three years and starting his fourth in September (if his resits go ok🤞). Education in this country needs a damn good shake up. It's the young folk that should be the rebels, not old gits like me lol😁.
Anyway it was a great idea to send Abi the poem and has been interesting reading everyone's interpretation. Thanks Ian. I love the dog in your profile picture. Looks very sweet x
Thanks Louise, nice to hear from a fellow woke sufferer! Well it's my son who's the unwoke one, varying degrees of woke daughters I'm afraid 😒.
Where have all the young rebels gone? Off scrapping in the Culture Wars 🙄. Historic injustices, critical race tripe, white privilege & supremacy, open borders, trans rights, climate change, sorry I need a lie down 🥴.
What about medical tyranny and global fascism? Big business together with big government controlling and tracking your every thought and move? Nah, as long as we can go on holiday or out on the town all's good.
Old gits like us despair 😩
Bella 🐶, yes, my wonderful little anti-woke pooch, helps keep me calm in these torrid times 🥰
I couldn't agree more. I don't expect my sons to have the exact same views and opinions as that would be weird, but they are totally brainwashed I feel and I share your despair. We've had a few heated discussions about trans people and removing statues of historical figures. They've obviously been fed all this at school and if I'd had any idea, I think I would have home schooled. I'm afraid I only woke up to the real world once the pandemic started and would do things very differently if I had my time again.
Bella looks beautiful. I lost both my dogs in March this year, ten days apart. I really miss them being around. My husband is not keen on getting another dog because of the world we now live in and because of what's coming. Dogs bring so much joy and I hope one day to have another loving companion. You cant beat owning a dog x
I agree Ian. We can only do our best. My eldest is pretty woke too I'm afraid. He's been at uni for three years and starting his fourth in September (if his resits go ok🤞). Education in this country needs a damn good shake up. It's the young folk that should be the rebels, not old gits like me lol😁.
Anyway it was a great idea to send Abi the poem and has been interesting reading everyone's interpretation. Thanks Ian. I love the dog in your profile picture. Looks very sweet x
Thanks Louise, nice to hear from a fellow woke sufferer! Well it's my son who's the unwoke one, varying degrees of woke daughters I'm afraid 😒.
Where have all the young rebels gone? Off scrapping in the Culture Wars 🙄. Historic injustices, critical race tripe, white privilege & supremacy, open borders, trans rights, climate change, sorry I need a lie down 🥴.
What about medical tyranny and global fascism? Big business together with big government controlling and tracking your every thought and move? Nah, as long as we can go on holiday or out on the town all's good.
Old gits like us despair 😩
Bella 🐶, yes, my wonderful little anti-woke pooch, helps keep me calm in these torrid times 🥰
I couldn't agree more. I don't expect my sons to have the exact same views and opinions as that would be weird, but they are totally brainwashed I feel and I share your despair. We've had a few heated discussions about trans people and removing statues of historical figures. They've obviously been fed all this at school and if I'd had any idea, I think I would have home schooled. I'm afraid I only woke up to the real world once the pandemic started and would do things very differently if I had my time again.
Bella looks beautiful. I lost both my dogs in March this year, ten days apart. I really miss them being around. My husband is not keen on getting another dog because of the world we now live in and because of what's coming. Dogs bring so much joy and I hope one day to have another loving companion. You cant beat owning a dog x
Same time of awakening 😉 and I of course agree with what you say about the joy of dogs. Very sorry to hear about yours 😥