JoniBlue that must be bloody awful not having any local bookstores around. We have the usual big named ones as well as a couple of independents, one of those sells quality secondhand books.
We have our main local library as well as the free little libraries darted all over the place around where we are. No idea if you’ve ever heard of them, you help yourself to a book out of the cabinet, read it and return when done. Any books you’ve read and no longer need can be popped into the free libraries
JoniBlue you’re preaching to the converted, took six books on holiday, managed to get through three in the week.
I was privileged enough to work in the printing with a lot of old skilled very clever people. Even without all the modern machinery I did work on, they taught me how to fold, collate, hand sew and bind a book by hand, those skills never die as long as we pass them on.
JoniBlue that must be bloody awful not having any local bookstores around. We have the usual big named ones as well as a couple of independents, one of those sells quality secondhand books.
We have our main local library as well as the free little libraries darted all over the place around where we are. No idea if you’ve ever heard of them, you help yourself to a book out of the cabinet, read it and return when done. Any books you’ve read and no longer need can be popped into the free libraries
JoniBlue you’re preaching to the converted, took six books on holiday, managed to get through three in the week.
I was privileged enough to work in the printing with a lot of old skilled very clever people. Even without all the modern machinery I did work on, they taught me how to fold, collate, hand sew and bind a book by hand, those skills never die as long as we pass them on.
That’s a fabulous skill to have. My OH did three years of book binding with Mary Bartlett at Dartington a while back so he’s keeping it going too.