They are wicked and evil. And brainwashed by the TV.
Luckily I haven't watched the box for years. Christmas 2021 I spent with my sister and her husband and we all had to shush when the 6pm news came on. They were totally hypnotised by Chris Whitty and the pantomime. I just sat there stunned at watching him and felt I was looking at an unblinking alien ha ha. Funny when you have escaped the madness/matrix you just see things from a whole different perspective.
The list of these evil bastards is endless. Tbh, Abi would not be able to find a big enough wall. Yes Barb, so many people brainwashed by MSM in one form or another. IтАЩm so glad to be awake to all the bs.
It's been hard going but I believe it's made us all stronger. I'm lucky as I retired just 9 months before it all kicked off and have so much respect for those whose livelihood was affected but still stood tall. Warriors one and all.
Barb I used to sit and take the piss on the odd occasion I caught a few minutes of the pantomime, saying how brave they all were putting their Ives on the line to keep us updated. My other half bought the whole thing and still canтАЩt admit they were conned. Of course deep down they know, saying it out loud means they have to apologise to the dumbest one in the family, who just happened to be able to sit unpicking the rubbish they told people.
Yes Barb, these evil people would have stopped at nothing to remove the unvaccinated from society.
They are wicked and evil. And brainwashed by the TV.
Luckily I haven't watched the box for years. Christmas 2021 I spent with my sister and her husband and we all had to shush when the 6pm news came on. They were totally hypnotised by Chris Whitty and the pantomime. I just sat there stunned at watching him and felt I was looking at an unblinking alien ha ha. Funny when you have escaped the madness/matrix you just see things from a whole different perspective.
The list of these evil bastards is endless. Tbh, Abi would not be able to find a big enough wall. Yes Barb, so many people brainwashed by MSM in one form or another. IтАЩm so glad to be awake to all the bs.
It's been hard going but I believe it's made us all stronger. I'm lucky as I retired just 9 months before it all kicked off and have so much respect for those whose livelihood was affected but still stood tall. Warriors one and all.
Barb I used to sit and take the piss on the odd occasion I caught a few minutes of the pantomime, saying how brave they all were putting their Ives on the line to keep us updated. My other half bought the whole thing and still canтАЩt admit they were conned. Of course deep down they know, saying it out loud means they have to apologise to the dumbest one in the family, who just happened to be able to sit unpicking the rubbish they told people.
Chris 'My only emotion is dead' Whitty. Ugh!