Anne franks diary is an easily proven myth.. in fact two people went to court over it because it was a screen play.. and the original author (who was not related to the mythical.? Anne frank) won damages of something like $50,000.. yet the bbc c@nts regularly still trot this story out as if it wasn't fiction.. you shouldn't think of "this lot" as "nazis".. they are much more like the Stasi of eastern europe infamy.. their dictatorship is a creeping crawling evil which scurries away whenever light is shone upon it.. but they are back the next day, doing the same things in the name of "philanthropy" (all the psychopaths are philanthropists nowadays) and the people who shone that light on them have quietly disappeared the next day. I know what you meant..
"These people are evil".. and I agree.. most are evil, some are stupid, some are both... and a very few are good people, heavily misinformed. unfortunately, their plan to test our compliance, thin the population, and profit from it all, was largely successful.. and for that, we should never forgive them.
What do you think of the fact that they don’t want us to know that we dont live on a spinning wobbling Waterball globe orbiting the sun? Please prove me wrong before banning me!
The grandparents of Eastern Europeans I know told them in their youth that occupying Germans were very civilised while the communist Soviets behaved appallingly. Take from that what you will.
No irony just same old same old. Anne Franks diary was partly written in ballpoint pen which didn’t exist at the time it was supposedly written was written by her sheckel grubbing father. Every aspect of the scamdemic is kosher starting with documents or blueprints by the Bank of International Settlements ,Operation Lockstep, Event 201, Microsoft patent to connect humans to the cloud to run their digital social credit score system ..the list is endless. Like Rothchild said I care not who makes a nations laws as long as I control their money!!
Amschel Meyer weaponised money placing his sons in arears of importance in order to know what lawmakers might be considering and to be sure all their wars would be financed by the Jew led 1%. WW2 was a clear question of a need to defend European finance long enough to transfer world no 1 position to the USA. Only money power could have made governments and medicine call covid a pandemic
Right..I believe it was the sow that birthed the Rothchild demons who said; if my sons didn’t want wars there would be none. It all starts with the money changers
You might want to make an actual contribution to the conversation instead of correcting someone’s spelling.. I don’t really care about the “spelling” but I guess it gives you something to do
I was merely pointing out that your bilious outpourings might carry more weight if you took a little more trouble. You hardly come over as an authority if you can't spell the name of someone you're dissing.... Or perhaps there really is a family somewhere called Rothchild who deal in sheckles?
Well my new phone kind of does it’s own thing ..and as far as spell check this smart phone is a bit dumb. At least I am not a 8200 , copy and paste troll and I think even you got the gist of my post. I can try to pay more attention to detail.. but not making any promises…guess I am a flawed human
So rather than dispute what she was saying in a rational way, you chose to attack unimportant aspects of it.. and to throw in an insult or two.. nice going.. there's a famous group who use those tactics.. cant dispute the fact.? attack the person..
Come on John.. "I was merely pointing out that your bilious outpourings" is intentionally insulting..
The JQ is complicated.. and tarring all with the same brush is stupid, but they have a big and unavoidable influence, and as far as most others are concerned.. a negative one.. I could provide links, info etc but I have no wish to hijack Abi's site and turn it into a JQ forum.. she actually DID something.. which is more than many of us.. and I dont wanna get into arguments with people I suspect I mostly agree with.. the people I'M talking about are not really part of the group they hide within, they just use it as a shield against criticism of their criminal actions.. if we start posting links to stuff unrelated to Abi's posts.. it would be a bad idea IMO.. even though I want to.. lets keep pointing out the crimes.. and when the majority are aware.. we can take a closer look at the criminals.
Your use of “bilious” is sketchy and be truthful you were trying to infer your superiority over dumb little me.. you might not be as clever as you think. One would think with all your abilities you could research a source yourself
there are 2 types of people the Jew led 1% trust, committed jews and those so devoted to money they will do and say anything. like Biden, Take a good look at those in SM, business Banking etc, key political posts. This is why we have slipped so far so quick. They must all be taken out of positions and company and personal wealth sequestrated
Oh no, no! We can't say that! Then we are antisemite... always the guilded guild framework to throw back when stating facts.. they are constantly changing words to make us feeling guilt, there was first the war on language and changing words to change ideas to make us accepting these ideas, anti this anti that, and and the worst blasphemy is being called a conspiracy theorist. And still there is no conspiracy theories without the real conspiracy, is there? I am darn proud of being called one, at least it says i am reading a different uncontaminated version of thessaurus of words. You know what, i am prepared to burst my own eardrums not to hear all the shit they are dishing up for the last 3 years for the not so unexpected lethargic world pop. It seems like it was a preventative measure during the chinese cultural revolution to damage your own eardrums not to be contaminatrd by repeating words that form part of this desensitizing state propaganda we are enduring for the last 3 years.
Fooking brilliant mate. It reminds me of watching documentary's about tyrannical regimes that have committed genocide and thinking 'how could people be so evil'? Quite easily it would appear, especially when you combine fear with propaganda by corporate owned media.
This is testament to to the evils that these collaborators supported.
Oh Abi, this is brilliant and terrifying in equal measure. How the hell did we let these morons get away with such utterly vile, monstrous, selfish, arrogant, vicious attacks on their fellow human beings? Individually they made me angry at the time, but the horror I felt looking back at this collection of unspeakable evil has left me reeling. You’re right sweetheart - never forget, never forgive. And trust karma. Xx
The jab has been used primarily for depopulation. It has gone to plan and will be killing people off for years to come. I read an article by a doctor who said that people who have had 3 or more jabs will not reach old age. Nuremberg 2 is the only answer.
Looking for someone or something else to right wrongs is not a masculine trait..
Luckily.. more and more women are awake to the fact that this group of psychopaths have painted themselves into a corner.. they MUST continue to thin our numbers, and censor simple facts as opposition and realization grows.. they're f#cked, and they know it.. will people buy their excuses as they're caught red-handed.?
Not this time.. I'm convinced of that.. they cant risk ANYONE speaking out.. and that dam is very close to bursting.. I'm looking forward to OUR great reset.. they will be wiped out of every institution they've created.. and all of ours..
I've never understood this claim of depopulation. I agree the "vaccines" are killing a lot of people, but if you look at the mortality figures for the last couple years in the US, you're talking about a couple hundred thousand people - horrific from a public health and criminal point of view, but in terms of putting any noticeable dent in a global population of 8 billion, it's insignificant. A million deaths represents only 1/100 of 1% of the global population - I don't think people realize the scale of death required to depopulate the planet anywhere remotely close to the degree described in typical NWO lore.
The vaccines.. (not to mention the coming global financial collapse and the CBDC following it) are in batches.. If my research is correct.. about 5% were literally lethal.. people dying quite soon (hours or minutes) or a few days afterwards.. about 30% were placebos (saline) so as many people would claim.. "they are perfectly safe jabs, no side effects" and the majority were cocktails of experimental ingredients.. graphine oxide, (as an adjuvant) plus (if we are to believe the virologists) spike proteins.. plus the usual toxins, formaldehyde, mercury and aluminium.. and unknown ingredients.. (the manufacturers refuse to disclose all the ingredients) so people are dropping dead from myocarditus, Pericarditus, strokes.. huge numbers are being permanently disabled.. etc etc.. because its not all happening at once, they are managing to keep the public unaware.. yes 60,000 die every year in the U.S from flu.. but flu is of the shelf for the moment.. its disappeared.. they are still pushing "Covid" and its variants.. could you kill off large sections of all populaces and not end up decorating a lampost.? of couse not.. it is happening gradually and from multiple causes.. so they can disclaim any responsibility..
All cause mortality is going up by over thirty % in several country's not to mention unprecedented levels of sterilisation and miscarriages.. some womens cycles have gone crazy, not to mention that we dont really know how many people have really been affected because your average joe and mary think "well, sometimes people just die or get ill.." which of course is true..
All cause mortality is up a LOT in many countries.. I will try and find you some links.. I may be some time.. :o)
yes, I've been following excess mortality in a number of places. I agree that it's bad, I also agree there's a good chance it may get a lot worse; the breadth of adverse effects is kind of stunning and only time will tell for sure what that will do to mortality statistics. I guess I'm just against using the term "depopulation" because to me that implies the NWO/Georgia guidestones concept of depopulation, and I don't see any way that covid and it's downstream effects will get anywhere near that level of destruction - let's hope anyway.
Yeah.. I wasn't suggesting you didn't get it Rob.. I knew by your previous comment you'd done the research..
And I'm much in agreement with what you say..
Kind of a coincidence that the Guidestones were removed shortly after an explosion of sorts there.. eh.?
Maybe they didn't want the public thinking about just how long the "elites" have been promoting the idea of too many people.. as a londoner.. I know european populations have been fairly stable for quite a long time..
and "man-made global warming created by overpopulation" would've been a much more difficult sell in europe without the massive influx of migrants which has now been going on for over 60 years.. another co-incidence of course.. cheers.
Stephen, many people still do not see what is going on. Their eyes glaze over when I try to explain. On holiday last week I got talking to a guy in a bar who couldn’t wait to tell me that he has had 4 jabs - 2 AZ, 1 Moderna and 1 Pfizer. He acted like he had won a prize.
It was so strange, me never wearing that disgusting mask but I would see these young, fit, healthy men wearing them ..somehow that really shook me the most
Yes, all my family and friends even down to the age of 10 years all wore masks. I sometimes wonder what they think now but as my friends all deserted me I have no way of finding out. Family relationships are fragile too.
Dont forget.. they were subject to an enormous amount of propaganda.. not to mention job losses.. (state santioned) and are still uninformed because they've been taught questioning authority makes one a "conspiracy theorist".. thats also why we non-conformists couldn't show them the facts.. they are not to blame for being gullible.. the real villains have so far escaped their notice.. but that is definitely changing.. its hard to combat such organised criminality.. we dont have a mass media at our beck and call.. especially a 24 hour everyday one.. but we do know whats going on.. I think its going to be a years long struggle.. and many of them dont have that long.. if the "30% placebo" number is true.. a huge number of them will think anything we say is bonkers.. "Never harmed me.."
I agree that the gullible should not be blamed, they were brainwashed and coerced. The problem I have is with those people who vilified the unvaccinated and wished death upon them. Also the doctors who didn’t do due diligence and promoted the mRNA. The media and most of the doctors were bought and paid for to spin the government’s narrative.
I think that majority in positions of authority were fully informed and on board.. the rest simply followed directions.. it IS amazing to me how many "educated" people were sheeplike in nature.. and seemed to have lost the ability to question anything.. except the non-compliers of course.. WE somehow became the villians.. (shrewdly guided by the media) its also strange how they screamed "Look at the science" while steadfastly refusing to look at it themselves..
I think we non-conformists were the only people that DID look at the science.. Irony or what.? :oD
Fair point. However, I do say that thinking (I don't think thinking is in their vocabulary) that sticking poisons as per ingredients in the vaccines is a good idea is insane.
And thinking that a small vile (sic) of clear liquid can be trusted is like playing Russian roulette. An adrenaline kick for the terminally dim but terminal or life changing if the chamber has the magic bullet.
Why anybody should trust any supposed authority just because they say so beats me.
But then I did trust the doctors in 2020 and took immuno-therapy for 9 months until I worked out what was really wrong with me. Eventually I also found out that the therapy ingredients much the same as the vaccines. No surprises then.
I now know more about disease than most doctors who I generally consider an ignorant bunch.
I feel for those people who had families and were coerced into taking that poison and I wish them well. Someone said people put more research into buying a car then they do about what they put in their bodies
Unfortunately your wall needs to be so much bigger. Let's not forget justin turdeau, jabcinda ardern, doris johnson, et al. Deeply depressing how obedient people were (and still are). I remember going to Sainsbury's and 'accidently' not standing on the X on the floor and being told I must stand on it. I looked at the checkout girl and said "Really?" thinking she was joking, but no, she was deadly serious. It was like something out of Invasion of the Body Snatchers. So sad. Love you Abi for telling it like it is.
Don't forget the cunts here in the United States! Evidence indicates AmeriKKKa started this much like we probably did with the so-called "Spanish" Flu where 80 million took a "vaccine" of which more than half dropped dead!
I had that a lot of times being chased after in a supermarket by security waving a mask in my face lol I soon told him where to shove it & told him straight he had no authority to tell me anything & that I will call the police & have him for discrimination & alarm caused in front of other customers he scurried off & I did the rest of my shopping unmasked I never wore one not even in hospitals I’m exempt that’s all you need to say.. take your rights back learn common law & use it!!!
Yes, in the UK is was always guidance, it said so on for those without the common sense to check. Except of course having no common sense in the firts place they didn't.
I never wore a mask and refused in June 2020 when undergoing immuno-therapy. I had to fight, but I still got my treatment.
Until I worked out that that was a scam like the vaccines.
Gosh, this brought back memories and feelings of the relentless nastiness! How this caused both me and my husband to suffer with terrible anxiety. It’s only made us stronger because now we give zero shits about what these cunts say or think. Ultimately they need us more than what we need them.
Yep, spot on.. the non-conformists gained new members every day thanks to those jobsworth cunts.. I think they did us a favour.. and we all learned a LOT about just how easily pushed around people are.. wont be so easy for them next time around.. whether it be "climate lockdowns" CBDC or some other bollocks... they've created a whole new army, wise to their nonsense.. who are now, determined to resist the globalist cunts.
And that's just the British collaborators!! You are right, they'd have gladly rounded us up into internment camps with a badge to denote our vaxx status.
I will never forget what they did and said about us, we are on the right side of history not them.
They are wicked and evil. And brainwashed by the TV.
Luckily I haven't watched the box for years. Christmas 2021 I spent with my sister and her husband and we all had to shush when the 6pm news came on. They were totally hypnotised by Chris Whitty and the pantomime. I just sat there stunned at watching him and felt I was looking at an unblinking alien ha ha. Funny when you have escaped the madness/matrix you just see things from a whole different perspective.
The list of these evil bastards is endless. Tbh, Abi would not be able to find a big enough wall. Yes Barb, so many people brainwashed by MSM in one form or another. I’m so glad to be awake to all the bs.
It's been hard going but I believe it's made us all stronger. I'm lucky as I retired just 9 months before it all kicked off and have so much respect for those whose livelihood was affected but still stood tall. Warriors one and all.
Barb I used to sit and take the piss on the odd occasion I caught a few minutes of the pantomime, saying how brave they all were putting their Ives on the line to keep us updated. My other half bought the whole thing and still can’t admit they were conned. Of course deep down they know, saying it out loud means they have to apologise to the dumbest one in the family, who just happened to be able to sit unpicking the rubbish they told people.
Absolutely fucking brilliant! (I never used to swear before the pandemic btw!😉). Seriously this is an amazing professional documentary like presentation of 'The Cunts'.
Thank you Abi and well done for highlighting the tyranny of the last few years and the bastards who were prepared to segregate people 'for a cold '.
I am much the same, although profanity is more correct term.
Or in this case pro-fanny-ty. Profane language is like propane gas. In a controlled use it is very effective and safe.
However, it can be explosive but that has its uses too, just not to be used to often that's all, to demolish the necessary evils rather than everything good or bad.
The Wall Of Cunts is exactly what we need. you have now put on record these fucking Cunts for all to see and never ever forget. These tyrants should not be walking the streets, they should be incarcerated and fucked up daily.
I would just like to tell all the conversation my friend had with the Funeral Director who is arranging her fathers Cremation in the West Country today.
She told my friend it is going to be weeks before the Cremation can take place, as they are so overwhelmed. She continued "I know the weather has been very cold, but this is very unusual". My friends dads funeral will be held on 23rd February, wow.
We are being lied to at every turn.
Thanks Abi, you are amazing. Loads of love to you girl. Jane xxxxx
Correct. The mainstream parties are all the same, the media colluded with them. There is no party that I could vote for atm. Certainly not Reform with that awful snake in the grass Tice.
Yes Jane, The Wall of Cunts is now a permanent record of what these despicable people said about the unvaccinated and how they wanted to deprive us of our freedom.
Jan, I'm so grateful we have a tower of strength like Abi on our side. And The Wall of Cunts, cunts, should always be reminded of their Nazi like behaviour.
Trudi, my friend knows the score as do we. She is so angry with all that has happened these past 3 years. We could do with these Funeral Directors coming together en masse to scream it from the roof tops all they are seeing day in day out. Obviously they know this is not right.
Did you see Project Veritas expose of the Pfizer "Directed Evolution" wanker. Horrible evil people.
I just live in hope that one day the Psychopaths are truly brought to book.
Hope you are well Trudi, much love to you. Jane xxxxx
Oh wow, this reminds me why at times my family and I felt under attack! I was lucky that all 4 of us made the same choice so we were able to support each other. I can see why, at the time I spent much time shouting at the tv!!
What a sorry looking bunch of cunts!! They may not get the justice they deserve in this life but one way or another I don't believe they will get away with losing their humanity! I am trying not to feel anger towards them as it has been so bad for my mental health. But I do pity such an inhumane bunch of creatures. I'm learning to forgive the people in my life who lost sight of their humanity. Thanks for all you do Abi! Love and rage
Good for you Kirsty. I am not the forgiving type especially for such heinous crimes. I was the only person in my extended family that didn’t have the jabs. Same goes for all my longterm friends who are jabbed up to the eyeballs and waiting for more🤷♀️ I pray that justice will prevail.
Btw I don't mean I forgive the jab pushers and the media types! Just people close to me that acted in fear. The cunts on the wall deserve whatever comes their way!! As for people still lining up to be jabbed I'm afraid they will have to at some point take responsibility for their choices. Just like we had to when we were ostracized from society. If someone is ready to admit that they were fooled I am happy to support them in their hour of need. But I no longer waste my time asking people to do research. If they want to know it's all there. Hope you are well Jan
Kirsty, I feel sorry for those people who were coerced into taking the mRNA for their job and even those that were brainwashed by big pharma and the media into taking the jab.
My longterm friends who dropped me for not taking the jab and said vile things to me will not be forgiven. This year I got a birthday card from a friend who dropped me 2 years ago. In the card she wrote “let’s meet up soon”, as if nothing had happened. The card went in the bin.
Anyone that still buys into the scam pandemic is lost. They do not want to even read the real science and don’t want to hear about vaxx damage and death.
So sorry Jan .. I have experienced similar here. Friends just stopped talking to me or contacting me once they sussed how I felt. I was not vocal about it. Silence speaks louder than words, but I feel guilty also because I was avoiding confrontation with them. Hearing that my friend was "following the science" and why wasn't I and then parroting CNN talking points, bragging how her whole family got the jabs. Posting pics on FB of family camping trips while I was shut out of society. I had to get off FB after that as well as all the other friends on there bragging about getting their bloody jabs. It was enough. After that "following the science" convo .. years of silence. Only recently I heard from her.. talking to me like the last two years did not happen. I am polite but not very forth coming. This is a life long pal. So it is very sad. And honestly don't even know if she has even woken up. Not to mention being made to feel like an outcast by own family. Still no admissions from them either. I will never forget this 💩.
Thank you again Abi for the excellent production of The Wall of Cunts!. You were a 🌟 in it!! and that voice at the beginning.. 😂 and can see it from Space! 🤣👏👏 Soooo good! Can't tell you how many times I have watched it ❤️xo
Same here! Is sad how many ppl would sell us all.The evil idiots cannot do anything without the help of sell outs. MORALITY is doing what is right regardless of what you are told.
OBEDIENCE is doing what you are told regardless of what is right.
Dont get upset about it.. the bastards who put wedges between us and our families are to blame.... not our familes.. I sent my tripled-jabbed mum SO much information.. but she still went ahead and did what she was told.. now she's getting ill, she's less cynical about my reasons for not complying.. but what a price all those innocents will pay for not trusting us over the "experts".. its saddening and maddening all at once.. I hope I'm alive to see a few of the evil ones decorating lamp-posts.. they really deserve it.
I HATE all the buggers on that wall.. and many not yet mentioned, but am less angry for those close to us who were convinced to trust "experts" over people who cared about them..
They were frightened and propagandised.. it wasn't their fault.. I am mostly sad for them.. many will pay a dreadful price for trusting the "authorities"
And we will miss them.. Rosanne Barr on the vax, to make you laugh 2.5 mins..
The Great Wall of Cunts at last, hooray! It was better than I could have hoped for. Really well narrated Abi. Listening to those evil people makes me both angry and sad. We must never forgive and never forget.
Completely agree, got so angry and sad watching that. My husband was close to suicide because of all of that shit. Oh well, I can only hope that they stay on top of their boosters 🙏🤞
I never realised that so many evil people were waiting in the wings. Have they always been evil or did the scam pandemic just bring out the worse in them🤷♀️🥲
Jan Newell it gave many a power trip, some of my coworkers shouted at anyone who didn’t have a mask on when they came into the shop.
When customers would be apologetic explaining to me they were exempt I always told them it wasn’t my job or business to interrogate, or ask details about their private medical records. I told my boss I wouldn’t do it at the start and he said it wasn’t our job to do so either.
Bloody brilliant!!! We were called Refuseniks, murderers, granny killers, tin foilhat wearers etc.. but we KNEW this whole thing stank of Nuremberg... WE WERE RIGHT!
Wow you’ve done an absolutely brilliant job Abi! It was well worth the wait. Will share everywhere. What a powerful record of the tyranny they put us through. We must never let them forget this x
Brilliant Abi, it absolutely makes my blood boil when i hear them speak . Be interesting how many unjabbed looked after Eggwina when she was in hospital . They should all hang their heads in shame!!! Good job i didn't listen to Esther Rancid cos 2020 was to be my mums ‘Last Christmas” x
xx Couldn't get from Australia to the UK to see my beautiful father-in-law before he died mid-2020. (NOT of the sniffles, I must add.) I get such vicarious pleasure from knowing there were people who were able to see their loved ones because of the choices they made. Huge hugs.
Brilliant, thankyou Abi and Martin for doing this. We will never forget or forgive what these people did and how they used their platforms to enable and prolong this fiasco. I really don't know how they can bear to look at themselves. Hope Saturday went well.
You're probably right Jan but its a million miles away from being what a human being should be. Neck high in shite and they think they are the ones in the right place!
Brilliant Abi, thank you so much for this. It’s quite a reminder of the evil perpetrated on us all. I want to see them all locked up at the very least. Never forget and never forgive. Much love to you and all the substack family. Xx
Wow! Amazing, quite powerful. U could have added Nina myskow, schofield & my personal hate, dr Nikki kanani and her talkSPORT ads encouraging to get parents to get their children jabbed - ‘ah go on - don’t let them miss out!’
I've tried posting this a few times on Gettr and each time the posting disappeared in less than a minute. Looked to me like it was being censored. When I omitted the Substack link the posting no longer disappeared. Can you give a link to your posting?
I believe it's being censored.. I got some strange mail demon emails into my email after liking and commenting on some of the comments.. loads.. had a ton to delete and restarted laptop afterwards.
"They" will not like this Wall at all. Twitter is still not "proper"... if we saw it "proper" the reality of what is really going on would be mind blowing... imho
Wow Abi! Much respect and admiration to you. You are a HERO and a WARRIOR and I applaud you! Thank you so much for your courage and being our voice ❤️ Canada needs it's own wall, as does the US and many others. Also, I wonder 🤔 .. have any of these "people" come forth and apologized?
They should get their own country, a cuntry, and their leader should style the title of Cunt, not Count.
They should insult their fellow cuntrymen, and not the dicks from other nations. Better a dick than a cunt!
Their national dance is the cuntredance.
Their national flower is the Cunt of the Valley.
Cunt you see how bad a bunch of bastard mother pfuckers those commie bootlickers are? They have their disgusting skulls filled with mollusks, that augment their essential cuntyness.
The worst moment in all History to be wrong, and they managed to get there and remain there, like the smug Cunts they are. CUNTREMAINERS!
I’ve seen some confusion about how one could legitimately be said to have shed their cuntish skin. The process is quite staight forward: Apologize with specific and detailed reference to what you did and got wrong. Beg forgiveness. By all means, speak out and make use of your credentials and expertise, but at all times exhibit the humility you’ve fuly earned especially as regards to those you’ve wronged. And going forward, show that truth - the whole truth and nothing but the truth - is your only concern. Oh, and drop all showmanship.
Well it took 2 more goes to share it on gettr, hopefully it will stay there. Apparently some people are proud to be on Abi's wall. Lesson still hasn't been learnt.
Fantastic, Abi. The world must never forget these reprobates. These are the same people we seen at the Nuremberg trial saying we were just following orders. These tyrants would have been first in line to turn the values which allowed the gas to enter the chambers back in Poland in the 1940s
Splendid work! Would have liked to have seen James Whale on there too, but am so pleased to see the idiotic Tom Harwood and the excreable Benjamin Butterworth on the wall.
'When tyranny comes knocking, who lets it in?' Can't get more specific than these powerful words Abi - delivered with your refreshing non-bullshit pragmatic truth bombs - whilst so many who could have done the same - chose not to. Recently I have been made aware of these powerful words by the wonderful Dr. Binder who has been ruthlessly persecuted for standing his ground amidst the nightmare of these past 3 years; 'the banality of evil' - explains so much and his reply to Dr. Malhotra rips open the depth of deception and betrayal so many in positions of authority have failed to do the right thing. Never forget - evil is afoot and must not be explained away or excused as human error blah blah, but for me the full weight and historical realities which is at the root of the 'banality of evil' must never be forgotten or dismissed. Also, for me trying to stay sane during these years I have found strength in reading up on the Milgram experiments of the 1960's and how the majority of humans in these social/authority experiments chose to do the wrong thing against fellow human beings. Its real and is being played out now - people will reveal themselves by profound choices of right vs wrong.
The lot of them should be in prison ! Absolutely DISGUSTING ! and NO we are not the ignorant ones. WE did the research...WE are the reason tyranny has not completely overtaken the world !! WE are the real heroes, NOT the complicit dancing NHS nurses and celebrity sell outs, WE are the the 21st century Spartans, we maybe outnumbered and outgunned etc but we will stand and fight and if need be DIE for freedom !!
Not to worry Jan, the saviour of the world is on BBC this week to tell us all about how great a guy he is and all these 'conspiracy theories' (aka independent thought) are ridiculous !
Did you notice at the Australian Open how much like ET he looks? VERY very leathery and wrinkly, unhealthy, fat in all the wrong places and thin in all the wrong places. You don't see it on video clips, but the photos of him at the tennis are very revealing.
yes i thought he looked reptillian like a giant kermit the frog with a voice to match !! There was also someone that collapsed in the stands during the final but the cameras cut away !
yeah blink and you would miss it i only knew it was happening as the players sat for a break and the camera cut away but the audio was still on and NOVAK said to the umpire ''someone has collapsed'' he noticed and i could tell he knows what's going on !!
I will just say that a few months ago I saw that Novak had made donations to kindergartens for computers etc and he actually was quoting the WEF/affiliated organisation and their viewpoint on education. Then that page disappeared off his website.
Subsequently, while other people were being made to anti-socially distance, he was rubbing elbows in a semi-private audience with British royalty's children and grand-children.
So although I thought it poxy that he was denied entry previously and glad that he contested the Australian Open, the truth is that we don't really know the full extent of people's links to various organisations or whether it's just that they are at the same events and don't get much say in that.
Not sure if he just treads a careful path among powerful (non-tennis) players or it's all just more theatre and distraction.... You know, like how the politicians seem to be on opposite sides but then they are just two cheeks of the same derriere?
I'm not sure yet, I just observe. There are many factions competing for power, I think.
I believe Gates was a regular visitor to Epstein island. I wish the little black book would be published. The people in it are too powerful I guess for that to happen.
Piers Morgan has done a U turn saying he wrongly believed the science, and Aseem Malhotra has after research that the jab should be stopped . Ester Randi is in hospital with lung cancer I believe.
The Covidian religion certainly spread far and wide at breakneck speed. Amazing how easily people were scared by a non-existent "virus" through only fear-mongering and sensationalist lamestream media fake panic. The truth is that none of the "wall of cunts" people will ever be held responsible for their wickedness by a human, but the good news is that some of them will die from the "vaccine" (aka, experimental gene therapy drug designed to kill and maim as many people as Herr Schwab and his big pharma cronies can), and those that don't will be judged and "rewarded" accordingly by God when they stand before Him to give account of their lives.
I actually thought "they" were going to push the scamdemic to its maximum and introduce Nazi-style "Jew armbands" for us refuseniks, roll out Uncle Bill's "Mark of the Beast" chip implants, CBDCs, and give us "the whole 9 yards". But either God nipped it in the bud because the time isn't right for it yet (yet...), or the scale and length and reach of the scamdemic was pretty much "as designed", and the follow up to that is even now brewing in the globalist "petri dish of evil". I rather think "they" might release a real virus next time round - it would be SO easy to do...
A conspiracy to murder and reduce the world's population to 1-2 billion doesn't take many to put into action, just a lot of easily-led people who've given up their ability to think and reason, people who are weak-minded and going into a worry-panic flap at the drop of a hat, people who follow and listen to "talking heads" in the MSM, government and 3-letter-acronym agencies without question. Sadly, the scamdemic revealed just how stupid humans have become, how weak-willed, unthinking, spineless and, well, pathetic. It's a pity more of the stupid aren't "culled" each year by the consequences of their stupidity and spinelessness and immorality so that the rest of us can get on with life.
There's a strong possibility that the whole of virology is a fraudulent science.. even Dr. Mike Yeadon's been converted.. I think the next big threats are climate lockdowns and CBDC..
If viruses ARE real.. we have generationally seen billions since the beginning of time..
2. Or they are the exosome, part of the body's defense system. This is in fact what people are seeing under the electron microscope, a ball with bits stuck on as it were.
Coronavirus is the exosome as I keep pointing out. It can be considered as the garbage disposal man of the body, taking rubbish to the lymph system for disposal.
So it is not so much that a virus doesn't exist but that something, the exosome which is friend to the body, not foe, has been twisted into an enemy and then the lies magnified into something ginormous.
What doesn't exist except in the minds of those who fabricated the lies, are all the variants and so-called diseases, which are merely made up to make big pharma and medics look clever to justify them receiving large amounts of money for poisoning the masses of the people.
Wuhan was a psy-op pure and simple. Pollution is awful there especially in winter. Pollution causes respiratory disease. The rest was propaganda aided by the dumbing down of the public.
Sorry to reply to this comment so late... I am fully aware of all you say here.. and onboard.
I expressed doubt for two reasons.. firstly.. there are still people about who are not as advanced in their exploration of the "covid-19" narrative.. many took the "vaccines" (you and I are fully aware they are not vaccines, and could not be.. on a few levels.. ) and now feel regret because of adverse effects on themselves or friends / family or perhaps have just become aware that something is deeply wrong with the whole business.. but haven't really delved into the whole rabbit hole regarding all the other stuff you and I have discovered.. we are the kind of people who are looking for the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.. not everyone is like that.. I wasn't cruel.. but I think when conversing with some of these types.. a couple of years ago.. I WAS somewhat harsh.. I'm trying to be more gentle.. because these people are generally good people who were misled by a huge propaganda exercise.. and try as I might, I couldn't prevent my own mum and partner from being fooled.. and they are slowly but surely exhibiting signs that all is not well with them.. so I'm trying to write comments in a way which doesn't leave them feeling stupid.. and rarely leave links to the few "scientific" papers I have tried to work through (a few was enough to confirm what I was pretty sure of)
secondly.. although the "no virus" hypothesus seems most likely fact, I'm never 100% on anything I've learned.. I always leave some room for doubt, more as a defence against the many times I've had fixed "alternative" theories, and found out later, I'd followed the wrong trail.. for instance, with regard to 9 / 11 I bought the thermite story.. and later changed my mind.. I also bought into a lot of the fearmongering going on regarding several other subjects, (I've been a non-conformist for a long time :o) and it took a while to understand that the sources of the fearmongering were 9/10 times grifters who were making money out of spreading frightening stories about what was "next on the agenda".. mike adams I consider to be a modern example of this.. also alex jones, david Ike.. and many others.. dont know if they were always like that, or greed or coersion has changed them..
Anyway.. I appreciate your comprehensive reply.. thanks.
I doubt I will check out all your links, because I'm really a bit tired of wading through material that confirms what I've already learned.. by the way.. although I agree wuhan was mostly distraction.. I do suspect the labs there (and elsewhere) were involved in refining the toxicity of the "vaccines" and recently watched a remarque88 video where he had found an interesting paper trail suggesting that infertility drugs designed for animal "pests" had simply been rebadged and inserted in these new recombinant dna/rna "vaccines" main culprit being pfizer, of whom bourla it turns out is not a doctor / scientist but a VET.. but with the amount of research you have clearly been doing, you probably already knew that.. (I didn't, and was amazed)
Thank you. I would have thought 'a bit tired' was an understatement on your behalf so I do understand only too well! I have been struggling with my health, not improved and indeed worsened by the cretinous NHS in the UK.
Re Bourla I have been aware of his veterinary qualification. Very suitable as he experiments on people he no doubts thinks of as animals.
I hope I shall remember your moniker so I don't repeat stuff to you, but keep strong. If you will accept this truth, the angels are with you.
They will be back and the next time they will come back harder. In the next 'pandemic' they will claim children will be mostly effected. This is why they needed to get the toxins into the children. The effects will start appearing over the next few years, in fact they already have. I caught a clip on the dreadful BBC a couple of days back where they are claiming there are currently 70,000 children suffering from 'Long Covid' in other words the effects of the injections.
It was a new, not fully tested gene therapy. Pfizer admitted they had not tested for transmutability, therefore we where locked up under false pretences
What f*&kin' vaccine, it was a new, not fully tested gene therapy. Pfizer admitted they had not tested for viral transmission, therefore we where locked up under false pretences
The thing about Nuremberg the first time around is that there was a grand "bait and switch" many of the evil ones got away with psychopathy writ (and acted) large.
Their descendants must snicker up their sleeves...
Human justice isn't equal to the massive sadism, deceit, theft, and murder that has been enacted.
So many fcktrds in the entertainment grubby sphere. Very few if any actually called it out for the globalist coup it has been all along. Reverse engineering to connect these concerted cnuts to organisations and ultimately govt will be useful. Commonalities like trade unions, professional bodies, and of course the media and so-called watchdogs are a massive force for evil like mhra and ofcom - all will be exposed as prominent. There is another worthy of mention which few will have heard of. The Institute of Strategic Dialogue, recently exposed in the twitter files. Learn more about it here and join us on our petition on St George's Day between their HQ and ofcom's HQ, in London.
Love your perfect layout on these cunts. Myself being in BC , Canada, we had a hard lockdown for unvaxxed, even knowing the whole narrative in advance and the people kept getting jabbed and still promote as the Jew media still pumps the narrative for the damaged minds. The society was lost before this and sometimes think Klause Schwab is right about a few useless eaters but then again these at the WHO, CDC, UN and more only reflect who they are.
Amazing that an actual group (relatively small) of organised criminal psycopaths are now so in control of world affairs.. that they can openly conduct a worldwide genocide.. and financially profit from it.!, while a large percentage of people, are so poorly informed.. that they applaud it.. including doctors, politicians , and many other "educated professionals".. (yes, they've always done this through warfare etc,) but this is on such an audacious scale, that it could only be acheived by megalomaniacs who are also satanists.. we must combat their lies everywhere we can.. as they are now so convinced that the general public can be convinced of anything they say.. (through their sock-puppet lackeys) that the lies are becoming more and more stupid.. and therefore easily disprovable.. manmade climate change.. the subtle (and not so subtle, i.e wef etc) push for a "benevolent" world govt.. mass immigration, CBDC, and the transexual agenda.. show where all this is going.. we must inform the innocents at every opportunity.. we are MANY more than they.. and have more geniuses on our side than their total number including their compromised lackeys.. all they have is disinformation and censorship.. we OWN the people they are using to front their agenda.. they are OUR govts, armies, police, scientists etc etc.. and can be removed from our employ the moment people are informed.. we also have truth and right on our side.. and no lie can defeat them.. I applaud every one of you who are awake to the reality we are living through. never give up.!
wonder how many of these arseholes are now eating humble pie...? i for one cant think of any of them who have admitted they acted like cunts by uttering such fearful hate. CUNTS!
Brilliant ! Just one thing missing at the end .... "end of part one" - part 2? How about those oh so hard rock n rollers who brought new meaning to "if you're not on the guest list you're not coming in" ...
Other than the “C” word being the most foul word, IMHO, in the English language (why do cuss words always denigrate women?), this site is AWESOME. The SCIENCE (and the exposure of government and corporate lies) is finally vindicating the un-vaxxed.
I don't know that the 'C' word is the most foul. It is one of several. There is the male version beginning with 'p' and ending with 'k'. Perhaps Abi could have used both words but she chose what she chose.
Personally I might consider that as needles prick, those on the wall are just a load of pricks, people who want to prick us with a poison jab for profit etc.
I've never trusted that Malhotra fellow, always sniffing the air and changing his tune. His twitter used to have him shaking hands with Samantha Cameron. I don't know if it still does because I'm still permanently suspended for questioning covid dogma.
This SHAMdemic has NEVER been about a ‘Virus’. It was ALWAYS about CONTROL! A worldwide experiment to see how far they could push us. Sadly, far too many believed the msm, followed the ‘science’, queued for their “Safe and Effective” ClotShots and are now beginning to suffer the consequences. This POISON cannot be removed from their bodies. Already we are seeing “unexpected deaths” and life-changing side-effects. The numbers will only increase!
It would be interesting to see wheather any of them have changed their opinions by now - after even the hatestream media no longer being able to ignore the increase in the miocarditis/sudden deaths, etc.
I tried sharing this on Gettr last night, it lasted a minute or so then disappeared! I noticed that a few others had the same thing happen to them. I'll try again later today.
My granny always said she couldn’t believe what happened in ww2 as “the Germans were such lovely people” and l it couldn’t ever happen again “ If Boris hadn’t screwed up with his Omnicrom Xmas lockdowns we would have been in the camps they weee building - thanks Australia, Germany Austria et Al. Unimaginable in 2019 - we see them now and are ready for the fight. God bless.
Big thanks to Beckham, Prince Harry and Tony Blair.
Without them telling me that I had to get vaccinated I might have actually taken that shite. I knew I didn't need it, but might have taken it to make life a bit easier. Their encouragement made me determined not to take it. along with the rest of the coercion.
Yes, Tony Blair is always a good test as it were. Anything he suggests is not a good idea nowadays. Good old Baloney Bliar, where would we be without him, eh? :)
Indeed !! A Great Wall of Cunts . Thank god those of us who refused stood up to this utter nonsense . Many of the vaccinated paid with their lives and or failing health . We deserve to give ourselves a round of applause.
Excellent work but a pity about the title. It will put normies off reading this if they happened to come across it. I'm an old lady, red pilled for 20 years but I don't understand why the slang word for a female part has become synonymous for something horrible and evil. In this case it's used to depict evil by a woman who presumably has a cunt of her own. Does she despise it? It's so odd. It is my experience that men love cunts and can't get enough of them.
Even Great Wall of China isn’t big enough to put all these cunts and their collaborators on it.
One cunt I know believed me and my like should have been all rounded up and dumped on a desert island. Joke was on him the nob cunt he is though when his siblings and in laws went down with it twice after their second and third dart.
These people have had a fucking lobotomy because that’s acceptable but not if you’re not darted.
If brains were gun powder it wouldn’t blow their hats off, fucking numpties. They just look at you with goldfish eyes when you tell them you wouldn’t be expected to get the flu dart when you’ve had flu already.
I'm massively hostile to the illiberal authoritarians that do not understand the fundamental right of bodily autonomy. These people are dangerous and should be punished and removed from society for the greater good. BTW The vaccines do not work and so-called 'health passports' are one step towards digital social credit.
It takes the patience of Jobe to deal with the tyranny of Judas. God forgive them if they do not know... but punish the shot out of them if they do and still continue to be dumb. The liberal brain is a threat to humanity. So easily retarded, so useful to the tyrant.
That's powerful testimony, but its only the tip of the iceberg, many statements by politicians as well. Lets never forget that tyranny only happens when collaborators support it, why did they? Out of fear? Out of need to maintain power and privilege amongst the elite paymasters? Or out of just pure ignorance>?
Now that the father of this vaccine has now pretty much called it useless, I wonder what those lot would have to say now.
Because they believe so strongly against my body my choice regarding vaccines (I'm sure many of the same would agree with abortion) they will be the first to loose their freedoms.... They will reap the very words and emotions they had sown.
The death of reason has been the most agregious loss of these last few years. The next one will be the loss of all the freedoms we hold dear. There's a Chinese proverb that says, "May you live in interesting times." I guess that's what these are - though it's not exacrly how I'd describe them.
What f*&kin' vaccine, it was a new, not fully tested gene therapy. That vaccine company starting with P admitted they had not tested for transmission, therefore we where locked up under false pretenses
Hi Abbi, that was absolutely brilliant - keep up the great work. Name them, shame them and defame them. Your posters on walls is a great way of fighting the digital censorship. You could make up packs and sell them to get people to put them up everywhere all over Britain. Fighting in the ANALOGUE world is one way the digital fascists in Silicon Valley cannot stop it.
One of the most simple and powerful "anti COVID bollox" statements ever made! Kathy outid herself on this one. Sadly, for them, gladly for us, the wall is much much much much much longer and all of them shall be made to face that wall.
I am well aware of how you and your shills are attacking me now coz I can see your group. THe reason you kicked me off was because your shills would not let me question Freedom Alliance Political Party. Well I'm questioning it, it's Scorpio/Taurus prison symbolism which has f all to do with freedom. And no, I don't buy you or JD being christian. Pull the other one. You don't even know the meaning of that word. You don't fool me and carry on letting your sycophants slag me off, its fine , and expected from the controlled ops Pathetic cowards who say one thing to your face and another behind your back. At least I've got the guts to speak my mind and that's no gonna change because those of us who are real critical thinkers and really oppose the agenda don't need two a penny celebrities to speak for us. If you think you can vote your way out of this then you haven't woken up. I note how you attack everybody on sight who you think is controlled but you don't allow me to have my opinion on who I trust . THat is because you are attempting to dictate the agenda handed down by your freemasonic masters (JD AND DICK are masons and therefore self obsessed little control freaks using divide and rule. And a word of advice after a number of repetitions the word 'cunt' becomes tedious , you become tedious and not in the slightest bit funny
A truck with a loudspeaker on the top, up and down the streets in every city worldwide, playing these tapes over and over again, best of cunt's comments of every gov, media and their rental mouths, that's my wish for all coming Christmases until the collaps of all walls of cunts everywhere.
I put this up on a couple of my (now permanently banned) TikTok accounts until the fuckers took it down. Dunno if I can be assed to create a 4th TikTok account. There’s a huge amount of truth you can’t share on there.
My granny always said she couldn’t believe what happened in ww2 as “the Germans were such lovely people” and l it couldn’t ever happen again “ If Boris hadn’t screwed up with his Omnicrom Xmas lockdowns we would have been in the camps they weee building - thanks Australia, Germany Austria et Al. Unimaginable in 2019 - we see them now and are ready for the fight. God bless.
The Germans were fighting the demonic tyranny of Communism. Don’t believe all the lies you’ve been told about history especially about WW2 & the Germans. They were not Evil but stood against Evil which was & is Communism!
Wasn’t there the Nazi version of a totalitarian dictatorship AND the Soviet communist version of a totalitarian dictatorship and the WHO + the WEF + financial capitalism version of a totalitarian dictatorship. The names change, but the Operation remains the same. The psychopathic rulers who groom their children to follow in their psychopathic footsteps have been planning for a world government for generations.
Hello from Sussex. What an excellent video, a Great Wall of Cunts as you say. I have always thought that this is because they have been saying 'You cun't do this, and you cun't do that', a sort of dialect word.
Personally, I think they can go stick their cun'ts where the sun don't shine as they say.
I gather Alastair Stewart thinks the sensible people who avoid vaccines have zero quality of humour. I don't know quite what he means by that phrase but 'aa Tartar witless' is an anagram of his name which might explain things.
I don't who among the sensible who avoid vaccines like the plague he may have met, but I do retain a sense of humour and ridicule the vaccine cultists.
Personally Im sick and tired of hearing about WWII Germany. I have my doubts about the official narrative of that just as much as I have my doubts of the official narrative of 911, USS Liberty, covid pandemic etc etc etc. I would rather hear about the treatment of Germans after WWII by the allies or how people were treated in communist gulags. Otherwise great video, these people exposed themselves for what they really are, and we should never let that go.
The simple fact is.. NO-ONE.. worldwide.. can produce a sample of this "virus" .. proven not isolated, with a fraudulent genomic sequence created by the cdc..
How do you test for a virus you dont have samples of..? (dont get me started on the polymerase chain reaction test {pcr} which is not designed for diagnosing illness)
Everything falls apart without a virus.. and they dont have one despite millions of alleged "cases"
Case closed.
It was all about "population control" via vaccines.. in other words genocide.. these creatures must pay.!
I actually think they lost there minds with fear and even now they cannot accept they were utterly utterly wrong . They should be ashamed of themselves but you know privilege trumps all of this.
Changed his mind? He supposed to be a freaking doctor for crying out loud. If he wanted to acted with integrity then he would have spoken out in 2020 rather than now when it’s too late. It’s an ridiculous stupid thing to say that the vaccine harms could not be conceived. Of course they could.
You’re presumably unaware that he’s insulted friends of his who chose not to have the vaccine, saying that they had that decision based on “intuition rather than evidence”.
I think people like Scientist / Dr. Mike Yeadon, and others shamed / frightened types like this into changing sides.. we will see a lot of this.. especially as the death and injury rate continues to rise.. he is a Dr. who should've known better.. he was onboard 'til he realised how many people were awake.. he will be blaming somebody else of course..
I don’t remember him speaking up then but he is most definitely onside now. Surely we should welcome anyone who has seen the light, he cannot just be dismissed as an anti vaxxer like the rest of us so he may yet show others the truth
Yes but we still have to be suspicious because if we could see and sense that all was not well how could any honorable doctor not do the right thing and first do no harm
I think the problem with Aseem is that he is now seen as a hero. I am not sure I see any real humility unlike Mike Yeadon. Those that stood against the Covid nonsense are all heroes in my book, be they great or small.
I do not like people putting Dr. in front of their name be they the Aseems or Mikes of this world, indeed any title other than Mr. in their case. It was entitling people like them in the first place that is partly responsible for us getting into this mess.
The masses relied on so called experts who got it badly wrong.
What an excellent idea! And what an excellent wall.
But, I have a sneaky feeling that there are many more who aren't being named and shamed.
How about the planks who decided to keep boosters going for under-50s until 12 February, after which they'll not be available. There must be an agreement somewhere, signed by Covid itself, that promises not to infect (or worse) those under 50 after that date...
Great stuff, never forget/never forgive but perhaps giving too much weight to slebs inane witterings (but agreed vile individuals who should be forever shunned by ensuring that the only things that matter to them fame/reputation/£ are withheld by us, the ones who didn't fail the international intelligence test)
There's many more should be on there. No sympathy for any AH that gave us jip. So a few millions then. And can we bring back social distancing because of their shedding! Umm not nice is it
That's fine, well it does touch on some names that are recognizable, but leaves out the major social media players now. The short list, would be Malone, Kirsch, Hodkinson, McCullough, Del Bigtree, Childrens Health Defence, Ryan Cole, Mikcovitz, etc. You add the ones i missed that are talkin virus, n lab leak, n Pcr bullshit.
Then there is jordan peterson, joe rogan, brand, etc .
What f*&kin' vaccine, it was a new, not fully tested gene therapy. That vaccine company starting with P admitted they had not tested for transmission, therefore we where locked up under false pretenses
gene therapy with added graphine oxide.. (as an adjuvant) .. as if mercury and aluminium aren't bad enough... how much longer will scientists and doctors keep claiming "no harmful effects" when anyone with ten minutes to spare can discover the exact opposite is true...
When "science" is unscientific.. the promoters of such nonsense should be punished.. they are the snake oil salesmen of our times.
What f*&kin' vaccine, it was a new, not fully tested gene therapy. Pfizer admitted they had not tested for transmutability, therefore we where locked up under false pretences
Excellent! This lot and their ilk, would not have only told the Nazis where Anne Frank was, they would have drawn a fucking map.
Anne franks diary is an easily proven myth.. in fact two people went to court over it because it was a screen play.. and the original author (who was not related to the mythical.? Anne frank) won damages of something like $50,000.. yet the bbc c@nts regularly still trot this story out as if it wasn't fiction.. you shouldn't think of "this lot" as "nazis".. they are much more like the Stasi of eastern europe infamy.. their dictatorship is a creeping crawling evil which scurries away whenever light is shone upon it.. but they are back the next day, doing the same things in the name of "philanthropy" (all the psychopaths are philanthropists nowadays) and the people who shone that light on them have quietly disappeared the next day. I know what you meant..
"These people are evil".. and I agree.. most are evil, some are stupid, some are both... and a very few are good people, heavily misinformed. unfortunately, their plan to test our compliance, thin the population, and profit from it all, was largely successful.. and for that, we should never forgive them.
What do you think of the fact that they don’t want us to know that we dont live on a spinning wobbling Waterball globe orbiting the sun? Please prove me wrong before banning me!
Do you like the Nazis more than the commies?
The grandparents of Eastern Europeans I know told them in their youth that occupying Germans were very civilised while the communist Soviets behaved appallingly. Take from that what you will.
Wouldn’t they just, Laura.
It was an experiment to see how compliant we would be. Even the establishment was surprised that there were so many sheep.
The state is my papi, my daddy it cares so much for all of us.
No irony just same old same old. Anne Franks diary was partly written in ballpoint pen which didn’t exist at the time it was supposedly written was written by her sheckel grubbing father. Every aspect of the scamdemic is kosher starting with documents or blueprints by the Bank of International Settlements ,Operation Lockstep, Event 201, Microsoft patent to connect humans to the cloud to run their digital social credit score system ..the list is endless. Like Rothchild said I care not who makes a nations laws as long as I control their money!!
Amschel Meyer weaponised money placing his sons in arears of importance in order to know what lawmakers might be considering and to be sure all their wars would be financed by the Jew led 1%. WW2 was a clear question of a need to defend European finance long enough to transfer world no 1 position to the USA. Only money power could have made governments and medicine call covid a pandemic
Right..I believe it was the sow that birthed the Rothchild demons who said; if my sons didn’t want wars there would be none. It all starts with the money changers
You might at least take the trouble to spell 'shekel' and 'Rothschild' correctly.
You might want to make an actual contribution to the conversation instead of correcting someone’s spelling.. I don’t really care about the “spelling” but I guess it gives you something to do
You may not care, but the spelling is actually significant.
Rothschild: 'Roth' = Red
& 'schild' = shield.
It refers to the emblem attached to the front door of the Meyer's residence.
I was merely pointing out that your bilious outpourings might carry more weight if you took a little more trouble. You hardly come over as an authority if you can't spell the name of someone you're dissing.... Or perhaps there really is a family somewhere called Rothchild who deal in sheckles?
Well my new phone kind of does it’s own thing ..and as far as spell check this smart phone is a bit dumb. At least I am not a 8200 , copy and paste troll and I think even you got the gist of my post. I can try to pay more attention to detail.. but not making any promises…guess I am a flawed human
So rather than dispute what she was saying in a rational way, you chose to attack unimportant aspects of it.. and to throw in an insult or two.. nice going.. there's a famous group who use those tactics.. cant dispute the fact.? attack the person..
Right ..that is the M O .. not willing to debate the issue so attack the messenger. It’s just like how TRUTH is now HATE
I reviewed my comment and couldn't see an 'insult'. You are, of course, welcome to your opinion.
It's hard to argue against statements that are made with no reference as to source.
Come on John.. "I was merely pointing out that your bilious outpourings" is intentionally insulting..
The JQ is complicated.. and tarring all with the same brush is stupid, but they have a big and unavoidable influence, and as far as most others are concerned.. a negative one.. I could provide links, info etc but I have no wish to hijack Abi's site and turn it into a JQ forum.. she actually DID something.. which is more than many of us.. and I dont wanna get into arguments with people I suspect I mostly agree with.. the people I'M talking about are not really part of the group they hide within, they just use it as a shield against criticism of their criminal actions.. if we start posting links to stuff unrelated to Abi's posts.. it would be a bad idea IMO.. even though I want to.. lets keep pointing out the crimes.. and when the majority are aware.. we can take a closer look at the criminals.
Thats my take.
Your use of “bilious” is sketchy and be truthful you were trying to infer your superiority over dumb little me.. you might not be as clever as you think. One would think with all your abilities you could research a source yourself
Lol, he did out himself early with the above comment. What a knob and yes I've added the K because like the cereal your a bit special.
Well said. The 3 CEOs of Pfizer, Astra Zeneca & Johnson Johnson are all Jews!!!
there are 2 types of people the Jew led 1% trust, committed jews and those so devoted to money they will do and say anything. like Biden, Take a good look at those in SM, business Banking etc, key political posts. This is why we have slipped so far so quick. They must all be taken out of positions and company and personal wealth sequestrated
When ((you)) control the money, you control the world. As demon Rothschild said I care not who makes a nations laws as long as I control their money!
Oh no, no! We can't say that! Then we are antisemite... always the guilded guild framework to throw back when stating facts.. they are constantly changing words to make us feeling guilt, there was first the war on language and changing words to change ideas to make us accepting these ideas, anti this anti that, and and the worst blasphemy is being called a conspiracy theorist. And still there is no conspiracy theories without the real conspiracy, is there? I am darn proud of being called one, at least it says i am reading a different uncontaminated version of thessaurus of words. You know what, i am prepared to burst my own eardrums not to hear all the shit they are dishing up for the last 3 years for the not so unexpected lethargic world pop. It seems like it was a preventative measure during the chinese cultural revolution to damage your own eardrums not to be contaminatrd by repeating words that form part of this desensitizing state propaganda we are enduring for the last 3 years.
Fooking brilliant mate. It reminds me of watching documentary's about tyrannical regimes that have committed genocide and thinking 'how could people be so evil'? Quite easily it would appear, especially when you combine fear with propaganda by corporate owned media.
This is testament to to the evils that these collaborators supported.
Spot on Calvin👏🏻
Oh Abi, this is brilliant and terrifying in equal measure. How the hell did we let these morons get away with such utterly vile, monstrous, selfish, arrogant, vicious attacks on their fellow human beings? Individually they made me angry at the time, but the horror I felt looking back at this collection of unspeakable evil has left me reeling. You’re right sweetheart - never forget, never forgive. And trust karma. Xx
Anne, I hope you are right about the karma. We must remember that these evil people would do the same again to us, given the chance.
I firmly believe in karma Jan. Good always has its way in the end. 🙏
The jab has been used primarily for depopulation. It has gone to plan and will be killing people off for years to come. I read an article by a doctor who said that people who have had 3 or more jabs will not reach old age. Nuremberg 2 is the only answer.
Looking for someone or something else to right wrongs is not a masculine trait..
Luckily.. more and more women are awake to the fact that this group of psychopaths have painted themselves into a corner.. they MUST continue to thin our numbers, and censor simple facts as opposition and realization grows.. they're f#cked, and they know it.. will people buy their excuses as they're caught red-handed.?
Not this time.. I'm convinced of that.. they cant risk ANYONE speaking out.. and that dam is very close to bursting.. I'm looking forward to OUR great reset.. they will be wiped out of every institution they've created.. and all of ours..
I agree and truly hope this will happen. I refuse to comply and live in a world that the globalists have planned for us.
I've never understood this claim of depopulation. I agree the "vaccines" are killing a lot of people, but if you look at the mortality figures for the last couple years in the US, you're talking about a couple hundred thousand people - horrific from a public health and criminal point of view, but in terms of putting any noticeable dent in a global population of 8 billion, it's insignificant. A million deaths represents only 1/100 of 1% of the global population - I don't think people realize the scale of death required to depopulate the planet anywhere remotely close to the degree described in typical NWO lore.
The vaccines.. (not to mention the coming global financial collapse and the CBDC following it) are in batches.. If my research is correct.. about 5% were literally lethal.. people dying quite soon (hours or minutes) or a few days afterwards.. about 30% were placebos (saline) so as many people would claim.. "they are perfectly safe jabs, no side effects" and the majority were cocktails of experimental ingredients.. graphine oxide, (as an adjuvant) plus (if we are to believe the virologists) spike proteins.. plus the usual toxins, formaldehyde, mercury and aluminium.. and unknown ingredients.. (the manufacturers refuse to disclose all the ingredients) so people are dropping dead from myocarditus, Pericarditus, strokes.. huge numbers are being permanently disabled.. etc etc.. because its not all happening at once, they are managing to keep the public unaware.. yes 60,000 die every year in the U.S from flu.. but flu is of the shelf for the moment.. its disappeared.. they are still pushing "Covid" and its variants.. could you kill off large sections of all populaces and not end up decorating a lampost.? of couse not.. it is happening gradually and from multiple causes.. so they can disclaim any responsibility..
All cause mortality is going up by over thirty % in several country's not to mention unprecedented levels of sterilisation and miscarriages.. some womens cycles have gone crazy, not to mention that we dont really know how many people have really been affected because your average joe and mary think "well, sometimes people just die or get ill.." which of course is true..
All cause mortality is up a LOT in many countries.. I will try and find you some links.. I may be some time.. :o)
yes, I've been following excess mortality in a number of places. I agree that it's bad, I also agree there's a good chance it may get a lot worse; the breadth of adverse effects is kind of stunning and only time will tell for sure what that will do to mortality statistics. I guess I'm just against using the term "depopulation" because to me that implies the NWO/Georgia guidestones concept of depopulation, and I don't see any way that covid and it's downstream effects will get anywhere near that level of destruction - let's hope anyway.
Yeah.. I wasn't suggesting you didn't get it Rob.. I knew by your previous comment you'd done the research..
And I'm much in agreement with what you say..
Kind of a coincidence that the Guidestones were removed shortly after an explosion of sorts there.. eh.?
Maybe they didn't want the public thinking about just how long the "elites" have been promoting the idea of too many people.. as a londoner.. I know european populations have been fairly stable for quite a long time..
and "man-made global warming created by overpopulation" would've been a much more difficult sell in europe without the massive influx of migrants which has now been going on for over 60 years.. another co-incidence of course.. cheers.
Stephen, many people still do not see what is going on. Their eyes glaze over when I try to explain. On holiday last week I got talking to a guy in a bar who couldn’t wait to tell me that he has had 4 jabs - 2 AZ, 1 Moderna and 1 Pfizer. He acted like he had won a prize.
They wear those jabs like a badge of honor, being a good little slave of the state, meanwhile they are circling the drain
Just so. Grown men were wearing stick on badges proclaiming that they had taken the poison 😳🤷♀️
It was so strange, me never wearing that disgusting mask but I would see these young, fit, healthy men wearing them ..somehow that really shook me the most
Yes, all my family and friends even down to the age of 10 years all wore masks. I sometimes wonder what they think now but as my friends all deserted me I have no way of finding out. Family relationships are fragile too.
Dont forget.. they were subject to an enormous amount of propaganda.. not to mention job losses.. (state santioned) and are still uninformed because they've been taught questioning authority makes one a "conspiracy theorist".. thats also why we non-conformists couldn't show them the facts.. they are not to blame for being gullible.. the real villains have so far escaped their notice.. but that is definitely changing.. its hard to combat such organised criminality.. we dont have a mass media at our beck and call.. especially a 24 hour everyday one.. but we do know whats going on.. I think its going to be a years long struggle.. and many of them dont have that long.. if the "30% placebo" number is true.. a huge number of them will think anything we say is bonkers.. "Never harmed me.."
I agree that the gullible should not be blamed, they were brainwashed and coerced. The problem I have is with those people who vilified the unvaccinated and wished death upon them. Also the doctors who didn’t do due diligence and promoted the mRNA. The media and most of the doctors were bought and paid for to spin the government’s narrative.
I think that majority in positions of authority were fully informed and on board.. the rest simply followed directions.. it IS amazing to me how many "educated" people were sheeplike in nature.. and seemed to have lost the ability to question anything.. except the non-compliers of course.. WE somehow became the villians.. (shrewdly guided by the media) its also strange how they screamed "Look at the science" while steadfastly refusing to look at it themselves..
I think we non-conformists were the only people that DID look at the science.. Irony or what.? :oD
Fair point. However, I do say that thinking (I don't think thinking is in their vocabulary) that sticking poisons as per ingredients in the vaccines is a good idea is insane.
And thinking that a small vile (sic) of clear liquid can be trusted is like playing Russian roulette. An adrenaline kick for the terminally dim but terminal or life changing if the chamber has the magic bullet.
Why anybody should trust any supposed authority just because they say so beats me.
But then I did trust the doctors in 2020 and took immuno-therapy for 9 months until I worked out what was really wrong with me. Eventually I also found out that the therapy ingredients much the same as the vaccines. No surprises then.
I now know more about disease than most doctors who I generally consider an ignorant bunch.
I feel for those people who had families and were coerced into taking that poison and I wish them well. Someone said people put more research into buying a car then they do about what they put in their bodies
Ah yes, the joy, the pleasure of the jabbed! I call it the 'Joy of the Beast'. They are terribly, terribly happy. And rather thick to put it mildly.
'Oo, oo, poison me, poison me!' Morons.
Unfortunately your wall needs to be so much bigger. Let's not forget justin turdeau, jabcinda ardern, doris johnson, et al. Deeply depressing how obedient people were (and still are). I remember going to Sainsbury's and 'accidently' not standing on the X on the floor and being told I must stand on it. I looked at the checkout girl and said "Really?" thinking she was joking, but no, she was deadly serious. It was like something out of Invasion of the Body Snatchers. So sad. Love you Abi for telling it like it is.
Don't forget the cunts here in the United States! Evidence indicates AmeriKKKa started this much like we probably did with the so-called "Spanish" Flu where 80 million took a "vaccine" of which more than half dropped dead!
They only named it the Spanish flu because Spain wouldnt get involved in WW1
And as a distraction of course from the real sauce (sic), the vaccine poison sauce.
Exactly what I was thinking Laura. There’s more than a few of these cunts here in South Africa too. They’re everywhere, lol.
Fair to say they are in every c'untry. :)
I had that a lot of times being chased after in a supermarket by security waving a mask in my face lol I soon told him where to shove it & told him straight he had no authority to tell me anything & that I will call the police & have him for discrimination & alarm caused in front of other customers he scurried off & I did the rest of my shopping unmasked I never wore one not even in hospitals I’m exempt that’s all you need to say.. take your rights back learn common law & use it!!!
Yes, in the UK is was always guidance, it said so on for those without the common sense to check. Except of course having no common sense in the firts place they didn't.
I never wore a mask and refused in June 2020 when undergoing immuno-therapy. I had to fight, but I still got my treatment.
Until I worked out that that was a scam like the vaccines.
She is gone from being Beloved Leader in New Zealand but I still enjoy kicking her.
Gosh, this brought back memories and feelings of the relentless nastiness! How this caused both me and my husband to suffer with terrible anxiety. It’s only made us stronger because now we give zero shits about what these cunts say or think. Ultimately they need us more than what we need them.
Bloody well said, Mrs T Potts. 👏👏👏👏
Yep, spot on.. the non-conformists gained new members every day thanks to those jobsworth cunts.. I think they did us a favour.. and we all learned a LOT about just how easily pushed around people are.. wont be so easy for them next time around.. whether it be "climate lockdowns" CBDC or some other bollocks... they've created a whole new army, wise to their nonsense.. who are now, determined to resist the globalist cunts.
Good, good.
Great video.
And that's just the British collaborators!! You are right, they'd have gladly rounded us up into internment camps with a badge to denote our vaxx status.
I will never forget what they did and said about us, we are on the right side of history not them.
Yes Barb, these evil people would have stopped at nothing to remove the unvaccinated from society.
They are wicked and evil. And brainwashed by the TV.
Luckily I haven't watched the box for years. Christmas 2021 I spent with my sister and her husband and we all had to shush when the 6pm news came on. They were totally hypnotised by Chris Whitty and the pantomime. I just sat there stunned at watching him and felt I was looking at an unblinking alien ha ha. Funny when you have escaped the madness/matrix you just see things from a whole different perspective.
The list of these evil bastards is endless. Tbh, Abi would not be able to find a big enough wall. Yes Barb, so many people brainwashed by MSM in one form or another. I’m so glad to be awake to all the bs.
It's been hard going but I believe it's made us all stronger. I'm lucky as I retired just 9 months before it all kicked off and have so much respect for those whose livelihood was affected but still stood tall. Warriors one and all.
Barb I used to sit and take the piss on the odd occasion I caught a few minutes of the pantomime, saying how brave they all were putting their Ives on the line to keep us updated. My other half bought the whole thing and still can’t admit they were conned. Of course deep down they know, saying it out loud means they have to apologise to the dumbest one in the family, who just happened to be able to sit unpicking the rubbish they told people.
Chris 'My only emotion is dead' Whitty. Ugh!
Absolutely fucking brilliant! (I never used to swear before the pandemic btw!😉). Seriously this is an amazing professional documentary like presentation of 'The Cunts'.
Thank you Abi and well done for highlighting the tyranny of the last few years and the bastards who were prepared to segregate people 'for a cold '.
Fantastic job! Xx
I have become a potty mouth too! My mother must be turning in her grave…
Nicola, it’s hard not to swear in the company of Abi😂
😂 xx
It's a true saying that "if you want to know who rules over you, look at who you are not allowed to question"...😏
That is so true Jorek
Yes Louise, a great job by Abi.
I am much the same, although profanity is more correct term.
Or in this case pro-fanny-ty. Profane language is like propane gas. In a controlled use it is very effective and safe.
However, it can be explosive but that has its uses too, just not to be used to often that's all, to demolish the necessary evils rather than everything good or bad.
The Wall Of Cunts is exactly what we need. you have now put on record these fucking Cunts for all to see and never ever forget. These tyrants should not be walking the streets, they should be incarcerated and fucked up daily.
I would just like to tell all the conversation my friend had with the Funeral Director who is arranging her fathers Cremation in the West Country today.
She told my friend it is going to be weeks before the Cremation can take place, as they are so overwhelmed. She continued "I know the weather has been very cold, but this is very unusual". My friends dads funeral will be held on 23rd February, wow.
We are being lied to at every turn.
Thanks Abi, you are amazing. Loads of love to you girl. Jane xxxxx
Correct. The mainstream parties are all the same, the media colluded with them. There is no party that I could vote for atm. Certainly not Reform with that awful snake in the grass Tice.
Yes Jane, The Wall of Cunts is now a permanent record of what these despicable people said about the unvaccinated and how they wanted to deprive us of our freedom.
Jan, I'm so grateful we have a tower of strength like Abi on our side. And The Wall of Cunts, cunts, should always be reminded of their Nazi like behaviour.
Yes, Abi is both a force for good and a force to be reckoned with.
Absolutely Jan, I love that lady. xxxx
Your poor friend 😞🥰
Trudi, my friend knows the score as do we. She is so angry with all that has happened these past 3 years. We could do with these Funeral Directors coming together en masse to scream it from the roof tops all they are seeing day in day out. Obviously they know this is not right.
Did you see Project Veritas expose of the Pfizer "Directed Evolution" wanker. Horrible evil people.
I just live in hope that one day the Psychopaths are truly brought to book.
Hope you are well Trudi, much love to you. Jane xxxxx
Yes, I saw that video, that guy is deranged 😳🥰
I know, truly insane. These are the kind of people we are dealing with. It is terrifying. xxx
Omg... Well done Abi, this is so powerful, I feel a sudden surge of rage towards these evil monsters. 👏👏👏👏👏👏
Yes Trudi, both rage and great sadness from me.
Hope this goes viral ... it deserves to 👍👏👏💖
Yes please share everywhere
Oh wow, this reminds me why at times my family and I felt under attack! I was lucky that all 4 of us made the same choice so we were able to support each other. I can see why, at the time I spent much time shouting at the tv!!
What a sorry looking bunch of cunts!! They may not get the justice they deserve in this life but one way or another I don't believe they will get away with losing their humanity! I am trying not to feel anger towards them as it has been so bad for my mental health. But I do pity such an inhumane bunch of creatures. I'm learning to forgive the people in my life who lost sight of their humanity. Thanks for all you do Abi! Love and rage
Good for you Kirsty. I am not the forgiving type especially for such heinous crimes. I was the only person in my extended family that didn’t have the jabs. Same goes for all my longterm friends who are jabbed up to the eyeballs and waiting for more🤷♀️ I pray that justice will prevail.
Btw I don't mean I forgive the jab pushers and the media types! Just people close to me that acted in fear. The cunts on the wall deserve whatever comes their way!! As for people still lining up to be jabbed I'm afraid they will have to at some point take responsibility for their choices. Just like we had to when we were ostracized from society. If someone is ready to admit that they were fooled I am happy to support them in their hour of need. But I no longer waste my time asking people to do research. If they want to know it's all there. Hope you are well Jan
Kirsty, I feel sorry for those people who were coerced into taking the mRNA for their job and even those that were brainwashed by big pharma and the media into taking the jab.
My longterm friends who dropped me for not taking the jab and said vile things to me will not be forgiven. This year I got a birthday card from a friend who dropped me 2 years ago. In the card she wrote “let’s meet up soon”, as if nothing had happened. The card went in the bin.
Anyone that still buys into the scam pandemic is lost. They do not want to even read the real science and don’t want to hear about vaxx damage and death.
Wishing you the very best Kirsty x
So sorry Jan .. I have experienced similar here. Friends just stopped talking to me or contacting me once they sussed how I felt. I was not vocal about it. Silence speaks louder than words, but I feel guilty also because I was avoiding confrontation with them. Hearing that my friend was "following the science" and why wasn't I and then parroting CNN talking points, bragging how her whole family got the jabs. Posting pics on FB of family camping trips while I was shut out of society. I had to get off FB after that as well as all the other friends on there bragging about getting their bloody jabs. It was enough. After that "following the science" convo .. years of silence. Only recently I heard from her.. talking to me like the last two years did not happen. I am polite but not very forth coming. This is a life long pal. So it is very sad. And honestly don't even know if she has even woken up. Not to mention being made to feel like an outcast by own family. Still no admissions from them either. I will never forget this 💩.
Thank you again Abi for the excellent production of The Wall of Cunts!. You were a 🌟 in it!! and that voice at the beginning.. 😂 and can see it from Space! 🤣👏👏 Soooo good! Can't tell you how many times I have watched it ❤️xo
Hello to all! 💖
Same here! Is sad how many ppl would sell us all.The evil idiots cannot do anything without the help of sell outs. MORALITY is doing what is right regardless of what you are told.
OBEDIENCE is doing what you are told regardless of what is right.
Dont get upset about it.. the bastards who put wedges between us and our families are to blame.... not our familes.. I sent my tripled-jabbed mum SO much information.. but she still went ahead and did what she was told.. now she's getting ill, she's less cynical about my reasons for not complying.. but what a price all those innocents will pay for not trusting us over the "experts".. its saddening and maddening all at once.. I hope I'm alive to see a few of the evil ones decorating lamp-posts.. they really deserve it.
I HATE all the buggers on that wall.. and many not yet mentioned, but am less angry for those close to us who were convinced to trust "experts" over people who cared about them..
They were frightened and propagandised.. it wasn't their fault.. I am mostly sad for them.. many will pay a dreadful price for trusting the "authorities"
And we will miss them.. Rosanne Barr on the vax, to make you laugh 2.5 mins..
Ugly may be the only way forward.
whow Abi this is a tour de force
you have done something monumental
i dont have a tv so had no idea what i was up against
i seeee and is bad wicked and unforgivable
Abi, this is fabulous. Sent shivers down my spine.
The Great Wall of Cunts at last, hooray! It was better than I could have hoped for. Really well narrated Abi. Listening to those evil people makes me both angry and sad. We must never forgive and never forget.
Completely agree, got so angry and sad watching that. My husband was close to suicide because of all of that shit. Oh well, I can only hope that they stay on top of their boosters 🙏🤞
I never realised that so many evil people were waiting in the wings. Have they always been evil or did the scam pandemic just bring out the worse in them🤷♀️🥲
Jan Newell it gave many a power trip, some of my coworkers shouted at anyone who didn’t have a mask on when they came into the shop.
When customers would be apologetic explaining to me they were exempt I always told them it wasn’t my job or business to interrogate, or ask details about their private medical records. I told my boss I wouldn’t do it at the start and he said it wasn’t our job to do so either.
Abi, bloody brilliant.
Brilliant. Very very well done Abi and Martin
Yes Jules. I forgot to mention Martin but he plays a very important part in The Wall of Cunts.
Yes... Martin... thank you also!! I am losing track of how many times I have re watched this. It is so damn powerful!
Janice, it definitely needs to be watched more than once! You are right, it is so powerful.
Absolutely brilliant, I wi be sharing this everywhere ❤️
This is fantastic Abi and it's all on record what bile they spouted a great reminder for everyone just how evil they were bastards God I'm so angry
Bloody brilliant!!! We were called Refuseniks, murderers, granny killers, tin foilhat wearers etc.. but we KNEW this whole thing stank of Nuremberg... WE WERE RIGHT!
So true, an amazing video. Brings it home, chilling, especially "the anti-vaxxers should where a badge ...." what has that got connotations of.
The unvaccinated having to wear a badge was definitely one of the worse comments. It makes me feel sick to my stomach.
At least all those forced to wear a badge would know they weren’t a dumb useless cunt.
This is absolutely brilliant, Abi! No shortage of concentration camp guards amongst that evil bunch of c*nts. Never let them forget.
Recorded for history by Abi👏🏻👏🏻
Wow you’ve done an absolutely brilliant job Abi! It was well worth the wait. Will share everywhere. What a powerful record of the tyranny they put us through. We must never let them forget this x
👏🏻👏🏻 never ever, forget or forgive.
Excellent Abi, I would have liked to have seen the Blair Cunt Project up there though!
Oh wow! SO GOOD! Let's keep going and add to the wall, country by country (and state by state, in the US). The wall will stretch for MILES and MILES!
Brilliant Abi, it absolutely makes my blood boil when i hear them speak . Be interesting how many unjabbed looked after Eggwina when she was in hospital . They should all hang their heads in shame!!! Good job i didn't listen to Esther Rancid cos 2020 was to be my mums ‘Last Christmas” x
xx Couldn't get from Australia to the UK to see my beautiful father-in-law before he died mid-2020. (NOT of the sniffles, I must add.) I get such vicarious pleasure from knowing there were people who were able to see their loved ones because of the choices they made. Huge hugs.
ABSOLUTE GOLD! Malhotra at the end......brilliant ❤
Anna, you need a wall in Oz. You would have no problem filling the wall.
Ain't that the truth. It would stretch all the way around the country!
Brilliant, thankyou Abi and Martin for doing this. We will never forget or forgive what these people did and how they used their platforms to enable and prolong this fiasco. I really don't know how they can bear to look at themselves. Hope Saturday went well.
Hani, I very much doubt that any of those evil people on The Wall of Cunts will ever have any regrets for the misery they have caused.
You're probably right Jan but its a million miles away from being what a human being should be. Neck high in shite and they think they are the ones in the right place!
Brilliant Abi, thank you so much for this. It’s quite a reminder of the evil perpetrated on us all. I want to see them all locked up at the very least. Never forget and never forgive. Much love to you and all the substack family. Xx
Nice one Abi, this is the best! ❤️
Oh Abi, I knew the Great Wall of Cunts would be worth waiting for, but wow, you have excelled yourself.
Wow! Amazing, quite powerful. U could have added Nina myskow, schofield & my personal hate, dr Nikki kanani and her talkSPORT ads encouraging to get parents to get their children jabbed - ‘ah go on - don’t let them miss out!’
Nina Myskow should have been on that wall. She is a despicable person.
Shared on Twitter and GETTR. I hope The Wall of Cunts will go viral. We could easily go for Cunts part 2.
Parts 2,3,4 and beyond
It absolutely would need a wall that size.
I've tried posting this a few times on Gettr and each time the posting disappeared in less than a minute. Looked to me like it was being censored. When I omitted the Substack link the posting no longer disappeared. Can you give a link to your posting?
I believe it's being censored.. I got some strange mail demon emails into my email after liking and commenting on some of the comments.. loads.. had a ton to delete and restarted laptop afterwards.
"They" will not like this Wall at all. Twitter is still not "proper"... if we saw it "proper" the reality of what is really going on would be mind blowing... imho
Mine originally posted on GETTR but it has now disappeared. I will try and post again tomorrow. May be just a glitch🤷♀️
Wow Abi! Much respect and admiration to you. You are a HERO and a WARRIOR and I applaud you! Thank you so much for your courage and being our voice ❤️ Canada needs it's own wall, as does the US and many others. Also, I wonder 🤔 .. have any of these "people" come forth and apologized?
Yes Janice, every country could have its own wall. There is so much evil that needs to be revealed and reported.
Brilliant Abi.
Well worth the wait Abi 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Yes Jo, definitely worth the wait. The wall wasn’t big enough though!
Your anger is palpable Abi, and rightly so. These evil bastards need to pay, we demand justice. No fucking amnesty, EVER!
I will never forget:
Pure brilliance - the shield of humour as good as it gets in defence of sanity and freedom - the dog's bollocks if ever there was !
These are just the tip of the iceberg. Hadrians wall is just up the road, sure we can fit all the politicians plus a few more demons on there.
They should get their own country, a cuntry, and their leader should style the title of Cunt, not Count.
They should insult their fellow cuntrymen, and not the dicks from other nations. Better a dick than a cunt!
Their national dance is the cuntredance.
Their national flower is the Cunt of the Valley.
Cunt you see how bad a bunch of bastard mother pfuckers those commie bootlickers are? They have their disgusting skulls filled with mollusks, that augment their essential cuntyness.
The worst moment in all History to be wrong, and they managed to get there and remain there, like the smug Cunts they are. CUNTREMAINERS!
They need to be held acuntable.
Well, that was a laugh.
Thank you all!
Very good!
This is utterly brilliant Abi. ❤️
I’ve seen some confusion about how one could legitimately be said to have shed their cuntish skin. The process is quite staight forward: Apologize with specific and detailed reference to what you did and got wrong. Beg forgiveness. By all means, speak out and make use of your credentials and expertise, but at all times exhibit the humility you’ve fuly earned especially as regards to those you’ve wronged. And going forward, show that truth - the whole truth and nothing but the truth - is your only concern. Oh, and drop all showmanship.
Well it took 2 more goes to share it on gettr, hopefully it will stay there. Apparently some people are proud to be on Abi's wall. Lesson still hasn't been learnt.
GO ABI! Bet ever yet!!
Knowing what I know now.
The great wall of china could have these cnuts covering both sides by now!
Fantastic Abi. May this be shared wide and far.
Every one of those monstrous people should hang their heads in shame.
I see Karma has started working on them yesterday with Esther, and I hope it visits them all.
They don't feel shame...nor empathy. Just psychopathy.
Exactly that Karrie. They are evil.
Me too
Loved this! Well done Abi!
Excellent! Unbelievable really. They should all be locked up. :)
Well done, Abi. Right on! 👊
Fantastic, Abi. The world must never forget these reprobates. These are the same people we seen at the Nuremberg trial saying we were just following orders. These tyrants would have been first in line to turn the values which allowed the gas to enter the chambers back in Poland in the 1940s
Splendid work! Would have liked to have seen James Whale on there too, but am so pleased to see the idiotic Tom Harwood and the excreable Benjamin Butterworth on the wall.
Thing about these Konvid Kunts – they were all Kunts before lockdowns and 'jabs' were a thing.
And, of course, they still are…
Brilliant. What an absolute bunch of C*********NTS!!!!!
Brilliant Abi. It's been well worth the wait. Xxx
Fantastic Abi! Never forget
everyone i sent it to got a good laugh this morning!- thank you
'When tyranny comes knocking, who lets it in?' Can't get more specific than these powerful words Abi - delivered with your refreshing non-bullshit pragmatic truth bombs - whilst so many who could have done the same - chose not to. Recently I have been made aware of these powerful words by the wonderful Dr. Binder who has been ruthlessly persecuted for standing his ground amidst the nightmare of these past 3 years; 'the banality of evil' - explains so much and his reply to Dr. Malhotra rips open the depth of deception and betrayal so many in positions of authority have failed to do the right thing. Never forget - evil is afoot and must not be explained away or excused as human error blah blah, but for me the full weight and historical realities which is at the root of the 'banality of evil' must never be forgotten or dismissed. Also, for me trying to stay sane during these years I have found strength in reading up on the Milgram experiments of the 1960's and how the majority of humans in these social/authority experiments chose to do the wrong thing against fellow human beings. Its real and is being played out now - people will reveal themselves by profound choices of right vs wrong.
The lot of them should be in prison ! Absolutely DISGUSTING ! and NO we are not the ignorant ones. WE did the research...WE are the reason tyranny has not completely overtaken the world !! WE are the real heroes, NOT the complicit dancing NHS nurses and celebrity sell outs, WE are the the 21st century Spartans, we maybe outnumbered and outgunned etc but we will stand and fight and if need be DIE for freedom !!
Yes, the vaccinated vilified and laughed at us. They went like sheep to the slaughter while we did our research and said NO WAY.
Not to worry Jan, the saviour of the world is on BBC this week to tell us all about how great a guy he is and all these 'conspiracy theories' (aka independent thought) are ridiculous !
Bill Gates will not be talking to me! The guy should be in prison not on the BBC.
Did you notice at the Australian Open how much like ET he looks? VERY very leathery and wrinkly, unhealthy, fat in all the wrong places and thin in all the wrong places. You don't see it on video clips, but the photos of him at the tennis are very revealing.
yes i thought he looked reptillian like a giant kermit the frog with a voice to match !! There was also someone that collapsed in the stands during the final but the cameras cut away !
Oh I didn't see that - I hope they got the care they need!
All that money, and looks so non-human. Camels, eyes of needles, and all that!
yeah blink and you would miss it i only knew it was happening as the players sat for a break and the camera cut away but the audio was still on and NOVAK said to the umpire ''someone has collapsed'' he noticed and i could tell he knows what's going on !!
Not sure about the etiquette of putting links on someone's substack - I'm not on Twit/Face myself, but I saw this tweet and thought of you ;-)
In case the link gets deleted, she had the photo of BG I was talking about, plus the comment "Just like Hitler watching Jessie Owens win"
we are in an information war so all links mandatory imo. Yes, exactly true with Novak !!
I will just say that a few months ago I saw that Novak had made donations to kindergartens for computers etc and he actually was quoting the WEF/affiliated organisation and their viewpoint on education. Then that page disappeared off his website.
Subsequently, while other people were being made to anti-socially distance, he was rubbing elbows in a semi-private audience with British royalty's children and grand-children.
So although I thought it poxy that he was denied entry previously and glad that he contested the Australian Open, the truth is that we don't really know the full extent of people's links to various organisations or whether it's just that they are at the same events and don't get much say in that.
Not sure if he just treads a careful path among powerful (non-tennis) players or it's all just more theatre and distraction.... You know, like how the politicians seem to be on opposite sides but then they are just two cheeks of the same derriere?
I'm not sure yet, I just observe. There are many factions competing for power, I think.
LOL How many times did he visit Epstein island again ?
'safe and effective' -
I believe Gates was a regular visitor to Epstein island. I wish the little black book would be published. The people in it are too powerful I guess for that to happen.
Just watched it again, there should be cunt of the year awards & the trophy could be a fucking great needle.
What a great idea Laura
Piers Morgan has done a U turn saying he wrongly believed the science, and Aseem Malhotra has after research that the jab should be stopped . Ester Randi is in hospital with lung cancer I believe.
Too little, too late. We remember.
Karma is coming.......
Have they got a wall like this in China? Abs you absolute LEGEND !!!!!!
Absolutely brilliant!
Bloody brilliant 🤩 ❤️❤️
I remember Esther Rantzen on BBC News, blaming the public for Jimmy Saviles Pedophilia and debauchery.
Allegedly, she has given cover to others of the same ilk in the past.
Brilliant video Abi gonna share share share it to my like minded freinds.
The Covidian religion certainly spread far and wide at breakneck speed. Amazing how easily people were scared by a non-existent "virus" through only fear-mongering and sensationalist lamestream media fake panic. The truth is that none of the "wall of cunts" people will ever be held responsible for their wickedness by a human, but the good news is that some of them will die from the "vaccine" (aka, experimental gene therapy drug designed to kill and maim as many people as Herr Schwab and his big pharma cronies can), and those that don't will be judged and "rewarded" accordingly by God when they stand before Him to give account of their lives.
I actually thought "they" were going to push the scamdemic to its maximum and introduce Nazi-style "Jew armbands" for us refuseniks, roll out Uncle Bill's "Mark of the Beast" chip implants, CBDCs, and give us "the whole 9 yards". But either God nipped it in the bud because the time isn't right for it yet (yet...), or the scale and length and reach of the scamdemic was pretty much "as designed", and the follow up to that is even now brewing in the globalist "petri dish of evil". I rather think "they" might release a real virus next time round - it would be SO easy to do...
A conspiracy to murder and reduce the world's population to 1-2 billion doesn't take many to put into action, just a lot of easily-led people who've given up their ability to think and reason, people who are weak-minded and going into a worry-panic flap at the drop of a hat, people who follow and listen to "talking heads" in the MSM, government and 3-letter-acronym agencies without question. Sadly, the scamdemic revealed just how stupid humans have become, how weak-willed, unthinking, spineless and, well, pathetic. It's a pity more of the stupid aren't "culled" each year by the consequences of their stupidity and spinelessness and immorality so that the rest of us can get on with life.
There's a strong possibility that the whole of virology is a fraudulent science.. even Dr. Mike Yeadon's been converted.. I think the next big threats are climate lockdowns and CBDC..
If viruses ARE real.. we have generationally seen billions since the beginning of time..
I trust my body to deal with any thrown at it..
Re "whole of virology is a fraudulent science"
Viruses should be considered thus:
1. They are either poisons which are chemical not biological and must be dealt with by the immune system.
2. Or they are the exosome, part of the body's defense system. This is in fact what people are seeing under the electron microscope, a ball with bits stuck on as it were.
Coronavirus is the exosome as I keep pointing out. It can be considered as the garbage disposal man of the body, taking rubbish to the lymph system for disposal.
So it is not so much that a virus doesn't exist but that something, the exosome which is friend to the body, not foe, has been twisted into an enemy and then the lies magnified into something ginormous.
What doesn't exist except in the minds of those who fabricated the lies, are all the variants and so-called diseases, which are merely made up to make big pharma and medics look clever to justify them receiving large amounts of money for poisoning the masses of the people.
Wuhan was a psy-op pure and simple. Pollution is awful there especially in winter. Pollution causes respiratory disease. The rest was propaganda aided by the dumbing down of the public.
Sorry to reply to this comment so late... I am fully aware of all you say here.. and onboard.
I expressed doubt for two reasons.. firstly.. there are still people about who are not as advanced in their exploration of the "covid-19" narrative.. many took the "vaccines" (you and I are fully aware they are not vaccines, and could not be.. on a few levels.. ) and now feel regret because of adverse effects on themselves or friends / family or perhaps have just become aware that something is deeply wrong with the whole business.. but haven't really delved into the whole rabbit hole regarding all the other stuff you and I have discovered.. we are the kind of people who are looking for the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.. not everyone is like that.. I wasn't cruel.. but I think when conversing with some of these types.. a couple of years ago.. I WAS somewhat harsh.. I'm trying to be more gentle.. because these people are generally good people who were misled by a huge propaganda exercise.. and try as I might, I couldn't prevent my own mum and partner from being fooled.. and they are slowly but surely exhibiting signs that all is not well with them.. so I'm trying to write comments in a way which doesn't leave them feeling stupid.. and rarely leave links to the few "scientific" papers I have tried to work through (a few was enough to confirm what I was pretty sure of)
secondly.. although the "no virus" hypothesus seems most likely fact, I'm never 100% on anything I've learned.. I always leave some room for doubt, more as a defence against the many times I've had fixed "alternative" theories, and found out later, I'd followed the wrong trail.. for instance, with regard to 9 / 11 I bought the thermite story.. and later changed my mind.. I also bought into a lot of the fearmongering going on regarding several other subjects, (I've been a non-conformist for a long time :o) and it took a while to understand that the sources of the fearmongering were 9/10 times grifters who were making money out of spreading frightening stories about what was "next on the agenda".. mike adams I consider to be a modern example of this.. also alex jones, david Ike.. and many others.. dont know if they were always like that, or greed or coersion has changed them..
Anyway.. I appreciate your comprehensive reply.. thanks.
I doubt I will check out all your links, because I'm really a bit tired of wading through material that confirms what I've already learned.. by the way.. although I agree wuhan was mostly distraction.. I do suspect the labs there (and elsewhere) were involved in refining the toxicity of the "vaccines" and recently watched a remarque88 video where he had found an interesting paper trail suggesting that infertility drugs designed for animal "pests" had simply been rebadged and inserted in these new recombinant dna/rna "vaccines" main culprit being pfizer, of whom bourla it turns out is not a doctor / scientist but a VET.. but with the amount of research you have clearly been doing, you probably already knew that.. (I didn't, and was amazed)
Anyway.. keep up the good work mike.. cheers.
Thank you. I would have thought 'a bit tired' was an understatement on your behalf so I do understand only too well! I have been struggling with my health, not improved and indeed worsened by the cretinous NHS in the UK.
Re Bourla I have been aware of his veterinary qualification. Very suitable as he experiments on people he no doubts thinks of as animals.
I hope I shall remember your moniker so I don't repeat stuff to you, but keep strong. If you will accept this truth, the angels are with you.
And if viruses are real why haven't "they" found one yet
We follow a timeline similar to WW2 only 80 years ago by my reckoning.
All of that is waiting in the wings to be rolled out
They truly are all Cunts but Handcock has got to be "The Cuntiest Cunt in all Cuntdom" !! 🤬🤬🤬
I want an Americanized version of this. All the so-called experts in the United States. The celebrities and so on.
Need another especially long wall here in Australia 😖
These people are evil to the core and they will never be forgiven or forgotten.
They will be back and the next time they will come back harder. In the next 'pandemic' they will claim children will be mostly effected. This is why they needed to get the toxins into the children. The effects will start appearing over the next few years, in fact they already have. I caught a clip on the dreadful BBC a couple of days back where they are claiming there are currently 70,000 children suffering from 'Long Covid' in other words the effects of the injections.
These demons are still there. Waiting.
We must never let down our guard, they are coming for us.
Yes, and 'Long Covid' ha, ha!
Can you please add MARK STRONG to this wall. Never forget...he was THE voice of the plandemic.
And Sarah Jarvis she was another one
It was a new, not fully tested gene therapy. Pfizer admitted they had not tested for transmutability, therefore we where locked up under false pretences
All vaccines that ever were utterly pointless at best.
What f*&kin' vaccine, it was a new, not fully tested gene therapy. Pfizer admitted they had not tested for viral transmission, therefore we where locked up under false pretences
NUREMBERG 2 MUST HAPPEN if politicians will not pledge to make it happen
The thing about Nuremberg the first time around is that there was a grand "bait and switch" many of the evil ones got away with psychopathy writ (and acted) large.
Their descendants must snicker up their sleeves...
Human justice isn't equal to the massive sadism, deceit, theft, and murder that has been enacted.
I love how much creative talent there is on "my side." ❤️
Thank you Abi, when someone asks "Why are you so angry and upset all the time" I can simply show them this.
So many fcktrds in the entertainment grubby sphere. Very few if any actually called it out for the globalist coup it has been all along. Reverse engineering to connect these concerted cnuts to organisations and ultimately govt will be useful. Commonalities like trade unions, professional bodies, and of course the media and so-called watchdogs are a massive force for evil like mhra and ofcom - all will be exposed as prominent. There is another worthy of mention which few will have heard of. The Institute of Strategic Dialogue, recently exposed in the twitter files. Learn more about it here and join us on our petition on St George's Day between their HQ and ofcom's HQ, in London.
Just a few more
James Corden CUNT - pro-jab song
Dolly Parton CUNT - see above
Jim Broadbent CUNT - advert
Prof N Ferguson Chief CUNT
Sir Chris Whitty Chief CUNT
June Raine Queen CUNT
Boris CUNT
Noam Chomsky CUNT
Fact-checkers CUNTS
Love your perfect layout on these cunts. Myself being in BC , Canada, we had a hard lockdown for unvaxxed, even knowing the whole narrative in advance and the people kept getting jabbed and still promote as the Jew media still pumps the narrative for the damaged minds. The society was lost before this and sometimes think Klause Schwab is right about a few useless eaters but then again these at the WHO, CDC, UN and more only reflect who they are.
Amazing that an actual group (relatively small) of organised criminal psycopaths are now so in control of world affairs.. that they can openly conduct a worldwide genocide.. and financially profit from it.!, while a large percentage of people, are so poorly informed.. that they applaud it.. including doctors, politicians , and many other "educated professionals".. (yes, they've always done this through warfare etc,) but this is on such an audacious scale, that it could only be acheived by megalomaniacs who are also satanists.. we must combat their lies everywhere we can.. as they are now so convinced that the general public can be convinced of anything they say.. (through their sock-puppet lackeys) that the lies are becoming more and more stupid.. and therefore easily disprovable.. manmade climate change.. the subtle (and not so subtle, i.e wef etc) push for a "benevolent" world govt.. mass immigration, CBDC, and the transexual agenda.. show where all this is going.. we must inform the innocents at every opportunity.. we are MANY more than they.. and have more geniuses on our side than their total number including their compromised lackeys.. all they have is disinformation and censorship.. we OWN the people they are using to front their agenda.. they are OUR govts, armies, police, scientists etc etc.. and can be removed from our employ the moment people are informed.. we also have truth and right on our side.. and no lie can defeat them.. I applaud every one of you who are awake to the reality we are living through. never give up.!
wonder how many of these arseholes are now eating humble pie...? i for one cant think of any of them who have admitted they acted like cunts by uttering such fearful hate. CUNTS!
Brilliant ! Just one thing missing at the end .... "end of part one" - part 2? How about those oh so hard rock n rollers who brought new meaning to "if you're not on the guest list you're not coming in" ...
Other than the “C” word being the most foul word, IMHO, in the English language (why do cuss words always denigrate women?), this site is AWESOME. The SCIENCE (and the exposure of government and corporate lies) is finally vindicating the un-vaxxed.
I don't know that the 'C' word is the most foul. It is one of several. There is the male version beginning with 'p' and ending with 'k'. Perhaps Abi could have used both words but she chose what she chose.
Personally I might consider that as needles prick, those on the wall are just a load of pricks, people who want to prick us with a poison jab for profit etc.
I've never trusted that Malhotra fellow, always sniffing the air and changing his tune. His twitter used to have him shaking hands with Samantha Cameron. I don't know if it still does because I'm still permanently suspended for questioning covid dogma.
Thanks Abi, made me smile, Substack is becoming a load of sensational nonsense and crap available through paywalls
Ugh, Rantzen, she's one of the worst
'ere ruthless tone Nazi' is an anagram of her full name, Esther Louise Rantzen. This might explain things.
This SHAMdemic has NEVER been about a ‘Virus’. It was ALWAYS about CONTROL! A worldwide experiment to see how far they could push us. Sadly, far too many believed the msm, followed the ‘science’, queued for their “Safe and Effective” ClotShots and are now beginning to suffer the consequences. This POISON cannot be removed from their bodies. Already we are seeing “unexpected deaths” and life-changing side-effects. The numbers will only increase!
It would be interesting to see wheather any of them have changed their opinions by now - after even the hatestream media no longer being able to ignore the increase in the miocarditis/sudden deaths, etc.
I tried sharing this on Gettr last night, it lasted a minute or so then disappeared! I noticed that a few others had the same thing happen to them. I'll try again later today.
Mine too on gettr
Don't think it's a glitch, looks like Gettr isn't allowing the Substack link to be posted 😡
I’m surprised, Jason Miller is a big Abi Roberts fan.
My granny always said she couldn’t believe what happened in ww2 as “the Germans were such lovely people” and l it couldn’t ever happen again “ If Boris hadn’t screwed up with his Omnicrom Xmas lockdowns we would have been in the camps they weee building - thanks Australia, Germany Austria et Al. Unimaginable in 2019 - we see them now and are ready for the fight. God bless.
Big thanks to Beckham, Prince Harry and Tony Blair.
Without them telling me that I had to get vaccinated I might have actually taken that shite. I knew I didn't need it, but might have taken it to make life a bit easier. Their encouragement made me determined not to take it. along with the rest of the coercion.
Yes, Tony Blair is always a good test as it were. Anything he suggests is not a good idea nowadays. Good old Baloney Bliar, where would we be without him, eh? :)
Macron said his intention was to piss off the unvaccinated, I think they underestimated their success .
No amnesty, no forgiving the damage they did .
Great Wall, good on you.
Abi I have another one for your wall of cunts...Mark McGowan Premier of Western Australia
I revisit the Great Wall often.
Just to remind myself how many completely lost their minds.
And will never be forgiven.
Indeed !! A Great Wall of Cunts . Thank god those of us who refused stood up to this utter nonsense . Many of the vaccinated paid with their lives and or failing health . We deserve to give ourselves a round of applause.
Brilliant! Love it!
I want to do something similar for an Australian Great Wall of Cunts.
Seems incomplete...
Excellent work but a pity about the title. It will put normies off reading this if they happened to come across it. I'm an old lady, red pilled for 20 years but I don't understand why the slang word for a female part has become synonymous for something horrible and evil. In this case it's used to depict evil by a woman who presumably has a cunt of her own. Does she despise it? It's so odd. It is my experience that men love cunts and can't get enough of them.
Even Great Wall of China isn’t big enough to put all these cunts and their collaborators on it.
One cunt I know believed me and my like should have been all rounded up and dumped on a desert island. Joke was on him the nob cunt he is though when his siblings and in laws went down with it twice after their second and third dart.
These people have had a fucking lobotomy because that’s acceptable but not if you’re not darted.
If brains were gun powder it wouldn’t blow their hats off, fucking numpties. They just look at you with goldfish eyes when you tell them you wouldn’t be expected to get the flu dart when you’ve had flu already.
Indeed. Speaking of lobotomies this might amuse.
spot on
Thank you. This is brilliant . Please do one for all the cunts all over the world. Trudeau is the biggest cunt. Never forgive never forget!
How many of these C’s are REALLY Vaccinated?? Not many I say ! We need to find out!
We will never forget that these people coerced and bullied so many people into taking a harmful injection they never needed.
I'm massively hostile to the illiberal authoritarians that do not understand the fundamental right of bodily autonomy. These people are dangerous and should be punished and removed from society for the greater good. BTW The vaccines do not work and so-called 'health passports' are one step towards digital social credit.
It takes the patience of Jobe to deal with the tyranny of Judas. God forgive them if they do not know... but punish the shot out of them if they do and still continue to be dumb. The liberal brain is a threat to humanity. So easily retarded, so useful to the tyrant.
Well fucking said. Never.
All these c##nts need rounding up and delt with by us, the unvaxxed . They have coeced so many people into havi g the clot shot . Forced by MSN
That's powerful testimony, but its only the tip of the iceberg, many statements by politicians as well. Lets never forget that tyranny only happens when collaborators support it, why did they? Out of fear? Out of need to maintain power and privilege amongst the elite paymasters? Or out of just pure ignorance>?
I say the collaborators have a severe case of Stupid 20. It keeps mutating and has been very contagious.
We the un jabbed will be the survivors
So true Suzy.
Now that the father of this vaccine has now pretty much called it useless, I wonder what those lot would have to say now.
Because they believe so strongly against my body my choice regarding vaccines (I'm sure many of the same would agree with abortion) they will be the first to loose their freedoms.... They will reap the very words and emotions they had sown.
The death of reason has been the most agregious loss of these last few years. The next one will be the loss of all the freedoms we hold dear. There's a Chinese proverb that says, "May you live in interesting times." I guess that's what these are - though it's not exacrly how I'd describe them.
Love it 😘
What f*&kin' vaccine, it was a new, not fully tested gene therapy. That vaccine company starting with P admitted they had not tested for transmission, therefore we where locked up under false pretenses
Hi Abbi, that was absolutely brilliant - keep up the great work. Name them, shame them and defame them. Your posters on walls is a great way of fighting the digital censorship. You could make up packs and sell them to get people to put them up everywhere all over Britain. Fighting in the ANALOGUE world is one way the digital fascists in Silicon Valley cannot stop it.
An idea for a t-shirt from your last words:
One of the most simple and powerful "anti COVID bollox" statements ever made! Kathy outid herself on this one. Sadly, for them, gladly for us, the wall is much much much much much longer and all of them shall be made to face that wall.
LOVE this!!!!
I am well aware of how you and your shills are attacking me now coz I can see your group. THe reason you kicked me off was because your shills would not let me question Freedom Alliance Political Party. Well I'm questioning it, it's Scorpio/Taurus prison symbolism which has f all to do with freedom. And no, I don't buy you or JD being christian. Pull the other one. You don't even know the meaning of that word. You don't fool me and carry on letting your sycophants slag me off, its fine , and expected from the controlled ops Pathetic cowards who say one thing to your face and another behind your back. At least I've got the guts to speak my mind and that's no gonna change because those of us who are real critical thinkers and really oppose the agenda don't need two a penny celebrities to speak for us. If you think you can vote your way out of this then you haven't woken up. I note how you attack everybody on sight who you think is controlled but you don't allow me to have my opinion on who I trust . THat is because you are attempting to dictate the agenda handed down by your freemasonic masters (JD AND DICK are masons and therefore self obsessed little control freaks using divide and rule. And a word of advice after a number of repetitions the word 'cunt' becomes tedious , you become tedious and not in the slightest bit funny
A truck with a loudspeaker on the top, up and down the streets in every city worldwide, playing these tapes over and over again, best of cunt's comments of every gov, media and their rental mouths, that's my wish for all coming Christmases until the collaps of all walls of cunts everywhere.
Why are you anti Aseem Malhotra? What did he do wrong? His dad died and realised the jab was a death jab. He's been powerful on it. V influential.
Did you listen to the quotes on the poster? How can it be any clearer?
I put this up on a couple of my (now permanently banned) TikTok accounts until the fuckers took it down. Dunno if I can be assed to create a 4th TikTok account. There’s a huge amount of truth you can’t share on there.
My granny always said she couldn’t believe what happened in ww2 as “the Germans were such lovely people” and l it couldn’t ever happen again “ If Boris hadn’t screwed up with his Omnicrom Xmas lockdowns we would have been in the camps they weee building - thanks Australia, Germany Austria et Al. Unimaginable in 2019 - we see them now and are ready for the fight. God bless.
The Germans were fighting the demonic tyranny of Communism. Don’t believe all the lies you’ve been told about history especially about WW2 & the Germans. They were not Evil but stood against Evil which was & is Communism!
Wasn’t there the Nazi version of a totalitarian dictatorship AND the Soviet communist version of a totalitarian dictatorship and the WHO + the WEF + financial capitalism version of a totalitarian dictatorship. The names change, but the Operation remains the same. The psychopathic rulers who groom their children to follow in their psychopathic footsteps have been planning for a world government for generations.
Are these twats vaxx'd, I wonder, or was it just for everyone else?
Lest we forget 🙏
One more for the wall, Sean O'Grady, Associate Editor of 'The Independent':
I'm sure there's a few more who can be added to the wall. It could rival da great wall of hearts!
Hello from Sussex. What an excellent video, a Great Wall of Cunts as you say. I have always thought that this is because they have been saying 'You cun't do this, and you cun't do that', a sort of dialect word.
Personally, I think they can go stick their cun'ts where the sun don't shine as they say.
I gather Alastair Stewart thinks the sensible people who avoid vaccines have zero quality of humour. I don't know quite what he means by that phrase but 'aa Tartar witless' is an anagram of his name which might explain things.
I don't who among the sensible who avoid vaccines like the plague he may have met, but I do retain a sense of humour and ridicule the vaccine cultists.
Tom Harwood's father Oliver who I have known is a decent sort of bloke but not that bright. it obviously runs in the family.
I note that an anagram of Tom's name is 'doormat WHO'. Please wipe your feet on him on the way out or in.
As regards Matt Hancock a part anagram of his full 4 names is 'China death havoc monk'. I have written more extensively about this little toad here.
Many thanks for all you do.
Elections and countermeasures have consequences.
This is incredible.
Hang the cunts
#MidazolamMatt #CrimesAgainstHumanity #NeverForget #NeverForgive #NoAmnesty
Personally Im sick and tired of hearing about WWII Germany. I have my doubts about the official narrative of that just as much as I have my doubts of the official narrative of 911, USS Liberty, covid pandemic etc etc etc. I would rather hear about the treatment of Germans after WWII by the allies or how people were treated in communist gulags. Otherwise great video, these people exposed themselves for what they really are, and we should never let that go.
The simple fact is.. NO-ONE.. worldwide.. can produce a sample of this "virus" .. proven not isolated, with a fraudulent genomic sequence created by the cdc..
How do you test for a virus you dont have samples of..? (dont get me started on the polymerase chain reaction test {pcr} which is not designed for diagnosing illness)
Everything falls apart without a virus.. and they dont have one despite millions of alleged "cases"
Case closed.
It was all about "population control" via vaccines.. in other words genocide.. these creatures must pay.!
Absolutely crazy how the population got duped . I wouldn’t mind but everyone knows big pharma is dodgy AF
Don't forget that cunt Gareth Southgate!
don't forget that cunt Gareth Southgate!
Celebrity, the most over-used word in the English language.
I think you mispelt "Expert"..
Though Celebrity comes a close second.. :oD
I actually think they lost there minds with fear and even now they cannot accept they were utterly utterly wrong . They should be ashamed of themselves but you know privilege trumps all of this.
Why is Aseem on there? He changed his mind and is now firmly on the right side. Those words are surely anti jab or did I miss the joke? 🤷♀️🤯
Changed his mind? He supposed to be a freaking doctor for crying out loud. If he wanted to acted with integrity then he would have spoken out in 2020 rather than now when it’s too late. It’s an ridiculous stupid thing to say that the vaccine harms could not be conceived. Of course they could.
You’re presumably unaware that he’s insulted friends of his who chose not to have the vaccine, saying that they had that decision based on “intuition rather than evidence”.
He really is a nasty piece of work.
I think people like Scientist / Dr. Mike Yeadon, and others shamed / frightened types like this into changing sides.. we will see a lot of this.. especially as the death and injury rate continues to rise.. he is a Dr. who should've known better.. he was onboard 'til he realised how many people were awake.. he will be blaming somebody else of course..
I don’t remember him speaking up then but he is most definitely onside now. Surely we should welcome anyone who has seen the light, he cannot just be dismissed as an anti vaxxer like the rest of us so he may yet show others the truth
Yes but we still have to be suspicious because if we could see and sense that all was not well how could any honorable doctor not do the right thing and first do no harm
I think the problem with Aseem is that he is now seen as a hero. I am not sure I see any real humility unlike Mike Yeadon. Those that stood against the Covid nonsense are all heroes in my book, be they great or small.
I do not like people putting Dr. in front of their name be they the Aseems or Mikes of this world, indeed any title other than Mr. in their case. It was entitling people like them in the first place that is partly responsible for us getting into this mess.
The masses relied on so called experts who got it badly wrong.
What an excellent idea! And what an excellent wall.
But, I have a sneaky feeling that there are many more who aren't being named and shamed.
How about the planks who decided to keep boosters going for under-50s until 12 February, after which they'll not be available. There must be an agreement somewhere, signed by Covid itself, that promises not to infect (or worse) those under 50 after that date...
Great stuff, never forget/never forgive but perhaps giving too much weight to slebs inane witterings (but agreed vile individuals who should be forever shunned by ensuring that the only things that matter to them fame/reputation/£ are withheld by us, the ones who didn't fail the international intelligence test)
These need balling out the bunch of idiot fuckwits
There's many more should be on there. No sympathy for any AH that gave us jip. So a few millions then. And can we bring back social distancing because of their shedding! Umm not nice is it
That's fine, well it does touch on some names that are recognizable, but leaves out the major social media players now. The short list, would be Malone, Kirsch, Hodkinson, McCullough, Del Bigtree, Childrens Health Defence, Ryan Cole, Mikcovitz, etc. You add the ones i missed that are talkin virus, n lab leak, n Pcr bullshit.
Then there is jordan peterson, joe rogan, brand, etc .
is that bushy park?
Abi AGWOC'S 2 would be great as there are many many more names to add !!
Gettr have removed it from my profile too🤬🤬🤬
What f*&kin' vaccine, it was a new, not fully tested gene therapy. That vaccine company starting with P admitted they had not tested for transmission, therefore we where locked up under false pretenses
gene therapy with added graphine oxide.. (as an adjuvant) .. as if mercury and aluminium aren't bad enough... how much longer will scientists and doctors keep claiming "no harmful effects" when anyone with ten minutes to spare can discover the exact opposite is true...
When "science" is unscientific.. the promoters of such nonsense should be punished.. they are the snake oil salesmen of our times.
What f*&kin' vaccine, it was a new, not fully tested gene therapy. Pfizer admitted they had not tested for transmutability, therefore we where locked up under false pretences
I can get it to open
Come out the app and try again or use your email to open